January 22, 2012

The Clark County Commissioners met in regular session, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 8:00 a.m., Chairman Hass called the meeting to order. Members present Bjerke, Reints, Wicks, Loomis and Hass.Also present Auditor Tarbox and States Attorney Fjelland.

MINUTES: Motion by Loomis, second by Reints to approve the minutes of January 8, 2013 meeting. All voting aye. Motion carried.

HIGHWAY: HS Eggleston met with the board to update them on road conditions and road work being done. He informed the board of training session that he will be attending, March 6-7, Safety Conference, March 12-14, Highway Superintendent meeting-Deadwood, February 6, CPR training at the Court House for all highway staff and Feb 26, MHSA training for all highway staff.

TRANSPORT FUEL BID: The board reviewed transport load bids received from the highway department. Wegman Oil 30/70 blended diesel $3.195, Gas – no bid, Clark Community Oil – 30/70 blended diesel 3.224, Gas 2.810, Clark Farmers Elevator – 30/70 Blended Diesel – 3.246, Gas –no bid. The County accepted the low bid of Wegman for blended diesel and Clark Community Oil- for gas. All bids are on file in the Auditor’s office.

INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD: HS Eggleston informed the boardhe has been in contact with First District regarding possible grant money available to cover the costs to pave County Road #7 from highway 212 south to the Industrial Park entrance.

BRIDGE INSPECTIONS: HS Eggleston informed the board that Clark Engineering will be meeting with the commissioners on March 5 to update them on bridges in Clark County.

HUMAN SERVICE: Chuck Sherman, CEO of the Human Service Agency met with the board to update them on services available to Clark County residents through the agency including Serenity House, the detox center and the safe room.

COUNTY HEALTH NURSE: CHN Kriese and Nurse Sec Helkenn met with the board regarding the services the Commissioners would like her to offer during her four hours per week for the County. Discussion was held regarding flu shot clinics, blood pressure screenings, nail care and other services as needed.

FIRE DEPARTMENT:Clark Fire department members Jeff Seefeldt, Roger Collins and Jerry Bowers met with the board to request funding for the replacement part for the jaws of life that was purchased by the Clark Fire Department. No action taken.

CCR: Dana Breske, Larry Nielson, Dan Nitschke, Chad Smidt from the Clark County Riders met with the board in regards to using the fairgrounds forthe annual Clark CountyRiders rally.Also presentBelinda Hanson, Deputy Gravning and Sheriff McGraw. No action taken.

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Motion by Bjerke, second by Loomis to move into Board of Adjustment. All voting aye. Motion carried.

CU 1-13: ZO Paulson met with the Board to set a hearing date for CU 1-13.The request if granted would permit the applicant to use the following property, NE ¼ 20-118-56 to construct a 350’ wireless communications tower to provider service. Motion by Reints, second by Wicks toset hearing time for February 5at 10:30 a.m. forCU 1-13. Motion passes with all voting aye.

ADJOURN: Motion by Wicks, second by Bjerke to return to Board of County Commissioners. All voting aye. Motion carried.
WELFARE: WD Brandlee met with the board to inform them of notification of hospitalizations and a Credit Bureau update.

E911 CONTRACT: Motion by Reints, second by Wicks to approve the Chairman to sign the E911 mapping database with First District of Watertown. The cost for the yearly updates is $3500.00. All voting aye. Motion carried.

AMBULANCE: Ambulance administrator Grensberg met with the board to inform them that Clark County Ambulance has received four (4) oxcimeters from Lake Area Technical Institute for use in the ambulances.

EMT: Motion by Loomis, second by Bjerke to add Jessica Long as EMT for Clark County. All voting aye. Motion carried.

WORKSHOP: Ambulance Administrator Grensberg requested permission to attend Leadership management workshop in Sioux Falls March 14-15. The board approved the request. There is no fee for the workshop and noon meals are included.

OPERATING TRANSFER: Motion by Loomis, second by Reints to approve an operating transfer to emergency management in the amount of $17285.00. All voting aye. Motion carried.

CLAIMS: Motion byBjerke, second by Reints to approve the following claims and authorize the auditor to issue warrants for the same. Voting aye: Bjerke, Reints, Wicks, Hass. Abstain: Loomis. GENERAL FUND: Commissioners: Clark Co Courier- open house proceedings 375.05, Clark Comm Oil- tires for van-366.00, ELECTIONS: Election Systems & Software- Firmware usage agreement 2452.00, AUDITOR; ITC-service 92.19, Moritz Publishing w-2 forms 1099’s 153.60, TREASURER: Clark Co Courier-MH taxes 205.90, ITC-service 34.78, Moritz Publishing folding tax forms 42.80 , INS & BONDS: SDML Workers Comp Fund-work comp ins 12755.00, STATES ATTORNEY: ITC-service 51.49, SD Dept of Rev-blood alcohol68.00, PUBLIC BULDINGS: Chet's Janitorial Supply-tissue/towels 146.00, City of Clark-water 56.00, Cook's Wastepaper garbage service 25.00, Dekker Hardware-supplies 34.46, ITC-service 28.23, Star Laundry-rugs 48.12, DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION: Clark Co Courier-register mobile homes -6.92, Dekker Hardware-phone 32.99, ITC-service 94.94, REGISTER OF DEEDS: A&B Business -lease contract 114.41, ITC-service 30.81, Moritz Publishing-copy paper 85.40, VETERAN OFFICER: ITC-service 29.61, SHERIFF: A&B Business -paper/folders 74.94, Clark CommunityOil-swap snow tires 30.00, ITC-service 152.12, Macks-service/supplies 104.95, PRISONER CARE: Coding Co Auditor-prisoner care 5890.00, AIRPORT: Aaron Swan and Associates –QA testing 1960.00, Helms and Associates -airport taxilane expansion 4916.51, ITC-service 29.34, POOR: ITC-service .84, AMBULANCE: A-0x Welding -oxygen/cylinder rent 122.72, City of Clark-water 51.75, Clark Community Oil- supplies 17.85, Clark Community Oil-diesel 291.53, Dekker Hardware-bulb-2.49, Emergency Medical Products-supplies 209.82, ITC-service 109.53, JB's Repair-service amb/supplies 383.08, Northwestern Energy-utilities 479.97, Voyager Fleet Systems-fuel 73.50, MENTAL AND HANDICAPPED: SD Dept of Rev- patient care 60.00, MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD: Denise Cody-mental illness hearing 15.00, Lucy Lewno-Medication hearing 251.65, SD Human Service Center-involuntary service 600.00, Karen Swanda-mental illness hearing 15.00, Yankton Co Sheriff’s Office-mileage/sheriff fees/25.00, EXHIBITION BLDG: Clark Co 4-H Leaders-4-H Building fund 5000.00, EXTENSION: ITC-service 129.36, Star Laundry-rugs 27.58, SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT: Clark Co Conservation District- 2013 appropriation request 9000.00, WEED: City of Clark - water 39.00, City of Clark -spraying recertification/Co 1/2 75.00, ITC-service 87.44, Weed & Pest Conference 2 registration 190.00, PLANNING & ZONING: Clark Co Courier-publications 23.87, ROAD & BRIDGE: Ameripride Service-towels-50.50, AT&T Mobility-service 94.95, Cartney bearing-parts-125.78, City of Clark –water 95.00, Clark Co Farmers Elev-bulk oil 2346.70, Clark Co Treasurer-title/plates 28.00, Clark Community Oil-fuel 9984.11, Connecting point-computer repairs 170.00, Cook’s Wastepaper - -garbage service 67.75, Dekker Hardware- supplies 328.06, Farnams Genuine Parts-parts 22.58, Glacial Lakes Radiator-repairs 135.00, ITC-service 95.42, Matt Kadinger-mileage 65.12, Matheson Tri-gas –welding supplies 9.30, Meridian Grain-salt 1588.17, Northwestern Energy-utilities – 31.87, Oscar’s Machine Shop-repairs 474.85, Probuild-Watertown-parts 37.60, RDO Trust-parts 2908.64, Runnings Farm & Fleet-shop supplies/422.97, SD Federal Property-supplies 161.00, SD Dept of Transportation – bridgework 80942.73, SDML Workers Comp-WC Ins 22738.00, Sioux Rural Water –water 29.00, Sturdevants-filters/supplies 1728.92, Titan Access Acc-parts 689.38, Westside Implement-parts 266.38, Mark Wilen-mileage 71.04, DEBT SERVICE: Dacotah bank-principal 98837.45, Dacotah Bank –interest 4011.85, Civil Defense- AT&T internet cards 173.34, Hasler –rent/postage 83.85, Sturdevants Auto Parts- battery/windshield spray 107.46, Voyager Fleet-fuel 64.31, Sales Tax Fund –SD Dept of Rev-sale tax collected 2012- 14.82. TOTAL: 276771.44.

PAYROLL: AUDITOR:4797.93, TREASURER:4185.10, STATES ATTORNEY: 3586.53, COURTHOUSE: 2422.74, DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION: 4219.52, REGISTER OF DEEDS: 2222.28, VETERAN SERVICE OFFICER: 336.41, SHERIFF: 6361.53, NURSE: 1419.10, AMBULANCE: 1550.19, EXTENSION: 991.64, WEED: 862.85, ROAD & BRIDGE: 37197.67, EM: 1149.89, TOTAL: 71303.38.

REPORTS: Motion by Wicks, second by Loomis, to approve the following reports. All voting aye. Motion carried.

Cash on hand…………………………………………….. 20,385.92

Money Market ………………………………………… 2,880,829.59

CD’s…………………………………………………….. 800,000.00

Checking Account……………………………………… 20,815.00

TOTAL: $3,722,030.51

These funds include all funds administered by the county including: General Fund 2467312.57, Road & Bridge: 926842.18, 911 Service Fund 110345.01, E/D: -695.65, Domestic Abuse: 55.00, 24/7 6126.16, ROD Mod/Pres: $1906.00, Trust & Agency Fund, 210145.24. TOTAL: 3722030.51.

ROD Fees: Recording fees 5364.21, Transfer fees: 14747.50, Births: 35.00, Deaths: 65.00, Marriages: 20.00, Copy money: 233.19, Misc: 447.79. TOTAL: 20912.69.

Ambulance: $13571.38. Sheriff: Mileage 111.37, Civil fees $485.00, Pistol permits $21.00.

ADJOURN: Motion by Loomis, second by Bjerke, to adjourn until next regular meeting Tuesday, February 5, 2013, All ayes. Motion carried.



Christine TarboxFrancis Hass, Chairman

Clark County AuditorClark County Commissioners