KCAA Relay Championships – Entry Information


Each team member must individually be eligible to enter a KCAA Championship. This qualification is by birth, continuous association, as per UKA rule 21 S6, or by residence. To qualify by residence an athlete must have lived within the Kent County Boundary or relevant London Post Code Area, continuously, for at least nine months prior to the event. Please see the bottom of the Track & Field page of the KCAA website for more information.

Where an athlete is a member of a first claim club which is not competing in the KCAA Relay Championships; they may compete for their 2nd claim club if that club is affiliated to KCAA and is competing. In which case UKA Rule 21 S5 applies and the athlete must:

(a) Obtain permission to the entry secretary, from their first claim club, prior to the close of entries for the Relay Championships

(b) They may only compete for one club (1st or second claim) in any county Relay championships during the current Track & Field season.


1.  Clubs are reminded that particular rules apply to relay races, including rule UKA Rule 143 S1 (3) (Club or School vests must be of the same design) and more generally UKA Rule 170 and it is expected that team managers & team members are aware of these rules.

2.  Clubs are reminded that particular rules apply to age groups, including UKA Rules 141 S2, it is expected that team members are aware of these rules.

3.  Athletes may not compete in different age groups in the same event, for example:

3.1.  An under 13 athlete can only compete in U13 event.

3.2.  An under 15 athlete can only compete in U15 event.

3.3.  An under 17 may compete as a senior, however they cannot compete in the 4 x 200m at both U17 and senior level but may compete for one age group in the 4 x 100m and in the other age in the 4 x 200m.

These dispensations are in the hope and expectation of allowing more athletes and more teams to participate in the championships


A declaration list (one per age category please), must be presented on or before the day of competition, a suitable sheet is enclosed. In particular if an athlete who is NOT a first claim member of the club is included then full details should be provided, in case an objection is lodged by another club or individual.

TIMETABLE A Timetable will be published on the KCAA website after the closing date.

NUMBERS Team numbers will be issued on the day of competition at the Athletes Registration area.

KCAA Relay Championships 2017 - ENTRY FORM

(There is no online entry available for these championships)

VENUE Norman Park Bromley DATE: Sunday, 10th September 2017

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 3rd September 2017 ENTRY FEE: £5.00 per TEAM

4 x100 / 4 x 200 / 4 x 300 / 4 x 400 / 3 x 800
SENIOR WOMEN (which includes U20 & Masters)
SENIOR MEN (which includes U20 & Masters)

(In each appropriate box please indicate the number of teams being entered)

(Separate entry forms may be submitted by different sections of a club)

I either enclose a cheque or have made a bank transfer for: £

Cheques payable to Kent County Athletics Association (please do not just use KCAA)

Transfers should be to: Kent County Athletics Association Account at Barclays.

Sort Code 20-06-72 Account number: 40546445 please add “Relays & your club name in reference box

Numbers will be issued on the day & the timetable will be published on the KCAA website after closing date.

ENTRIES TO: KCAA Entry Secretary, 4 Trubridge Road, Hoo, Rochester, Kent ME3 9EW

ENQUIRIES: By email to


Telephone Number: / Email:
Signed (Typed if sent by email) / Date:

The Closing date for entries is Sunday, 3rd September 2017. No late entries will be accepted


ATHLETE / Date of
Birth / Athlete Registration Number / Address