Collegiate 4-H Meeting
December 11, 2008
WSLR 116, 6 p.m.

President Keith Carrell called the meeting of the Collegiate 4-H Club to order. There were 22 members in attendance. Amanda Armstrong led the American Pledge and Michelle Getts led the 4-H Pledge. Julia Wickert gave the treasurer’s report that the club currently has $4,710.34. The secretary’s reportwas accepted as sent out via e-mail. Aaron Birge gave the Ag Council report, stating that the new Ag Council had been elected but that there had not been a meeting since his last report. There will be a hot chocolate social on February the 9th, and it is $25 to set-up a booth for the club. We will discuss this possibility at a later meeting.

Old Business

Aaron gave a slide show of the projects which have been done with Murdock this semester. Ashley Broady, Leslie Byers, Sam Sporleder, and Susan Wagner gave narration. This semester has been full of making cookies, recycled animals, Christmas cards, and forestry projects. The team also showed an example of the folders the children have full of their projects and information. Next semester will most likely be on Fridays from 3:30-4:45. However, this will be confirmed by Aaron at the next meeting.

Aaron gave a report on the Regional conference via a slide show of the events. All went well, and Aaron was elected President Elect for the North Central Region. Congratulations, Aaron. Keith gave an update on the National Conference. The 4-H Foundation is considering helping the club with funding for the National Conference. They will discuss this at their meeting this Friday, and Keith will send out an e-mail to the club with the decision. Keith gave a reminder that early registration for the conference ends on December 19th. Keith also reported that he still has some polos which have yet to be picked-up and paid for with him.

Jerry Webber reported that the Lake County officer training went well. Alicia Keller also said that this event was a success. Jerry sent around several sign-ups for upcoming officer trainings. Please see him if you would like to attend these and are unable to sign-up on the sheets.

New Business

The Officer Training 'Training' will be Thursday, January 22 at 6:30 p.m. in Lilly G-126. Pizza will be provided for this event! Please attend if you plan to participate in any officer trainings. We are looking to have an ice skating social at some point next semester. We will be looking for a date for this activity.

The Indiana 4-H foundation will be having a "Thank the Donors" call-athon and have asked us for volunteers to help. It will be on January 21st, time TBA. There might be free pizza provided. It would be great if we could have several members help with this event, as the foundation has been very helpful to us and continues to support our club. Spring Fest will be April 18-19. Ashley explained that our club does several fundraising activities during this event. A committee of Ashley Broady, Julia Wickert, Nick Deutch, and Kala Nicholson was formed.

Aaron showed the club the Ag Consortium website. It has lots of useful information about leading different sessions and trainings. It also has a place to submit your resume for the viewing of several major agriculture companies. It can be accessed at It was announced that Dr. Jay Akriddge, Interim Dean, College of Agriculture will be speaking at the February 12th meeting.

There was a social after the meeting with food brought by members and making Holiday cards for George Davis Manor.

The next meeting will be the spring semester call-out. It will be Thursday, January 15th at 7 p.m. in Lilly G-126. We will be having a chili cook-off! First place will get $10 towards their end of year banquet meal! So, prep your kitchens and cook-up your best chili recipe! Julia moved to adjourn the meeting, and Susan seconded.