
Who and Why? Masters in Accounting was created by Joanna and Mark Macaluso in June 2010. Joanna, a former state auditor and now full-time mother of two, decided to create Masters in Accounting because despite the fact that you can find almost anything online, there were to-date no reliable nonprofit websites devoted to presenting prospective students with an understanding of what a masters in accounting program entails, which schools offer the degree, what differences exist between various masters in accounting programs and sub-specialities, etc. Contact Feedback is always welcomed. While I generally try not to give advice about specific schools and programs in an attempt to remain unbiased, I will be happy to answer questions relating to other aspects of the degree, career options, etc. So please don’t hesitate to email me at: info #at# mastersinaccounting #dot# net.


Blogs Related Generally To International Tax Policy

International Tax Policy Blogs
1.http://www.accaglobal.com/ ACCA is the international association for professional accountants. Their blog focuses on issues related to tax policy around the world. / 会計士の世界的な協会で、会計士の専門家としての地位に向上に努めている。
2. http://intltax.typepad.com/
International Tax Blog Andrew Mitchel, an international tax attorney, writes this thoughtful blog about issues regarding international tax law.
This blog offers commentary on current developments and scholarship in the field of international economic law and policy. It was started in January 2006 by Joel Trachtman and WorldTradeLaw.net, and is managed by WorldTradeLaw.net.
4.http://blog-pfm.imf.org/# Public Financial Management Blog The Public Financial Management Blog of the International Monetary Fund is written in the hope that they may help IMF member countries improve financial outcomes through better budgeting, accounting, and related activities.
5.http://faculty.law.wayne.edu/tad/index.html Taxation and Development Issues For Developing Countries The contributors of this blog have many impressive credentials, and they all have opinions on the way that developing countries should create a tax policy.
Canadian Tax Blogs / カナダの税のブログ
6.http://blog.taxresource.ca/ Canadian Tax Resource “Tax Guy” offers his expert opinion on everything related to Canadian tax law.
7.http://www.taxes.ca/blog/ Taxes.ca Blog Canadian tax professionals blog about Canadian tax law and policies at this excellent website.
イギリスの税のブログ / イギリスの税のブログ
8.http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/ Tax Research UK Richard Murphy, a leading UK accountant, blogs about the need for transparency in business operations and the need for “tax justice” worldwide.
European Commission Taxation and Customs Union Tax policy followers will find this page fascinating, as you can read tax policy for the European Union, as well as enforcement actions from the Commission on member states.
10.http://www.adamsmith.org/blog/ Adam Smith Institute The Adam Smith Institute is a leading policy institute in the U.K. that espouses a libertarian philosophy and supports legislation to reduce taxes.
11.http://robinhoodtax.org.au/ The Robin Hood Tax The Robin Hood Tax is a proposed tax by social activists in Australia, Germany, the UK, the US, Canada, Belgium, and France. It would tax speculative investment such as hedge funds and other high-risk financial products.
12.http://taxjustice.blogspot.com/ Tax Justice Network The Tax Justice Network wishes to raise awareness of the harmful results of avoiding your taxes and of sheltering your money in “tax havens.”
13.http://internationaltax1.blogspot.com/ International Tax This blog, written in Spanish, is by Salvador Trinxet, a professor, international tax specialist, and attorney.
14.http://www.taxation.co.uk/taxation/allblogs Taxation The Taxation blog is from the UK’s TAXATION magazine, a publication that covers all aspects of UK tax policy, legal matters, and practical tips.
15.http://www.touchstoneblog.org.uk/ ToUChstone Blog The UK’s Trades Union Congress, a leftist organization, writes this blog about their recommended public policies.
16.http://taxfix.co.uk/blog/ Tax Return Blog This UK Tax blog covers topics such as the personal tax allowance and scams to watch out for.
17.http://big4.etaxjobs.com/ Big 4 Tax Blog This UK-based blog comments on news at the Big 4 tax firms (Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and KPMG.)
Asian, Australian, and Pacific Island Tax Policy Blogs / アジア太平洋諸国
18.http://books-talk-cnv.blogspot.com/ 100 Ways to Save Tax in Malaysia 100 Ways To save Tax in Malaysia is an incisive look at Malaysian tax policy for property investors.英文の本の紹介 / マレーシアでの英文の本の紹介
19.http://pinoytaxation.com/ Pinoy Taxation Learn everything you ever wanted to know about taxation and tax policy in the Philippines. / フィリピンでの会計ソフト等
20.http://chinataxinsights.com/ China Tax Insights Matthew is a tax attorney based in Australia who specializes in doing business in China and negotiating Chinese and Australian tax issues. / 中国での税の相談
21.http://accounting-financial-tax.com/ Accounting-financial-tax.com Putra, an experienced financial professional, shares insight about accountancy and taxes on his blog.
22.http://www.taxblog.co.nz/ TaxBlog (New Zealand) TaxBlog is the first tax and accounting blog written by and for New Zealanders.
23.http://site-press.com/irs/ The IRS Tax Relief Blog This interesting blog has tax information from around the world. / 胡散臭いサイトにつき、要注意スポンサーアダルト?
24.http://www.atax.unsw.edu.au/ejtr/ eJournal of Tax Research This scientific e-journal publishes scholarly articles about taxation issues in Australia and around the world.
Indian Tax Blogs / インドの税のブログ
25.Raj Kapadia’s Indian Tax Blog Raj Kapadia of Mumbai has been blogging about various aspects of the Indian tax system since 2004
26.Talking Tax Indian tax consultant Lubna Kably blogs about the tax policies of her country, aided by her “alter ego,” Zenobia Aunty.
27.All Indian Taxes All Indian Taxes is a blog with many resources to help Indian citizens better understand national tax policy.
28.http://taxguru.in/ Tax Guru India’s popular Tax Guru shares many detailed resources about the tax system in India
29.http://www.etaxindia.org/ eTaxIndia eTaxIndia aims to be the #1 resource for Indian tax information on the Web, and with so many timely articles on complex topics, they have to be at least in the top five.
30. Indirect Tax Madhukar Hiregange writes about the implementation of Value Added Taxes and other indirect forms of taxation in India.
31. Tax Tips Guide ETaxTips provides tax resources for Indian citizens.
32. taxworry.com Taxworry.com is a blog that discusses Indian tax policy and tax regulations.
Tax Policy Blogs By American Professors(米国の学者のブログ) / 米国の学者のブログ
33.Progressive Christianity & the Law Claudine Pease-Wingenter, a Phoenix School of Law professor, explores the relationship between “progressive Christianity” and tax law.
34.Greg Mankiw Blog Greg Mankiw, an economics professor at Harvard University, covers American economic policy, including tax policy, here.
35.Mauled Again James E. Maule, a tax law professor at Villanova, blogs about United States tax law topics here.
36.TaxProf Blog Paul L. Caron, a leading tax authority and professor of law at the Univ. of Cincinnati College of Law, offers his opinions about American tax law. It takes the honor as the most popular blog edited by one law professor.
37.21stcenturytaxation.blogspot.com Professor Annette Nellen is the director of the Taxation master’s program at San Jose State. Her tax blog gets over 900 hits a month. / 面白そう
38.A Taxing Matter Professor Linda M. Beale writes this incredibly well-researched blog examining U.S. tax policy from a progressivist’s perspective.
39.Chicago Booth: Fault Lines Raghu Rajan is a professor of finance at the Univ. of Chicago School of Business. His recent book, Fault Lines attempts to discover the true cause behind the economic crisis.
40.Understanding Tax Theodore Seto, a professor of tax law at Loyola Law in Los Angeles, writes this informative blog about the current state of American tax policies. / 経済状況の分析で、年1回程度のアーカイブ
“Think Tank” Tax Policy Blogs=税制のシンクタンク / シンクタンク
41.Tax Policy Center A blog of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, the Tax Policy Center blog is considered a top resource for U.S. tax policy discussion.
42.Amy Ridenour’s National Center Blog Amy Ridenour of the National Center for Public Policy Research writes this conservative-leaning blog that focuses on economic policy, current events, and other political news.
43.Up Front: The Brookings Institution Blog The Brookings Institution is a leading Washington think tank that provides daily commentary on issue such as the economy and tax policy on its blog.
44.Cato Institute The Cato Institute is an organization that supports the U.S. Constitution, especially when it comes to individual liberties, foreign policy, and free markets.
45.Center For American Progress The Center For American Progress is a liberal organization that seeks to improve America through progressive ideas.
46.Market Center Blog The Center For Freedom and Prosperity’s libertarian-leaning blog about the negative effects of over-taxation.
47.Off The Charts: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan, nonprofit policy institute, or think tank. They focus on fiscal policies that affect Americans with a low to moderate income.
48.The Foundry: Heritage Foundation News Blog The Heritage Foundation’s writers discuss developments in conservative public policy, including tax policy.
49.The Tax Foundation Tax Policy Blog The Tax Foundation blogs about the impact that onerous state and federal government tax policies have on the average American.
50.Freedom Pub This blog of the Heartland Institute provides a voice for people who believe in free-market solutions to economic crises. Tax policy is just one of the topics covered.
State and Local Tax Policy Blogs(全ての州ではない) / 州税制等
51.Texas State and Local Tax Law Blog Alan E. Sherman, a Texas attorney, writes this blog to help people navigate the confusing world of Texas state and local taxes. Since Texas has no income tax, they make up the difference with a lot of other taxes. / テキサス
52.Decatur Tax Blog Decatur, GA provides this blog as a community service so the local taxpayers can read about national tax news that affects them. / ジョージア州デカタール市
53.New Jersey Estate Planning and Elder Law Blog Deirdre R. Wheatley-Liss, Esq. writes this informative blog for anyone interested in New Jersey estate tax policy. / ニュージャージ―州
54.California Tax Attorney Blog Mitchell A. Port publishes this informative blog about California tax law. / カリフォルニア州
55.Property Tax In Florida Sherri L. Johnson, of the law firm of Dent & Johnson, specializes in property tax litigation. Her blog is full of Florida property tax information for anyone who needs it. / フロリダ州の資産税
56.NJ Tax Revolution The NJ Tax Revolution blog is written by a group of people who believe that New Jersey is taxing and spending too much.
57.Stateline.org Stateline.org presents the very latest in state politics and tax policy on this news page. / 最近の州税の動き
Helping American Taxpayers Make Sense Of Policy / アメリカの税制を理解させるためのブログ
58.Taxgirl “Taxgirl” is an experienced Philadelphia tax attorney who offers witty commentary on the tax news of the day.
59.salestax.wordpress.com A sales tax expert blogs about sales tax rules around the United States. / 州の売上税のブログ
60.Your Federal Tax Guide A well-written resource featuring tax information for American citizens.
61.Aviation tax and legal information Advocate Consulting specializes in helping individuals navigate the confusing world of aviation taxes. / 飛行機のオーナーのための税のブログ?
62.salestaxbuzz.org Avalare, a company that helps businesses manage their sales taxes, writes the Sales Tax Buzz blog. / 州売上税のブログ
63.rubinontax.blogspot.com Charles Rubin, a Florida Bar-certified tax lawyer in Boca Raton, writes this blog addressing various income tax topics. / フロリダの弁護士のブログ
64.Tick Marks Dan Meyer from Tennessee blogs about taxes and accounting on his well-written blog.
65.File Your Taxes Now FileYourTaxesNow.com educates the American public on tax policy changes that affect them.
66.IRS Tax News Get the latest in tax news from the IRS news feed on this blog. / 最終ブログ2007年
67.Federal Tax Crimes Jack Townsend, a Houston tax lawyer, posts news and commentary about federal tax crime on his blog. / 租税の犯罪の弁護士のブログ
68.Don’t Mess With Taxes Kay Bell, a Texas journalist and tax author, provides tax viewpoints, tips, and resources on her popular blog.
69.The Conscience Of A Liberal Paul Krugman of the New York Times blogs about economic and tax policy from a liberal perspective.
70.Tax Lawyer’s Blog Peter Pappas is a Central Florida tax attorney who shares original insights about American tax law and ways that people can legally minimize their tax obligations.
71.http://www.realtaxpolicy.com/ Real Tax Policy Real Tax Policy covers federal tax issues fro our nation’s capital.
72.http://wanderingtaxpro.blogspot.com/ THE WANDERING TAX PRO Robert D. Flach shares wisdom and insights gleaned from his 38 years in the tax preparation industry.
73.http://www.smarttaxpr.com/ SmartTax SmartTax’s blog is designed to provide the public with good information that will help them make wise financial decisions.
74.http://taxlifeboat.wordpress.com/ Tax Lifeboat Tax Lifeboat gives taxpayers some solid strategies for working out tax problems.
75.http://www.taxprecision.com/ Tax Precision Tax Precision is less a tax blog than a forum, but it provides a great opportunity for tax pros from around the world to discuss tax policy. / 国際課税の専門家のサイト
76. blog.fasttaxreturnsonline.com Tax Prep Rally is a blog designed to help the “regular people” do their taxes. / 2009年以降なし
77.http://www.tax.com/taxcom/taxblog.nsf/Pages/About?OpenDocument Tax.com Tax.com was designed to help the average American taxpayer make sense of the tax system through well-researched articles and opinion posts / 公開資料による納税者支援サイト
78.http://taxhavenreport.wordpress.com/ The Tax Haven Report The “Tax Haven Report” promises to give you the information you need to avoid paying as many taxes as humanly possible by setting up offshore bank accounts. / 2009年以降なし
79.http://thesavvypress.com/taxsavvy/ Tax Savvy The bloggers at The Prudent Purse share news and opinions about the tax policies that affect Americans. / 2010年7月以降なし
80.http://www.fairtaxblog.com/ The Fair Tax Blog The Fair Tax Blog aims to persuade the American public that the hidden costs of the current federal tax system are too high. Their solution is a different kind of tax that isn’t taken out of paychecks but is more like a national sales tax. / 消費税の支持団体?
81.http://mhs.typepad.com/threepointfive-45/ Future Of The Federal Estate Tax The federal estate tax is currently undergoing many changes and this blog promises to keep everyone updated. / 遺産税の改正に注目
82.http://economy.nationaljournal.com/ National Journal Online The National Journal Online offers expert analysis on U.S. economic issues, including tax policy. / 政治の監視、女性向け
83.http://www.taxsaveronline.com/blog/ Home Business Tax Savings This blog discusses United States monetary policy and tax laws in way designed to help the average citizen save on taxes. / 反税団体?
84.http://www.taxlitigation.net/ Tax Law Blog | IRS Tax Attorneys This blog is dedicated to United States tax policies that affect the business and individual taxpayer. / 情報は少ない
. Economists For Obama This blog is written by economists who think that Obama is doing a good job of creating economic policy. It has not been updated since February 2009, however. / 2008年大統領選挙のさいと?
86.http://federal-taxes.blogspot.com/ File Federal Taxes Online This helpful blog is full of great tax advice. / 2007年が最後?
https://www.ntcgtax.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16&Itemid=58 National Tax Credit Group This interesting site is maintained by a company who provides tax credit administration services for many state and local entities. / 還付申請のお助け隊LLC?
88.http://www.carbontax.org/ Carbon Tax Center This is a blog by people who believe that the United States should have a national carbon tax / 炭素税支持団体
89.http://taxobserved.blogspot.com/ Taxes Observed This thoughtful blog takes a look at current news and events in United States tax policy as well as offers tips for filing correctly. / 確定申告お助け隊
90. Tax Rascal Tax Rascal treats American tax policy with razor-sharp wit and insightful analysis. / 2011年5月最後

84. Tax Solace Tax Solace is a blog that is focused on the resolution of tax problems(現在なし).(現在削除) 92. co2 Tax This blog brings together news and articles about environmental taxes from across the Web.(現在削除)100. Tax Deduction True to its name, this blog features information about the many different kinds of tax deductions that Americans can claim on their federal tax returns.(現在削除)