Sunny Meadows Care Home


Relative’s address


Dear (name of relative),

Relatives meeting at Sunny Meadows Care Home on (day, month, year) at (time) in (place)

We are holding a meeting for family and friends to discuss our plan to introduce the Namaste Care programme at Sunny Meadows, and we hope you will be able to attend.

We are introducing the Namaste Care programme because we believe that it offers benefits for our residents and will help us to give the best possible care. St Christopher’s Hospice have just completed a study of the Namaste Care programme in five care homes and found that the programme enhanced the quality of life of residents with advanced dementia and was welcomed by care staff and relatives.

‘Namaste’ is the Indian greeting meaning, ‘to honour the spirit within’ and this is the underlying philosophy of the care programme. Namaste Care reaches out to people with dementia who can no longer take an active part in the communal life and activities of the home. Namaste Care uses sensory stimulation, especially touch, and very simple activities, such as hair brushing, to engage and occupy residents in the later stages of dementia.

Not all our residents need Namaste Care and at the meeting we will explain who is most likely to benefit. We will also describe some of the changes in the day to day routine that will be involved in starting the Namaste Care programme. Family and friends are always welcome in the care programme and are encouraged to take part themselves.

We hope you will feel positive about the changes we are proposing, when they have been explained. If you have any worries or concerns I will be very happy to discuss them with you privately.

Yours sincerely,



Care Home Manager