Mint Meadow, Mason County, Washington

List covers plants found around Mint Meadow, on FR 025; around the lower Mt. Ellinor trailhead; and from the upper Mt. Ellinor trailhead on FR 014 up the trail about two miles. WNPS South Sound Chapter, June 1992. List by Ted Thomas. 111 spp.

These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.

Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.

We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.

* Introduced species

Scientific Name Common Name Plant Family

Abies amabilis / Pacific silver fir / Pinaceae
Abies lasiocarpa / Sub-alpine fir / Pinaceae
Acer circinatum / Vine maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millifolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Achlys triphylla / Vanilla leaf / Berberidaceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Adiantum pedatum / Maidenhair fern / Polypodiaceae
Alnus rubra / Red alder / Betulaceae
Alnus sinuata / Sitka alder / Betulaceae
Amelanchier alnifolia / Serviceberry / Rosaceae
Antennaria sp. / Pussytoes / Asteraceae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi / Bearberry / Ericaceae
Asarum caudatum / Wild ginger / Aristolochiaceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Blechnum spicant / Deer fern / Polypodiaceae
Botrychium multifidum / Leathery grape-fern / Ophioglossaceae
Botrychium virginianum / Virginia grape-fern / Ophioglossaceae
Campanula scouleri / Scouler's harebell / Campanulaceae
Carex deweyana / Dewey's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex hendersonii / Henderson's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex obnupta / Slough sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex spectabilis / Showy sedge / Cyperaceae
Cassiope mertensiana / White mountain heather / Ericaceae
Chamaecyparis nookatensis / Alaska cedar / Cupressaceae
Chimaphila menziesii / Little pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Chimaphila umbellata / Pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Circium sp. / Thistle / Asteraceae
Clintonia uniflora / Queen's cup / Liliaceae
Corallorhiza mertensiana / Western coral-root / Orchidaceae
Cornus canadensis / Bunchberry / Cornaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Corylus cornuta / Hazelnut / Betulaceae
Cryptogramma crispa / Parsley fern / Polypodiaceae
Fragaria vesca / Wild strawberry / Rosaceae
Fragaria virginiana / Woods strawberry / Rosaceae
Galium triflorum / Fragrant bedstraw / Rubiaceae
Gaultheria ovatifolia / Slender wintergreen / Ericaceae
Gaultheria shallon / Salal / Ericaceae
Geum macrophyllum / Large-leaved avens / Rosaceae
Goodyera oblongifolia / Rattlesnake-plantain / Orchidaceae
Hemitomes congestum / Gnome-plant / Ericaceae
Hypopites monotropa / Many-flowered indian pipe / Ericaceae
Juniperus communis / Mountain juniper / Cupressaceae
Lactuca muralis* / Wall lettuce / Asteraceae
Lilium columbianum / Tiger lily / Liliaceae
Linnaea borealis / Twinflower / Caprifoliaceae
Listera caurina / Northwestern twayblade / Orchidaceae
Listera cordata / Heart-leaved twayblade / Orchidaceae
Lomatium martindalei / Few-flowered lomatium / Apiaceae
Luetkea pectinata / Partridge foot / Rosaceae
Lupinus sp. / Lupine / Fabaceae
Luzula hitchcockii / Smooth woodrush / Juncaceae
Luzula parviflora / Small-flowered woodrush / Juncaceae
Lycopodium clavatum / Running clubmoss / Lycopodiaceae
Maianthemum dilatatum / False lily-of-the-valley / Liliaceae
Mentha sp. / Mint / Lamiaceae
Menziesia ferruginea / Fool's huckleberry / Ericaceae
Montia siberica / Candyflower / Portulacaceae
Nothochelone nemerosa / Woodland beard-tongue / Scrophulariaceae
Pachistima myrsinites / Mountain box / Celastraceae
Pedicularis racemosa / Sickletop lousewort / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon davidsonii / Davidson's penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Petrophytum hendersonii / Olympic Mountains rockmat / Rosaceae
Phlox diffusa / Spreading phlox / Polemoniaceae
Phyllodoce empetriformis / Red mountain heather / Ericaceae
Pinus monticola / Western white pine / Pinaceae
Plantago lanceolata* / English plantain / Plantaginaceae
Poa pratensis* / Kentucky bluegrass / Poaceae
Polypodium hesperium / Polypody / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum lonchitis / Holly fern / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum munitum / Sword fern / Polypodiaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Pteridium aquilinum / Bracken / Polypodiaceae
Pyrola asarifolia / Pink wintergreen / Ericaceae
Pyrola secunda / One-sided wintergreen / Ericaceae
Pyrus fusca / Crabapple / Rosaceae
Rhamnus purshiana / Cascara / Rhamnaceae
Rhododendron albiflorum / White rhododendron / Ericaceae
Rhododendron macrophyllum / Western rhododendron / Ericaceae
Ribes howellii / Maple-leaf currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes sanguinium / Red-flowered currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa gymnocarpa / Baldhip rose / Rosaceae
Rubus lasiococcus / Dwarf bramble / Rosaceae
Rubus parviflorus / Thimbleberry / Rosaceae
Rubus ursinus / Wild blackberry / Rosaceae
Rumex acetocella* / Sheep sorrel / Polygonaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Saxifraga ferruginea / Rusty saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Smilacina stellata / Star-flowered Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Sorbus sitchensis / Sitka mountain-ash / Rosaceae
Streptopus roseus / Rosy twisted-stalk / Liliaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Dandelion / Asteraceae
Thuja plicata / Western red cedar / Cupressaceae
Trientalis latifolia / Broadleaved starflower / Primulaceae
Trillium ovatum / White trillium / Liliaceae
Tsuga heterophylla / Western hemlock / Pinaceae
Tsuga mertensiana / Mountain hemlock / Pinaceae
Vaccinium alaskense / Alaska blueberry / Ericaceae
Vaccinium deliciosum / Cascade huckleberry / Ericaceae
Vaccinium membranaceum / Mountain huckleberry / Ericaceae
Vaccinium parvifolium / Red huckleberry / Ericaceae
Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian / Valerianaceae
Veratrum viride / Green false hellebore / Liliaceae
Veronica serpyllifolia / Thyme-leaf speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica sp. / Speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Vicia sativa* / Common vetch / Fabaceae
Viola adunca / Early blue violet / Violaceae
Viola sempervirens / Evergreen violet / Violaceae
Xerophyllum tenax / Beargrass / Liliaceae

Mint Meadows, Mason County, Washington

Plant Lists. WNPS Membership

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