《Henry Mahan’s Commentary - John》(Henry Mahan)


March 1947 - Pastor Henry Mahan and his wife, Doris, moved to Ashland, KY to work with Pastor Donald Wells and the Southern Baptist church - Pollard Baptist.

September 1947 - Realizing that he needed more training and education, the Mahans moved to Chattanooga, TN, where he attended Tennessee Temple College for three years. While there he pastored the Oakwood Baptist Church.

April 1950 - The Pollard Baptist Church called Pastor Mahan to be Pastor Wells' assistant pastor.

Rolfe Barnard came to the Pollard Church to preach a two week meeting, and Pastor Mahan heard (for the first time) how God can be just and justifier of sinners. He read Boettner's, "Doctrine of Predestination," Boston's, "Fourfold State," the various old confessions of faith and other Calvinistic writers, and the Lord revealed the gospel of Christ to him and to many of the members of the Pollard Church.

August 1951 - Pastor Wells resigned the church and moved to Chattanooga, TN. The church called Pastor Mahan to be their pastor in October 1951.

From that time, he tried several ways, books, and methods to teach Sunday School for the people. He bought John Gill's Commentary and tried to teach his "Body of Divinity," chapter by chapter.

Finally, in the late 70's he began to write his own Sunday School lessons, verse by verse through the New Testament; and the teachers used these from that day forward.

Bill Clark, missionary to France, and Pastor Mahan became close friends in 1965. They traveled and preached together in the United States and in England, Ireland, Spain, France, and Africa.

Bill moved his family from France to Welwyn, England and started Evangelical Press in an effort to distribute grace literature worldwide.

By 1983 Pastor Mahan had gone through most of the epistles of the New Testament verse by verse and Bill and John Rubins asked for the copyright on his commentaries. They printed them in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and in 1994 in Russian. Evangelical Press also printed his Gospel of John and Old Testament Pictures of Christ in 2 volumes. The Lord made it possible for these commentaries to be sent to several countries as a missionary effort. Bill Clark was the instrument God used to get these books printed and distributed.

He went to be with the Lord November 8, 1998 at age 66. He will be remembered by all of us who knew him so well as one of the Lord's most outstanding and faithful preachers and missionaries.

01 Chapter 1

Verses 1-9

The deity of the Savior

John 1:1-9

Each book of the Bible has a prominent and dominant theme, which is peculiar to itself. The theme of John's Gospel is the deity of the Saviour. Here as nowhere else in scripture so fully, the Godhood of Christ is presented to our view.

1. The relation of Christ to time. ‘In the beginning.’ Eternal.

2. The relation of Christ to the Godhead. ‘With God.’ One of holy trinity.

3. The relation of Christ to the Holy Trinity. ‘Was God.’ Divine revealer.

4. The relation of Christ to the universe. ‘All things made by him.’ Creator.

5. The relation of Christ to men. Their ‘life’ and ‘light.’

John 1:1-2. John opens by immediately presenting Christ not as the son of David, nor as the son of man, but as the Son of God, which is the theme of this book.

‘In the beginning’ of creation, the beginning of time, or as Moses wrote in Genesis 1:1, ‘In the beginning God.’ But Christ was not only from the beginning, he was ‘in the beginning.’ We can go back to the most remote point: that can be imagined, for Christ is without beginning, which is to say he is eternal! (John 17:5.)

‘Was the Word.’ A word is an expression. The word of God, then, is Deity expressing itself. This is why Christ is called the Word of God. Hebrews 1:1-2 says that Christ is God's final spokesman. Revelation 1:8 says that Christ is God's alphabet. John 1:18 says that Christ has declared or told forth the Father. A word is the means of manifestation, communication, and revelation. Christ manifests the invisible God, communicates the love and mercy of God, and reveals the attributes and perfections of God.

‘The Word was with God.’ This tells of his separate personality. Our God is ONE GOD yet the Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19; 1 John 5:7).

‘The Word was God’ or ‘God was the Word.’ The name ‘God’ is common to the three persons of the Holy Trinity (Hebrews 1:8). So fully and so perfectly did Christ reveal God, he could say, ‘He that hath seen me hath seen the Father’ (John 14:9; 2 Corinthians 4:6; John 10:30).

John 1:3. Here creation is ascribed to Him, and none but God can create. The whole creation is ascribed to the Word ‘all things’ (Colossians 1:14-17). He is before all things, therefore eternal. He is the originator and creator of all things, therefore omnipotent.

John 1:4. If Christ created all things, he is the fountain of life; he is the life-giver. ‘Life’ is used here in its widest sense. Of course, Christ is the spiritual life of believers; but all creature life is found in him (Acts 17:27-28). The word ‘light’ speaks of a relation which Christ sustains to all men – he is their light. This is confirmed by what we read in John 1:9. Every rational man is morally enlightened (Romans 2:15; Romans 1:18-21) and accountable.

By nature men are dead in trespasses and sins; notwithstanding, they are all responsible before God and shall give an account (Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:12) because of the ‘light’ referred to here.

John 1:5. Here we see the effects of the fall (Romans 5:12; John 5:40). Every man that comes into this world is lightened by his Creator, but the natural man disregards this light. He hates it and ‘loves darkness rather than light’ (John 3:19). The unregenerate man is like one who is blind – he is in the dark, so neither comprehends nor apprehends the light.

John 1:6. The change of subject here is abrupt. From ‘the Word,’ who is God, the Holy Spirit now turns to speak of the forerunner of Christ. He is called ‘a man’ who was sent of God. True preachers of the gospel are ordained and sent of God.

John 1:7. When the sun is shining in all of its power and beauty, who are the ones who are unconscious of the fact? Who needs to be told that it is shining? The blind! What a revelation of our fallen condition that men have to be told that ‘The Light’ is now in their midst!

Here we have the character of the preacher's office – ‘he came for a witness.’ A witness is one who knows what he says and says what he knows.

Here we have the theme of the preacher's ministry – ‘to bear witness of the light.’ He speaks not of himself but of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:23; John 16:14).

Here we have the design of the preacher's ministry – ‘that all through him might believe.’ Men become believers through receiving the preached word (Romans 10:13-15; Romans 1:16; 1 Peter 1:23-25).

John 1:8-9. John himself was not ‘that Light.’ Christ is the light. Even the believer has no light in himself nor of himself (Ephesians 5:8). Christ is the true Light, the real Light, the everlasting Light, and the underived Light (his light is his own).

Verses 10-14

The Word was made flesh

John 1:10-14

John 1:10. ‘He was in the world’ refers to his incarnation and the 33 years he tabernacled among men. Who was in the world? The great Creator, who made the world! He came not to judge but to save. He came not as a lion to destroy but as a Lamb to redeem. He came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. What kind of reception did he receive? ‘The world knew him not’ (Isaiah 53:1-3; 1 Corinthians 2:7-8).

John 1:11. ‘He came unto his own’ refers to the nation Israel, the seed of Abraham. He came to his temple, his priesthood, and the people who had eagerly awaited the appearance of the Messiah for centuries; but they received him not! It began with ‘no room in the inn’ and culminated with shouts at the crucifixion, ‘We have no king but Caesar’ (Acts 3:22-26).

John 1:12. If the world knew him not and the Jews received him not, is the purpose of God defeated? No! The purpose of God in all things shall stand! (Proverbs 19:21; Isaiah 46:9-11; John 6:37-39.) The Father gave the Son a people out of every tribe, kindred, and nation (John 17:1-2; John 17:9). By the power of the Spirit, by the preaching of the gospel of his Son, and through faith, they will all receive Christ lovingly, thankfully, and willingly, as God's gift of love and grace. They will all, with the heart, believe on his glorious name, as he is revealed to them in the word (Romans 10:9-10; Matthew 16:15-17).

John 1:13. But who receives him thus? Not all, by any means! Is this believing on Christ left to chance? Is the success of his covenant and redemptive work left to the fallen will of the creature? Far from it! This verse explains to us why men receive and believe Christ – they are born of God, ‘not of blood.’ That is to say, salvation is not a matter of heredity nor parental bloodlines nor family associations. It is ‘not of the will of the flesh.’ The will of the natural man is against God. He has no will toward God until he is born of God (John 5:40; Romans 3:10-11). It is ‘not of the will of man.’ The new birth is not brought about by the efforts of friends, nor the persuasive powers of the preacher and the soul winners, ‘but of God.’ The new birth is divine work! It is accomplished by the will of God, by the Holy Spirit's applying the word in living power to the heart (James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23-25; Acts 13:48).

John 1:14. ‘And the Word was made flesh.’ He became what he previously was not. He did not cease to be God, but he became man (Galatians 4:4-5; Hebrews 10:4-7). Our divine Lord took upon himself human nature. He became a real man, yet a sinless, perfect man (Hebrews 7:26). This union of the two natures in the person of Christ is one of the greatest mysteries of faith (1 Timothy 3:16). He was, and is, the God-man; yet the divine and the human in him were never confounded. His Deity, though veiled, was never laid aside. His humanity, though sinless, was a real humanity.

The union of the two natures in the person of Christ was necessary in order to fit him for his work as Redeemer and Mediator.

1. God cannot suffer and die – man cannot satisfy the infinite holiness required nor the infinite justice demanded. Christ, the God-man, can do both.

2. He can now be touched with the feelings of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:14-16); and he has left us an example, that we should follow his steps.

The duality of nature was plainly taught in the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. He was to be the woman's seed (Genesis 3:15), a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18), a lineal descendant of David (2 Samuel 7:12), a man of sorrows (Isaiah 53:3-6). Yet, on the other hand, he was to be ‘God with us’ (Isaiah 7:4 : Matthew 1:23); he was to be the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6); as Jehovah he was to come to his temple (Malachi 3:1). The one born in Bethlehem is the Ruler (Micah 5:2).

‘He dwelt (tabernacled) among us.’ The reference here is to the tabernacle in the wilderness. It foreshadowed the incarnate Son. Almost everything about the tabernacle pictured Christ. It was humble on the outside, but glorious inside. It was God's dwelling place, his glory revealed there. It was the place where God met men and where the sin-offering and the atonement were made. It was the place of worship and the place where the Law was preserved.

‘And we beheld his glory.’

1. His essential glories; his divine attributes and perfections are all seen in Christ. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

2. His moral glories or holiness or perfection.

3. His official glories, such as his covenant grace, his priesthood, his wisdom, and his kingship.

4. His acquired glories (Philippians 2:5-11).

Read John 1:1; John 1:14 together and you have a statement – the most comprehensive in its sweep, the profoundest in its depths, and yet the simplest to be found in the Bible. Here is the gift of God and the hope of the believer.

Verses 15-18

Grace and truth by Jesus Christ

John 1:15-18

Put these two verses together–Verses 1 and 14.

John 1:1. – ‘In the beginning was the word.’ Jesus Christ is eternal!

John 1:14. – ‘And the word was made flesh.’ God became a man!

John 1:1. – ‘And the word was with God.’ As one in the blessed Trinity, he was always with God.

John 1:14. – ‘And he dwelt among us.’ He actually tabernacled among men, becoming one with us, bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh.

John 1:1. – ‘And the word was God.’ In every attribute he is God.

John 1:14 – ‘We beheld his glory.’ He that hath seen Christ hath seen God!

John 1:15. It was of this Person that John bore witness saying, ‘This is he of whom I spake.’ Our gospel is concerning God's Son (Romans 1:1-4). ‘He that came after me.’ Historically John the Baptist was born into this world six months before Christ was born. But ‘He that is born after I was born was before me.’ John is referring to the eternal existence, glory, and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has all preeminence and is infinitely above the heavens, the angels, Moses, John, and all other creatures (Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews 3:3; Hebrews 7:22-24). He is preferred before all.

John 1:16. The word ‘fullness’ is another term, which brings out the absolute deity, glory, and sufficiency of Christ. The same word is found in Colossians 1:19 and Colossians 2:9. All the fullness of God's glory, person, grace, mercy, peace, life, joy, and purpose dwells in Jesus Christ. ‘And of his fullness (his abundance) have all we (believers) received’ all that we need for time and eternity (1 Corinthians 1:30); ‘grace upon grace’ or God's favors heaped one upon another, favor upon favor, gift upon gift. ‘Ye are complete in him.’