Opening September 2002

·  English Medium Education leading to GCSE Examinations at the end of Form 5 and A levels in Form 7 (aged 18)

·  These Examinations are recognized world wide by all major universities in many countries, including Hong Kong, UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

·  A strong Mandarin Element, with regular Mandarin lessons teaching Reading, Writing (traditional characters), Speaking and Listening skills

·  Small Classes with excellent pupil/teacher ratio

·  All our teachers are expatriate native English or Mandarin Speakers, many with several years experience teaching in an International School setting.

·  Our Campus has the advantage of being already an established Secondary School with extensive facilities already in place

·  Science Laboratories

·  Well Stocked Library with extensive range of both Chinese and English texts

·  Computer Laboratories, and Computer terminals in all classes connected to central web server

·  All our classrooms are equipped with at least two computers

·  Extensive facilities for Physical Education and other extra curricular activities

The School:

Located at 20 Braemar Hill Road, in North Point, close to Bus transport and MTR facilities, the area is mainly residential, enjoying extensive views of the harbour and across to Kowloon and is also surrounded by other international and local schools. The School operates its own school bus transportation, in conjunction with its sister Primary School, which covers many parts of Hong Kong Island.

The new Secondary Section will provide secondary education for all our students currently studying at Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School, 30 Ching Wah Street, North Point, thus providing a ‘through train’ or seamless education for children who join the school at the age of 3, through to the age of 18. Initially there will be just one form entry, but by 2005 we hope to have expanded to 2 form entry, through natural growth from the Primary School. There will also be limited places available for students who are currently studying in other primary schools in Hong Kong, and for students returning to Hong Kong.

Classes are small in size, with no more than 24 students per tutor group, thus ensuring that our students will continue to receive a high-quality education from our highly qualified expatriate staff.

The British National Curriculum forms the basis of our curriculum offered, which has been modified for use in Asia. For the first three years we aim to offer the students a broad based curriculum which will provide them with many opportunities for learning, not just within the confines of the classroom but through a wide variety of practical activities, including Camps and drama productions, concerts etc.

Academic Subjects covered in Forms 1 - 3

There are four core curriculum subjects which are compulsory for the first five years:

1.  English: We shall be using the new Literacy Strategy that is currently being introduced in the UK, and which has been proved at the Primary level to be a very effective way of teaching English to both first and second language learners.

2.  Mandarin: Mandarin Studies will continue teaching the traditional characters, and will continue with reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. This year the Mandarin Teachers will have the advantage of using their own classroom, where smaller groups can be taught, rather than teach classes as a whole. Other curriculum lessons will be taught in Mandarin, including Music and Physical Education, with the possible addition of a computer lesson so the students will gain expertise in use of Chinese Windows and other Chinese Medium software.

3.  Mathematics: This will continue to be taught using textbooks from the U.K., with which the Primary School students are already familiar.

4.  Science: For the first three years the Students will be using a new textbook from the U.K. that combines the elements of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and they will have access to some well-equipped Science Laboratories for their practical studies.

Other Curriculum Subjects that will be taught during these first three years of Secondary Education will be:

·  Information Technology – both as an individual subject in a purpose built computer laboratory, and used by the students as a tool which can be used while studying the other curriculum subjects

·  Humanities – History and Geography

·  Design Technology

·  Home Economics

·  Drama

·  Music – both in English and Mandarin

·  Physical Education – in English and Mandarin

Extra Curricular Activities:

A range of optional, after school activities will be offered each year by many of our teachers, ranging from physical, artistic, and cultural activities. The precise range of activities on offer will vary from year to year, depending upon the skills offered by our teachers.


Students are required to wear the designated uniform of the school, which will be available to buy from the school, or from the school tailor at special times during the term, notified by the school. The International Section has decided to adopt a similar uniform to that worn by the Mandarin Section of the College, but with their own distinctive badge.

School Hours:

School hours will be 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

School Fees:

For the 2002/3 Academic Year annual fees have been fixed at HK$65,000, payable in 10 monthly instalments of $6,500. Payment is made either by cheque, or by autopay, both monthly.

On receipt of a firm offer of a place an additional fee of 2 months fees - $13,000 – is payable in order to secure the place. This fee is returnable when your child leaves, provided your child has completed at least one academic year at the College.

Included in the school fees: All text books


Not included in school fees: transport

