Tennessee Tech University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE1020 – 003, W, 1:25-3:25 PM, BRWN 314, 1 Credit Hour, Fall 2014
Instructor: Dr. Omar Elkeelany, BRWN 332, T: (931) 372-3450,
Office hours: M 1:25-3:25 PM. Other hours available upon request.
Prerequisites: Freshman Standing.
Texts and References:
Required: How to Get Good Grades in College, Linda O’Brien, Woodburn Press, 2012.
Course Description:
Engages the student in academic and non-academic, out-of-classroom activities to facilitate transition into the electrical or computer engineering program. Faculty interaction, peer mentoring, professional student organizations and electronic kit construction.
Course Objectives:
Improve retention of EE and CmpE majors by assisting with the transition from High School to College, providing information on ECE curriculum and careers, demonstrating the use of math and science in ECE, performing ECE laboratory experiments. Required UNIV 1020 topics are also included in the course.
Major Teaching Methods: Class discussions, and assignments.
Topics to Be Covered:
1. What is electrical and computer engineering? …more than just a good job (5%)
2. Transitioning from High School to College (5%)
3. Getting a BSEE or BSCMPE degree at TTU: Pitfalls, Hints, How to graduate! (5%)
4. Visit with the ECE Seniors in their Capstone Design class (5%)
5. Visit with a recently graduated TTU electrical engineer (5%)
6. Visits to TTU ECE research labs (5%)
7. Applications of math and science in ECE (5%)
8. ECE laboratory experiments (5%)
9. Learning to solder and building an electronic project (10%)
10. Participation in IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) activities (10%)
11. Time management techniques (5%)
12. Attend Engineering Orientation Fair (5%)
13. Learn about campus resources: Library, Co-op Program, Counseling Center, Health Services, Financial Aid (10%)
14. Fair use, copyright, plagiarism and ethics (5%)
15. TTU campus emergency plan (5%)
16. Sexual harassment awareness training (5%)
17. Fine Arts and Multicultural event attendance (5%)
Grading and Evaluation Procedures:
Grading Scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 and below
University Plagiarism Policy (Tennessee Tech University Student Handbook – Plagiarism (Academic Regulations)): When you use (for example, quote or even summarize or paraphrase) someone else’s media, words, data, ideas, or other works, you must cite your source. You should be especially careful to avoid plagiarizing Internet sources (for example, e-mail, chat rooms, Web sites, or discussion groups). It does not matter whether you borrow material from print sources, from the Internet, from on-line data bases, or from interviews. Failure to cite your source is plagiarism. Students who plagiarize may receive an “F” or a “0” for the assignment, or an “F" for the course. http://www.tntech.edu/ttustudenthandbook/academic-regulations/
Attendance Policy: It is expected that students will attend all classes. Remember, YOU are paying for this course. Part of the learning is through class discussions, which cannot be made up. It is your responsibility to learn any missed material. You are also expected to be present at the specified class time; tardiness disturbs everyone.
Any additional information the instructor may wish to include:
Class Plan by Weeks or Days: I plan to keep all documents for this course available on our web page http://iweb.tntech.edu/oelkeelany/1020F14/ throughout the semester.
Disability Accommodation: Students with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS). An Accommodation Request (AR) should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course. The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112; phone 372-6119. (Disability Accommodation Policy and Procedures - Tennessee Tech University Faculty Handbook and Student Handbook http://www.tntech.edu/facultyhandbook/diabilityaccom/)