Personal Learning Reflection

Understanding Myself as a Learner & the Strategies I Can Use for Improvement / The Individual Learner
Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8 / Level 9 / Level 10
I can describe things that affect my learning.
-My understanding of what I need to do
-What I do when I get stuck
-My attention
-Where and with whom I choose to sit
-My attitude / I can give examples of the things that affect our learning as a class.
If the learning environment is loud, it is hard to concentrate
If we are uncomfortable, it is hard to learn
If we don’t have the right equipment, it is difficult to complete learning tasks / I can talk about how positive learning behaviours affect my progress.
Bringing all the equipment I need to class makes sure that I can get my work done and participate
Asking questions helps me understand new things
Rereading instructions checks that I have understood and remembered to do everything
Checking over my work and correcting mistakes makes sure that my work shows my teacher what I understand and reflects my best effort / The choices I make reflect how I learn best.
I move away from distractions, so I can get my work done.
I use check lists/diary/sticky notes to keep me organised
I complete set homework and bring all the equipment I need to class
I follow teacher instructions
I check that I understand by talking about my learning with others
I proofread my work before handing it in and receiving feedback / I can explain what success looks like for me.
I use the assessment rubrics and developmental continuums to understand what I have to do to improve
I can give examples about how I have solved problems on my own / I can plan how to reach my learning goals
I can use my previous work &/or my pre-test to talk about what I know and what I need to learn.
I have spoken with my teacher about my next step of learning and can describe what this looks like.
When I come across problems, I revise my plan and reflect on why the problem occurred / I can make my own learning opportunities in and out of the classroom
I reflect on my class behaviour, study techniques and my learning habits. I make changes that positively impact my learning
I can work independently at home and at school
I check my understanding by reflecting on my learning and talking with others both in person and digitally
I can have a conversation with my teachers about what strategies I will independently use and the steps that I will follow to extend my learning and complete tasks to meet standards.
I can explain how I could use my learning in the work force
Receiving & Using Feedback / I ask my teacher to check my work and talk with me about what I have done well and what I need to do to improve. / I can explain what I can do well and what I will do next time to improve my learning. / I can show how I have used feedback to improve my work. / I can give reasons for the way I presented my work and the strategies that I used.
I can explain why I chose to show particular learning behaviours. / I can talk about the things I have done that have made me be a successful learner
I can give examples showing how I have used ideas from my peers and adults to expand my ideas and the strategies I use to help me learn.
I can refer to assessment criteria and identify things that I need to do in the future that will improve my learning and improve the way I work with others / I can synthesis the feedback information that I have received across subject areas and use this knowledge to help me plan to reach my learning goals / I actively seek feedback from my teachers, peers and other adults.
I use their advice to refine my work and identify areas that I need to continue to investigate.
I can speak about my strengths, interests and weaknesses and use this understanding to map out my future pathways
I refer to assessment criteria to guide my work and to self assess. I can reflect on the way that I have managed my time and plan for future improvement.
Goal Setting / Managing Personal Learning
Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8 / Level 9 / Level 10
With help from my teacher I can list the things that I have done well and the things I need to improve on / I can talk about where I am up to and what I need to do next to successfully complete a task / I can explain what I need to do to meet my next learning goal
I don’t give up when I find something difficult. Instead I ask my friends, teachers, or Classroom Support Staff. / I can explain my long term goal and what I am expected to do each lesson to work towards my goal
I can talk about how the Learning Intention for each class links to my long term goal / I can explain what I need to do to when working individually and when contributing to groups tasks, so our group can successfully complete learning tasks
I keep a log of the resources that I have used. / I can provide my teacher with a plan that includes a series of short term goals that will enable me to achieve my negotiated long term goal / I can discuss my plan to complete tasks with my teacher.
I provide my teachers with progress reports about where I am up to and seek help when I need it.
I formally and accurately record the resources that I have used and make sure that my written work is in my own words.
Organisation & Time Management / I use class time effectively, so I can complete my work to the best of my ability and on time / I take work home for homework that I don’t finish in class / I am able to stick to the timelines set by the teacher
I am on track to complete my work on time.
I complete follow up learning / I can negotiate check ins with my teacher to help me work towards meeting timelines. / I can work out my own timeline so I can complete my work on time.
I plan back wards from the day my work is due
I break big tasks into smaller manageable piece
I use both class time and my own time to finish my work / I work with my teacher to negotiate timelines for completing my work / I can monitor my own learning and negotiate timelines with my peers and teachers.
I can manage my responsibilities out side of school, so I have time to study and complete set work.
My Attitude to Learning / I can manage my feelings, so I interact with others in a positive manner
I follow classroom and school rules
I show a positive attitude towards learning / I can talk about how people’s attitudes affect learning
I can negotiate with class members.
I can give examples of things that can impact on the learning of our class as a whole / I contribute to a positive learning environment by saying encouraging things to others about their learning both in the classroom and in online forums
I can explain the reasons for classroom & group rules / I can negotiate rules with my peers and teachers
I can give examples about how I have made positive contributions to the learning environment of our class / I can talk about how my decisions impact on my learning and the learning of my peers
I can explain what I have done to contribute to the success of the group/class in which I work / I can give examples of how I have held myself accountable for my decisions and actions
I can give examples of when I have accept the consequences of the decisions that I have made
I can discuss how I have done my best to mend relationships with others if I have done something to upset them / I can reflect on how my mood and demeanour can both positively and negatively impact on those around me
I can give examples of times when I have thought about consequences before I have acted
I can talk about my own beliefs and values.
I can talk about the ideas that underpin others’ beliefs and values.
I can describe how conflicts can occur and talk about how I can resolve conflict so my learning is not negatively impacted.