Student’s Name ______
In the 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade you participated in a research project designed to help Dr. Jane Doe from Minnesota State University, Mankato understand children’s and adolescents’ knowledge of colleges and careers. You are now being invited to continue with this project by answering the same research questions about college and career goals.
I want to ask you questions about what you plan to do in the future and your understanding of colleges. This is not a test and there are no wrong answers. No one except the researcher will know how you answer the questions. This form will be kept locked in cabinet separate from your responses at Minnesota State University, Mankato. The questions will take about 20 minutes.
You will not receive anything for answering the questions. Future teachers might use this research to develop accurate and meaningful career program for future classes in your school.
The risks of participating in this study are about the same as in normal daily life.
Your parents have given permission for you to participate in this study again. You do not have to participate in this interview. You may stop participating at any time by saying you don’t want to do it. Not participating or stopping participating will not affect your relationship with Minnesota State University, Mankato. Your parents will not be told if you choose not to participate or stop participating.
If you have concerns about how you or other participants have been treated you may contact your parents, your teacher, or the researcher, Dr. Jane Doe, at 507-389-xxxx.
Signature Date
(Signatures do not have to be obtained on assent forms but you may ask the child to sign if you wish)
Date of MSU IRB approval: