Peoplesoft 9.2 Upgrade eProcurement

The Peoplesoft Upgrade from version 9.1 to version 9.2 went live 4/11/2016. You will see several changes in the look, layout and navigation of eProcurement. The Peoplesoft 9.2 upgrade has brought several conveniences and functions that will make navigating eProcurement much more user-friendly.

The path to creating a requisition in Campus Connect / DePaul Financial System is: Main Menu>eProcurement>Create Requisition

Click on the link for Multi Line Default (Set Chartfield & Vendor).

Enter the information below:

Requisition Setting (Define Requisition) page – This page enables you to define the information for a new requisition. As you add items to the requisition, they appear in the Shopping Cart along with the cost information.

Defining Requisition Line Default Values - The fields that you enter on this page can be applied to the entire requisition at the line, shipment, or chartfield levels.

Requisition Name (Optional) – Enter a description of the request to help you identify this requisition as it flows through the system. If this field is left blank, the system uses the requisition ID as the name.

Vendor ID – If you know your vendor ID, type it here. If not, select the magnifying glass to access the vendor search page. From here, you can search for valid vendors by vendor number or vendor name.

Under the Name field type in the vendor’s name. Click the Find button.

Vendor - Click on the Vendor ID number to select the vendor. The default location for the vendor appears to the right of the vendor field. Purchase orders will not be created unless the vendor id and vendor location are on the requistion. If you can’t find the vendor you can Suggest a New vendor on the Line Item page.

Vendor Location - View the location of the vendor. The default is based on the value that is defined for the vendor.

Category – Click on the magnifying glass to access the category codes.

For this page you will need to click on the Find button to see all of the different categories. You can search by category or by description (Account Code).

Click on the category you want to use.

Unit of Measure (UOM) – Define the UOM for use on this requisiton. The system will default in EA (Each). Click on the magnifying glass to bring up the list.

Click on the UOM you want to use.

Ship to – Select the standard address to which the order must be delivered.

Attention – Enter the name & room number of the individual who should receive the items or services.

Accounting Defaults – Enter Chartfield information. When done , click the OK button at the bottom of the page.

Special Requests page – Use the Special Request page to create requistions for goods or services.

Description – Enter an item description. Please be specific, providing model or part and any other approprate details.

Quantity – Enter the quantity of items needed.

Price – Enter the price of the item as stated in a vendor catalog or quoted by the vendor.

If you did not enter the following on the Multi Line Default (Set Chartfield & Vendor) page, enter them here. (Unit of Measure, Category & Vendor ID)

Unit of Measure (UOM) – Define the UOM for use on this requisiton. The system will default in EA (Each). Click on the magnifying glass to bring up the list.

Suggest New Vendor - Add new vendor information.

Due Date - The standard date in which the user wants to receive the items.

Part Number – Provide a model or part number.

Make certain all required (*) fields are completed.

Additional Information - Enter any other useful information, such as a quote number here... Check Send to Vendor if this info should be included on the Purchase Order... if unchecked, information will go to the buyer and other approvers with DePaul, but not to the Vendor.

Make certain all required (*) fields are completed... Then click Add to Cart button to complete this line. The item is now displayed in the Shopping Cart and the requisition total is updated accordingly.

You can repeat the steps above as many times as needed. You must click the Add to Cart button after each line. When all lines have been entered, click the Checkout Button to prepare the order for submission.

Checkout Page - From this page, the requestor can review the detail of the requisition, making any necessary modifications prior to budget checking, saving, and submitting the order for approval.

The review/or modify the chartfield information for your line, select the triangle on the left side of that respective line. The line should expand so you can add or update the chartfield information.

Split the cost distribution of a requisition line across multiple chartfields click on the + button.

Update the Distribute By from QTY to AMT.

Update the amount & chartfield information for this line.

At this point, you may also want to consider adding Comments and Attachments. Click on the Add Comments and Attachments button.

Click on Add Attachments.

Click on the Browse Button now.

Select a file to attach to this order.

Click on Open to add the file.

Click on Upload button.

File is added with your name and the date and time. If you need to add another attachment click on the add attachment button again.

To add Standard Comments Click on the link.

Enter “PO” for purchase order comments. Then click on the Magnifying glass under Comment ID.

Scroll down to see all of the standard comments.

Click the check box next to the Standard Comment you want to use. Scroll to the bottom of the page to add it.

Select either Append to Comments or Override Comments. When done, click OK.

Click Send to Vendor if this info should be included on the Purchase Order... if unchecked, information will go to the buyer and other approvers within DePaul, but not to the Vendor. Add Attachments to this order by clicking on the link. When done, click the Ok.

You are now ready to perform a budget check and submit the req... Before the requisition can be submitted, it must pass a budget check. Once chartfield information has been entered for each line, click here to budget check the requisition or save the requisition so you can check budget and submit at another time.

Click Check Budget.

This page tells you that the requisition will be saved (but not submitted) before the budget check. Now click OK.

Valid indicates that the requisition has passed the budget check. You can now Save & Submit your order for review/approval. If the order doesn’t pass budget checking please email with the requisition number.

Save for Later – If you click on Save for Later button, the requisition will save in Open status. So you can work on it later.

Add More Items – If you want to add more lines for this requisition click on the Add More Items button. You will be transferred to the Create Requisition page where you can add another line to this order.

Click on Save & Submit button now.

This page confirms the requisition submission and shows the approval workflow. This requisition must be first approved by a buyer... and then the Compliance Approver. The requisition will become an active order only after all approvals have been processed.