Item 3

AT A MEETING OF THE INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGY COMMITTEE of the POLICE AUTHORITY held at the Police Authority office, Westgate Chambers, StapleGardens, Winchester on Friday 13 February2009.


Councillor D. Gillett (Chairman);Councillor A. Collett; Mrs. V. Kingsland; Mr. P. Sanders; Councillor S. D. T. Woodward.

Also present: Deputy Chief Constable S. Cole; Temporary Chief Superintendent P. Ogden (Corporate Services); Mr. S. Vercella (Head of IT & Communication Services); Mr. B. Adams (Senior Finance and Business Manager); Mr. M. Beavis (Data Project Manager) and Mrs. A. Holtby(Chief Executive’s Office).

Members were mindful that, where they believed they had a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting, they should normally at the time of the debate, declare their interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in paragraphs 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Police Authority’s Code of Conduct, consider whether to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed. The declaration should be made at the time of the relevant debate.


No apologies were received.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 October 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising

The Deputy Chief Constable gave Members a verbal update on the recent Joint Hampshire/Thames Valley ICT Governance Board meeting. It was a positive meeting and the collaborative work that the Board is producing has been of interest to other forces, further documents were presented outlining options for more collaborative work with both forces. The joint service desk IT project was on time and within budget. Members requested that the minutes be circulated to the Committee members when available and an update report presented to the next meeting in April.

On Minute 18, the Chairman asked how the Police National Database (PND) would ensure a consistency of data quality. Temporary Chief Superintendent Ogden explained that it would be the responsibility of individual forces to enter accurate data onto the system. Data standards had been issued by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) and the Force were looking at the quality aspect of data in order to link it to the NPIA requirements. Although forces collect data in different ways they would be completing the National Information Sharing Declaration detailing the information they would submit to PND. Hampshire will be submitting information from Records Management System (RMS) once it has been signed off by the Chief Constable on 1 April 2009. Members acknowledged it would be difficult to retrieve historical data for the PND but were informed that it would be relatively easy for Hampshire to retrieve 6 years of data from RMS. As PND progresses more up to date information will be available.

On Minute 19, the Deputy Chief Constable updated Members on the recent bid for funding for hand held devices. The Force had requested 1.7 million for 500 devices but received £670,000 from the NPIA which will supply 300 hand held and car mounted devices. The Force intends to roll out 50 by October and the remaining in March 2010. The Force would face a challenging time if the devices were successful and on going funding was not provided by the NPIA.

The Deputy Chief Constable explained that in time it would be possible for photographs to be sent to existing Airwave handsets and Members expressed interest in a demonstration once this was up and running.


The Committeeconsidered and noted a report of the Chief Constable (item 4 in the Minute Book) on information about national IT projects being managed by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA).

The Head of IT reminded Members that the NPIA website is updated infrequently and contains out of date information, the Force would be revisiting this issue to see how it could obtain more recent data. It was noted that the Collision Reporting System (CRASH) had slipped timescales.


The Committeeconsidered and noted a report of the Chief Constable (item 5 in the Minute Book) on the current projects underway within the Force.

The Deputy Chief Constable introduced the report which had been updated since it was presented to the last Information Management Programme Boardmeeting.

The RMS project was a large piece of work and although it had been given a red rating it was now up and running and the completion date was forecast for mid summer.


The Committeeconsidered and noted a report of the Chief Constable (item 6 in the Minute Book) on the monitoring statements in respect of IT Revenue and Project Budgets for 2008/09.

The Senior Finance and Business Manager introduced the standing report and provided an update on the current situation. As at January 31 2009, the full year projection for the revenue budget is to underspend by £198,000 on the budget of £16.772 million. The full year projection for the project budget is to underspend by £229,000. Members were advised that the Force were requesting a carry forward of £161,000 from the Project budget for the Network Replacement Project, the Security Programme and the Delphi Data Quality Project. Members congratulated the IT department for the savings they had made in the last few years and acknowledged the reduced budget request for 2009/10.

Members sought clarification on the relationship between the Force and ACPO Criminal Records Office (ACRO) which had been set up in May 2006 in response to a perceived gap in the Police Service’s ability to manage criminal records and in particular improve links to biometric data. The Deputy Chief Constable undertook to write to the Chair of the Authority to explain the association with ACRO which now had the assistance of 125 Constabulary staff, and the work that he has tasked Chief Superintendent Hindle with completing.


That it be a RECOMMENDATION to the Full Authority a budget virement of £225,000 from the IT Consultancy budget to the Employee budget to cover overspends on temporary staff.


The Committee considered and noted a report of the Chief Constable (item 7 in the Minute Book) on an update on the IMPACT programme.

Temporary Chief Superintendent Ogden introduced the quarterly report and advised that the IMPACT Group Investment Board had just met to endorse the Full Business Case for the supplier for the PND; this would be disclosed once it had been approved by HM Treasury. The NPIA had recognised that Hampshire Constabulary were well ahead in national data standards. With regard to the PND Business Change Project a draft training strategy paper had been circulated by the NPIA to forces to identify training needs. Temporary Chief Superintendent Ogden discussed the implementation of the requirements of the MoPI code and guidance of which section 7; review, retention and disposal (RRD) was proving a challenging area for the force. Members discussed the PND data profiling work and congratulated the Head of IT and his team for undertaking this work without the need for consultants.


The Committee considered and noted a report of the Chief Constable (item 8 in the Minute Book) on the Strategic IT Delivery Plan.

The Head of IT introduced the report and explained that the IT & Communications Services Department had noted that 70% of the business led projects did not relate to any of the business strategic plans. Work had been done in this area and main work streams had been identified for the next financial year.



That, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from this part of the meeting.



That the confidential minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27 October 2008 were received.


[Councillor Collett left the meeting]


The Committee considered and noted a confidential appendix of the Chief Constable (item 11 in the Minute Book) on the Strategic IT Delivery Plan.

The Head of IT introduced the report and explained the different sections and the colour coded system used.