Newsletter No: 17 12th May 2016

Well Done Everyone!

I would like to say a huge well done to everyone for their hard work over the past few weeks as the children prepared for, then took their SATs papers. The children responded to the tests maturely and are a great credit to us all.

Miss Swan

Last month I informed you that Miss Swan had been seconded as the Deputy Headteacher at Rowanfield Infant school for the summer term. She has now been appointed to that role permanently with effect from September. Although we are sad that she will be leaving us, this is a really exciting opportunity for Miss Swan personally and we wish her well on this new phase of her teaching career.

Miss Swan’s departure means that we are currently recruiting a new class teacher to start with us in September.


The percentage attendance figures for April are shown below, with figures for March in brackets:

Mars class 99.2% (94.8%)

Venus class 98.7% (94.9%)

Jupiter class 99.1% (95.6%)

Pluto class 97.4% (88.8%)

Well done to the children in Mars class. They were absolutely delighted when the shield was presented to them. It is also very encouraging to see improved attendance figures across all four classes. Keep up the good work!

As you know, last year we introduced a new weekly challenge in addition to the monthly attendance shield award. The class with the best attendance each week, or any class that achieves 100% attendance in a week, wins 1 point. When a class earns 5 points they get to choose a class treat e.g. a non-school uniform day. Last week saw Mars class win their 5th point and they will be agreeing their treat with Mrs Turl. Jupiter and Venus classes are currently hovering on the edge of a treat with 4 points each and Pluto class have 2 points.

The Governing Body has set the target for attendance at 97%. The current figure for attendance for the whole school, from September to end of April, is 96.8%. Please help us to hit our target by ensuring that your child’s absences are kept to a minimum and are caused by genuine illness which prevents them from being in school. Please remember that requests for holiday in term time can only be approved in exceptional circumstances.

As you are aware, from September 2015 the threshold for children classified as being persistently absent changed from 85% to 90%. Under these new rules, just over 2% of our children are classified as persistently absent from school.

Asthma – inhalers

It is very important that we have an up to date record of all children in school who may, for whatever reason, need to use an inhaler. The grass pollen season is just starting which we know can dramatically increase children’s reliance on their medication. Please inform your child’s class teacher if your child does use an inhaler and ensure that an inhaler is in school at all times for any child who requires one.

Class Photographs

We are still awaiting the class photograph proofs. When they arrive they will be sent home with children.

Year 6 Leavers’ photographs

If you would like to order your child’s Year 6 group photograph, please

send the money into school by Wednesday 18th May. Thank you.

Help in Venus class

As part of our Farm to Fork topic the children have been planting and growing seeds, fruits and vegetables. They would be thrilled if anyone could spare an hour or so in the afternoon to help them with the gardening. If you can, please inform Mrs Palmer in the school office.

A Reminder that term ends on Friday 27th May and that

the children return to school on Monday 6th June.