Supp. class Table1 Class level distribution of OTUs detected on PhyloChips
Sr. No. / Classes detected on PhyloChips / Edgemont site† / North Cave Hills site†1. / Acidobacteria / 30, + / 31, +
2. / Acidobacteria-10 / 1 / 1
3. / Acidobacteria-4 / 5, + / 5, +
4. / Acidobacteria-5 / 1 / 1
5. / Acidobacteria-6 / 12, + / 16, +
6. / Actinobacteria / 187, + / 229, +
7. / Alpha proteobacteria / 215, + / 280, +
8. / Anaerobranca / - / 1
9. / Anaerolineae / 8 / 13
10. / Aquificae / 2 / 2
11. / Bacilli / 83 / 124, +
12. / Bacteroidetes / 23 / 26
13. / BD2-10 group / 1 / 3
14. / Beta proteobacteria / 127, + / 148, +
15. / Catabacter / 3 / 6
16. / CH21 cluster / 2 / 3
17. / Chlamydiae / 1 / 1
18. / Chlorobia / 3 / 2
19. / Chloroflexi-3 / 1, + / 2
20. / Chloroflexi-4 / 1 / 2
21. / Clostridia / 127 / 139, +
22. / Cyanobacteria / 18, + / 33
23. / Dehalococcoidetes / 4 / 5
24. / Delta proteobacteria / 78, + / 87, +
25. / Desulfotomaculum / 4 / 4
26. / Dictyoglomi / - / 1
27. / Epsilon proteobacteria / 33 / 37
28. / Flavobacteria / 27 / 30
29. / Gamma proteobacteria / 151 / 227, +
30. / gut clone group / 2 / 2
31. / KSA1 / 1 / 1
32. / mgA-1 / - / 1
33. / mgA-2 / 1 / 1
34. / Mollicutes / 5 / 8
35. / NC10-1 / 2 / 1
36. / NC10-2 / - / 1
37. / Nitrospira / 1, + / 6, +
38. / OP11-5 / 1 / 1
39. / OP9 / 2 / 2
40. / Planctomycetacia / 8 / 11
41. / Solibacteres / 3 / 3, +
42. / Sphingobacteria / 41, + / 54, +
43. / Spirochaetes / 20 / 30
44. / Symbiobacteria / 3 / 2
45. / Thermodesulfobacteria / 1 / 1
46. / Thermomicrobia / 2 / 2
47. / Thermotogae / 1 / 1
48. / TM7-3 / 1 / 3, +
49. / Unclassified / 90 / 109
50. / Verrucomicrobiae / 13, + / 16
A total of 1346 OTUs (only 57 OTUs in clone library) distributed in 46 classes (only 12 classes in clone library) were found at the Edgemont site by PhyloChip. A total of 1715 OTUs (only 85 in clone library) were assigned to 50 classes (only 14 classes in clone library) at the North Cave Hills site by PhyloChip.
-Not detected on PhyloChip
†Value indicates number of OTUs in a class obtained by PhyloChip analysis
+Class that have been retrieved both in clone library and on corresponding PhyloChip