Region 19 Meeting Minutes, Not Approved

Thursday, March 3, 2016

  1. Call to Order at 5:30 pm

Tracy Diestelmeier River Ridge Region Chair

Kelly Everding Freeport Vice-chair

Becky Roethe Eastland Region Secretary

CaristKoehl Freeport Region Treasurer

Cathy Eberle Orangeville

Jack Stone Prophetstown

Rick Wilkin Bureau Valley

Susan Nicholas Lena-Winslow

Deb Manninen West Carroll

Tiffany Kleckler Freeport

SueAnn Bamberg Eastland

Jen Laity River Ridge

Marilyn Meiners RRV-Retired

Scott RudeUniServ Director

Kathy Griffin IEA Vice President

  1. Secretary’s Report—as posted on Region 19 Website; motion to approve minutes as presented made by Deb Manninen; seconded by Rick Wilkin; motion passed.
  1. Treasurer’s Report; motion to approve report as presented by Rick Wilkin; second by Kelly Everding.
  1. Local Reports
  2. Bureau Valley: working on 2016-2017 calendar.
  3. Eastland: hired new elementary principal; several teachers planning to attend “Paper Tigers” viewing in Rockford.
  4. Freeport EA: posting for assistant middle school principal and two elementary school principals; purchasing “Paper Tigers”, reorganizing literacy coaches; preparing for PARCC
  5. Lena-Winslow TA: read across America celebrations.
  6. Orangeville: bargaining team has met; new JH science teacher; preparing for PARCC.
  7. Prophetstown-L-T: superintendent retired; appointed interim JH principal as interim superintendent;
  8. River Ridge: beginning bargaining.
  9. West Carroll EA: preparing for PARCC
  1. Retired Report: RRV IEA Retired met on Feb. 11 at 4PM at the IEA Office Jim Duffy provided a legislative update that covered current state issues, NEA’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and Rep. Mike Smiddy house seat. The program was provided by the Executive Director of the Illinois Labor History Society. Illinois is the most important labor state in the country - going back to the fight for an 8 hour day in 1886. Check out their website for a wide range of information including a curriculum with lesson plans and handouts. They are also planning a July training in LaSalle, IL for teachers.

March 31 - Exec. Comm. Mtg.

April 28 – RRV IEA Retired will meet at That Place on Palmyra in Dixon for lunch and then tour the Nachusa Grasslands

  1. GPA Report: working on meet and greet with Bivins and Stewart; haven’t heard from any region chairs to hold a listening session; vote in the primary on March 15.
  1. UD Report: work with Prophetstown, Freeport Transportation,
  1. Susan Nicholas Report: NEA National Leadership Summit, February 26-28, 2016, Dallas TX
  1. Go to to access info on candidates in your area; support Hillary Clinton
  1. Region 19 locals please update your bylaws, using the sample online, and submit it to Region Chair for review.
  1. Ballots from the Elections, Wednesday, March 23, for the 2016 NEA Representative Assembly, which is July 2-7, 2016, in Washington D.C. need to be returned to the Sterling Office by Tuesday, March 29, 2016 for the tally on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 4:00 pm.
  2. Committee of 3 to count tally: Rick Wilkin, Deb Manninen, Tracy Diestelmeier
  1. Upcoming Events:
  2. National Resource Center for Paraeducators Conference, April 1-3, 2016, at DoubleTree by Hilton, Chicago-Oak Brook, Illinois; call 435-797-7272 or visit
  3. NEA Higher Ed Leadership Conference, April 1-3, 2016, in San Diego, CA
  4. Next Region Council Meeting is Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm at the Home of Kelly & Paul Everding followed by IEA-RA Delegate Briefing 6:30 pm
  5. NEA Black Issues Conference, April 14-16, 2016, in Kansas City, MO
  6. IEA RA—April 14-16, 2016 to be held in Rosemont, Hyatt Regency O’Hare at $176.28—includes tax, $17 daily self-parking;
  7. Registration Schedule:
    Wednesday, April 13 – 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
    Thursday, April 14 – 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (or one-half hour after close of business)
  8. Region 19 2016 IEA RA Delegates: Cheri Crawford, Jennifer Heilman, Tiffany Kleckler, CaristKoehl, Deb Manninen, Jim Robinson, Sue Ann Bamberg, Cathy Eberle, Rebecca Roethe, John Stone, Jennie Laity, Richard Wilkin, Renee Coleman, R19 Chair Tracy Diestelmeier, R19 V-Chair Kelly Everding, Alternate: Freeport - Jennifer Slaght
  9. Basket for IEA-RA?, previously Scholarship Committee, now for IEA Foundation, includes SCORE grant funding and other member incentives—we donated $500 to SCORE in our 2015-16 budget

Give Kelly Everding your contribution for a basket from “Eats & Sweets” from Freeport.

  1. Region Meals? / Reimbursement Allowance? See form/ mileage =$.54/mile, plus additional $.04/mile/passenger for taking an extra passenger
  2. Reimbursement: amount? First half paid in advance?
  1. NEA Hispanic Issues Conference, June 16-20, 2016, in Fort Lee, NJ
  2. NEA RA—2016 in DC, Room rate $195 single or double occupancy @ Washington Hilton, DC; IEA night at the NEA Headquarters
  3. Summer Leadership Academy, July 26-29, 2016 at ISU Bloomington-Normal
  4. IEA Professional Development Conference, December 2-3, Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
  5. 2017 IEA-RA, Sheraton-Chicago
  1. Adjournment at 6:22 pm by Jack Stone; seconded by Kelly Everding; motion passed.