Each assessment MUST BE PASSED in order to proceed with the course.

All candidates must adhere to these deadlines, unless noted otherwise.

Performing Option For candidates who perform on both instruments to a visiting assessor

Composing Option For candidates who present a portfolio of original work


w/b 19th September 2016 i. Performance Unit assessment on both instruments

All candidates must complete and perform ONE piece on each instrument, and evaluate their performance.

This will be recorded as evidence of this outcome.

w/b 3rd October 2016 ii. Analytical report 1 by all candidates

w/b 7th November 2016 iii. Understanding Music assessment

All candidates will be assessed through a one-hour written paper

that will cover a variety of concepts from the CfE concept list.

This will consist of multiple choice, literacy and ‘open’ questions.

w/b 5th December 2016 iv. Analytical report 2 by all candidates

w/b 12th December 2016 v. Composing Unit assessment

All candidates must provide a minimum of one section of the final invention completed and recorded, with an evaluation and record of processes used, or evidence of various smaller inventing tasks using compositional techniques. Candidates may pass the composing unit at this stage if they present enough conceptual and reflective evidence.


w/b 16th January 2017 i. Understanding Music PRELIM

All candidates will be assessed through a one-hour written paper

that will cover a variety of concepts from the CfE concept list.

This will consist of multiple choice, literacy and ‘open’ questions.

w/b 23rd January 2017 ii. Performance PRELIM on both instruments

* (for candidates presenting on the performance option)

Candidates must complete and perform approx. 10 minutes of the final 18-minute programme and evaluate their performance.

This will be recorded as evidence of this outcome.


w/b 6th February 2016 iii. Composing folio PRELIM

* (for candidates presenting on the composing option)

Candidates must provide evidence of a completed composition(s) of 8 minutes in duration, ensuring that they have used appropriate compositional techniques.

Candidates must provide a log/diary and record of the processes used,

and evaluations of their work.

w/b 20th February 2017 iv. First draft of analysis task by all candidates

w/b 20th March 2017 v. FINAL performance unit assessment

* (for candidates presenting on the composing option)

Candidates must complete and perform a minimum of two contrasting pieces or sections of music on both instruments. This will be recorded during class-time and candidates must provide an evaluation of this.

w/b 20th March 2017 vi. FINAL ANALYSIS TASK COMPLETED Pass/Fail

Wednesday 22nd March 2017 vii. ‘SPRING FLING’ CONCERT

Some candidates may be expected to perform on one of their instruments

at this concert.

w/b 27th March 2017 viii. FINAL COMPOSITION UNIT Pass/Fail

Candidates must complete their final composition/arrangement, or evidence of various inventing tasks, and provide written evidence of the processes used and a final evaluation of their composition(s). This is the final deadline for those who have not submitted enough evidence to pass the composing unit in December.


w/b 17th April 2017 i. FINAL COMPOSITION FOLIO (60%)

* (for candidates presenting on the composing option)

Candidates must provide evidence of their completed composition(s) of 12 minutes in duration, ensuring that they have used appropriate compositional techniques.

Candidates must provide a log/diary and record of the processes used,

and evaluations of their work.

This is an external folio and will be assessed by the S.Q.A.

w/b 17th April 2017 ii. Understanding Music Assessment

This paper will cover all concepts from the NQ concept table.


* (for candidates presenting on the performance option)

Candidates must perform a programme of 18 - 20 minutes of pieces between both instruments.

This is an external exam, assessed by a visiting examiner.


2.30 – 3.45pm (approx.) All candidates will be assessed through a written paper that will cover a variety of concepts from the CfE concept list.

This will consist of multiple choice, literacy and ‘open’ questions.