RES PTA Minutes

Sept. 9, 2016

Executive Board Attendees:

Caroline Hunter, Co-President

Jen Simpson, Treasurer

Jackie Dyar, Secretary

Lenore Pranzo, Co-VP Fundraising

Pat Troy, Co-VP Fundraising

Nancy Cavillones, VP Communications - Not Present

Lisa Goldstein, Co-VP Programs

9, 2016 Pilato, Co-VP Programs

Ronna Brier, Co-President - not present

RES Staff Attendees:

Melissa Null , Teacher Representative

Carrie Wessman-Huber - Principal

Chris Basta, Assistant Principal

Coffee with the principal

Dr. Huber presented the new Redding Elementary School logo and shared the creative inspiration and meaning to the school and community.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Basta reported on the smooth transition and operation of the School Dismissal Manager.

Programs Report

Lisa Goldstein:

●  Ice Cream Social and Principal Dunk Tank update.

●  Supplied handout of all current programs on calendar.

●  Science Fair will work more closely with teachers and is seeking parent coordinator.

●  *Volunteer Call for September 21st Staff Breakfast*

●  Laurie Skidell will coordinate 4th Grade CD.

●  One parent mentioned she never received a cd for either of her 2 4th grade students in separate classes last year. UPDATE: Chris Basta looked into this and reported that CD’s were handed out, this seems to be an anomaly and he will pursue it further.

Staff Grant report by Elyse Glenn:

●  Name changed from “Teacher” Grants to more appropriate and inclusive “Staff” Grants.

●  Four person review committee.

●  Request max is $150 for individuals and $200 per person for group requests.

School Lunch Music Program report by Scott Smith:

●  5 events planned.

●  Musician receives lunch and fee, plays for children in cafeteria at lunch time.

●  Musicians needed - contact Scott with ideas.

Community Service update by Gosia Tedawes:

●  Described various food/clothing drives providing for those in need in our community.

Treasurer Report:

Jen Simpson:

●  Budget of $35,530 was presented and approved by all present.

●  Budget binder created consolidating budget spreadsheets and bank statements.

●  Clarification requested by Scott Smith regarding meaning of “Parenting Initiatives” line on budget. An explanation about parenting coach, Leslie Cohen Rubury’s, services and fee was provided followed by a brief discussion about her value to the school and community. Clarification on “Redding Forward” budget designation was also provided to describe the Redding schools’ collaboration on educational movies and other initiatives.

●  Brief description of Burritt Fund, current balance $540. PTA will move funds into account as necessary at Principal’s discretion. Any inquiry to PTA directly will be confidentially transferred to Principal’s office. Principal’s office will notify PTA when more funds are required and PTA will maintain a minimum of $300 in fund.

Fundraising Report:

Lenore Pranzo:

●  125 school supply kits were purchased, roughly 34% of eligible students participated.

●  Fall catalogues distributed and orders will ship directly to home.

●  Fall photo day is at Lonetown Farm with photographer Maria Alexa, sitting fee goes directly to PTA. September 16th. Website and facebook page have link to sign up.

●  LNO tentatively 10/25, requesting newcomer mixer to begin 30 minutes prior to official start time to meet, introductions and mingling.

●  Great Turkey Escape, organized by John McCleary, needs a few volunteers for this low commitment fundraiser.

●  November book fair occurring during fall conference week and will have pirate theme. *Volunteers needed, sign-up through MySchoolAnywhere. School receives 25% of revenue and parent volunteers may bring their children during their shift.* Gosia Tedawas updated the audience.

●  Artisan Fair, December 10th, coordinated by Kate Schwartz and Marion Unangst is growing from last year. Will include kids craft and play stations for a fee while parents shop.

●  January Sweetheart Dance will now be a fundraiser and needs volunteers.

●  Square One and Spiritwear spring only.

●  PTA attendee mentioned that JRMS is doing Fall Spiritwear and a “Parents” Night Out, but no fall catalogue to compete with RES.

●  Free Money update by Selena Melnyk: 2 box top drives - largest class participation wins lunch outside. *Advertise and call parents to designate RES on Amazon Smile.*

Membership and Communications Update:

Trish Periera/Nancy Cavillones:

●  Membership levels on MySchoolAnywhere were described.

●  Explanation of PTA membership and how it funds National PTA, insurance, etc., but does not fund any programs at RES, where funding comes directly from fundraisers and donations.

●  Discussed our RES PTA presence on website and facebook. Currently working to coordinate school and community calendars. Discussed seeking “PTA Corner” column in The Redding Pilot and a presence in the town calendar.

Presidents Report:

Caroline Hunter:

●  Explain and vote on excess fund expenditures - $20,000 total; vote is unanimous in-favor of all proposed ideas…. Please see Caroline’s list under separate cover.

●  Request for suggestions for remaining $11,500 budget surplus.

●  Move to adjourn made and seconded.