Sent:Tuesday, 28 February 2017 6:14 PM
To:DET Regulation Review
Subject:Review Panel - Victorian Education Department
Dear Review Panel,
It is with great concern that I submit my response to the proposed increase of regulations over the homeschool community by the Victorian Department of Education.
As a mother of six, and a successful homeschooler of twenty years, I question the right of a government body to 'approve' a parent's right to homeschool their child.
Homeschooling is an academically, emotionally and practically superior option for many children, from the gifted to the struggling. In my years of parenting I could always tell homeschooled children without even being told that they were homeschooled.They were nearly always clear eyed, friendly, intelligent, interesting, articulate, honest, forthright and confident.I rarely, if ever, saw a schooled child who was so free of inhibition, so creative and so delightful.
If our education system was functioning at high levels, literacy rates, educational outcomes and psychological health was being well documented as a clear outcome of current methods then maybe the Education Department would have some right to regulate those who are choosing homeschooling as a viable option.
As it stands currently, homeschoolers are excelling socially and academically, unless of course, the Education Department's view of social development is based in progressive liberalism. In that case, education and well-being isn't the answer that is sought, but rather social indoctrination and subversion is. That then moves this discussion to a battle of world-views and values.
The desire of homeschooling parents is to provide a rich, safe and value driven environment for their precious children. To legislatively pressure parents and even threaten their liberty to homeschool sounds frighteningly coersive and does not encourage the freedom we in the western world would expect under a conservative, Judeo-Christian, constitutional monarchy.
My children have all entered school in the later years of highschool - missing grades because they were significantly advanced, tutoring other children, relating positively with teachers and peers, alike. And they have gone on to be capable, solid members of the community with strong academic skills.
I am horrified that the Australian government would suggest that having the freedom to homeschool however chosen by the loving parent, curtailed could be of benefit to our country. Even natural learners who do limited academic work far surpass the outcomes of the current Education System's model.
My following suggestions are to the Victorian Education Department.
Instead of further regulating homeschoolers, I suggest they turn their focus onto employing some intelligent conservatives who actually care deeply about our upcoming generations' mental, academic and social wellbeing.
I suggest that the Education Department employ more people who understand not only the value of, but have the ability to build good character and common decency into our youth; teachers who understand about justice, discipline and true education.
The Education Department would benefit greatly by employing educators who aren't interested in indoctrinating our children with frightening and radical, progressive, social experiments.
I would like to see a change in the Education Department's currentculture ofbullying anyone who holds a different view from themselves.
I'd be looking for educators that are excited about learning and exploring - using less testing, more essay writing and constant opportunity for vibrant discovery.
I'd be looking to eliminate some of the red-tape teachers have to abide by - and I certainly dispute the concept of adding red-tape to the successful homeschool model.
And I'd be looking for teachers who love logic, who encourage clear, strong debate with no personal insults.
The search for truth is the basis for all progress - and yet in Australia we been on the receiving end of the progressive, liberal lie that there is no absolute truth. Clearly, it's not working and our kids are suffering - mental health and crime related issues clearly indicate this. Furthermore, teaching kids that 'it's all about them and their rights' has been fundamentally damaging to them.
I believe the Education Department would do well to enquire of the homeschool community about how they have so magnificently succeeded. Find out what they have been doing, why they have been doing it, and how they have been doing it... then take that working model and apply it to their struggling model instead of trying to drag the homeschool community down into the fray of progressive liberalism that is not working.
Please leave the homeschoolers to do what they are doing because they are doing it beautifully.
Don't pressure them and force them into the non-working methods of public education.
Encourage the Victorian community to think outside the box and be free as they access all the amazing resources available to us in this age of information.
If school was working, parents wouldn't be taking their kids out to homeschool them. For goodness sake, don't regulate them and pressure them. Let them enjoy their kids and the homeschool years. They don't last long.
Kind regards,