Name:______Period: _____

Essential QuestionsUnit 1 The Mystery

Unit 1.1 Investigating the Scene

1.What can be done at a scene of a mysterious death to help reconstruct what happened?

2.How do the clues found at a scene of a mysterious death help investigators determine what might have occurred and help identify or exonerate potential suspects?

3.How do scientists design experiments to find the most accurate answer to the question they are asking?

4.How are bloodstain patterns left at a crime scene used to help investigators establish the events that took place during a crime?

Unit 1.2 DNA Analysis

1.What is DNA?

2.What is the relationship between chromosomes, DNA, and genes?

3.How do scientists isolate DNA in order to study it?

4.How does DNA differ from person to person?

5.How can tools of molecular biology be used to compare the DNA of two individuals?

6.What are restriction enzymes?

7.What are restriction fragment length polymorphisms?

8.What is gel electrophoresis and how can the results of this technique be interpreted?

Unit 1.3 The Findings

1.What is an autopsy and how can it be used to determine the cause of death?

2.How can the manner of death be determined?

3.What biomedical science professionals are involved in crime scene analysis and determination of manner of death?

Unit 2 Diabetes Essential Questions

Lesson 2.1 What is Diabetes?

1.What is diabetes?

2.How is glucose tolerance testing used to diagnose diabetes?

3.How does the development of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes relate to how the body produces and uses insulin?

4.What is the relationship between insulin and glucose?

5.How does insulin assist with the movement of glucose into body cells?

6.What is homeostasis?

7.What does feedback refer to in the human body?

8.How does the body regulate the level of blood glucose?

Lesson 2.2 The Science of Food

1.What are the main nutrients found in food?

2.How can carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins be detected in foods?

3.What types of foods supply sugar, starch, proteins and lipids?

4.How can food labels be used to evaluate dietary choices?

5.What role do basic nutrients play in the function of the human body?

6.What are basic recommendations for a diabetic diet?

7.What are the main structural components of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids?

8.What is dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis?

9.How do dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis relate to harnessing energy from food?

10.How is the amount of energy in a food determined?

Lesson 2.3 Life with Diabetes

1.What are several ways the life of someone with diabetes is impacted by the disorder?

2.How do the terms hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia relate to diabetes?

3.What might happen to cells that are exposed to high concentrations of sugar?

4.How do Type I and Type II diabetes differ?

5.What are the current treatments for Type I and Type II diabetes?

6.What is the importance of checking blood sugar levels for a diabetic?

7.How can an insulin pump help a diabetic?

8.What are potential short and long term complications of diabetes?

9.What innovations are available to help diabetics manage and treat their disease?

Unit 3 Sickle Cell Disease Essential Questions

3.1 The Disease

1.What is sickle cell disease?

2.Why does the sickling of red blood cells cause health problems?

3.What is sickle cell anemia?

4.How is anemia diagnosed?

5.How does sickle cell disease affect daily life?

3.2 It’s in the Genes

1.What is the DNA code?

2.What is the connection between genes and proteins?

3.How are proteins produced in a cell?

4.How does the sequence of nucleotides in DNA determine the sequence of amino acids in a protein?

5.What is a mutation?

6.What determines the shape of a protein?

7.Is the shape of a protein affected by its surrounding environment?

8.How does a change in the DNA code affect the shape of a protein?

9.Can changing just one nucleotide in a gene change the shape of a protein?

3.3 Chromosomes

1.How is DNA passed to new cells during cell division?

2.What is a chromosome?

3.How are traits passed through the generations?

4.Should a person have rights to their organs and tissues?

5.Why is confidentiality of patient information important?

6.Who should keep patient information confidential?

7.Is there ever a time when patient confidentiality should be broken?

3.4 Inheritance

1.How are pedigrees used to track diseases?

2.Why does sickle cell disease run in families, yet is not present in every generation?

3.How can doctors and genetic counselors calculate the probability of a child inheriting a disease?

4.How does the presence of malaria in a region affect the frequencies of normal versus sickle cell alleles?

Unit 4Heart Disease Essential Questions Review for Test

4.1 Heart Structure

1.What are the structures that make up the human heart and how are they organized?

2.How do the heart and lungs work together to pick up and deliver oxygen to the cells?

3.What is the pathway that blood takes as it passes through the heart?

4.What is the function of valves in the heart?

5.How does the structure of arteries and veins relate to their functions?

4.2 The Heart at Work

1.In what ways can technology be used to collect and analyze cardiovascular data?

2.Why is it important to monitor the rate at which the heart beats?

3.What factors can influence heart rate?

4.What is blood pressure?

5.How do systolic and diastolic blood pressure values relate to the movement of blood in arteries?

6.What factors can influence blood pressure?

7.What is an EKG?

8.How can an EKG be used in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease?

4.3 Heart Dysfunction

1.What is cholesterol?

2.What roles does cholesterol play in our cells and in the body?

3.What are LDL and HDL?

4.How are LDL, HDL, and cholesterol related to heart disease?

5.How do doctors interpret the results of a cholesterol test?

6.What is familial hypercholesterolemia and how is it inherited?

7.How can techniques of molecular biology be used to analyze DNA for the presence of the FH mutation?

8.What lifestyle changes may help a patient obtain healthy cholesterol levels?

9.What are the pros and cons of using cholesterol lowering medications?

10.How does the heart work as a pump?

11.What is atherosclerosis?

12.How can cholesterol plaques affect the overall function of the heart?

4.4 Heart Intervention

1.What is heart disease?

2.What happens inside the heart to cause a heart attack?

3.How do doctors treat a blocked blood vessel?

4.What are risk factors for the development of heart disease?

5.How can a person decrease his or her risk of heart disease?

6.What is metabolic syndrome?

Unit 5Infectious Disease Essential Questions and Key Terms

Essential Questions

1.How are infectious diseases spread through a population?

2.What is aseptic technique?

3.How can an unknown sample of bacteria be identified?

4.How does the immune system function to protect the human body from foreign invaders?

Unit 6Post Mortem Essential Questions and Key Terms

Essential Questions

1.What are examples of human body systems?

2.What organs make up the different body systems?

3.How do the different body systems interact to maintain good health?

4.What might be the consequence of malfunctions in any of the body systems?

5.How can prevention measures and medical interventions prolong life?

Key Terms Unit 1The Mystery

Lesson 1.1 Investigating the Scene

Biomedical Science / The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.
Control Group / The group in an experiment where the independent variable being tested is not applied so that it may serve as a standard for comparison against the experimental group where the independent variable is applied.
Dependent Variable / The measurable effect, outcome, or response in which the research is interested.
Experiment / A research study conducted to determine the effect that one variable has upon another variable.
Forensic Science / The application of scientific knowledge to questions of civil and criminal law.
Hypothesis / Clear prediction of the anticipated results of an experiment.
Independent Variable / The variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher.
Negative Control / Control group where conditions produce a negative outcome. Negative control groups help identify outside influences which may be present that were not accounted for when the procedure was created.
Personal Protective Equipment / Specialized clothing or equipment, worn by an employee for protection against infectious materials (as defined by OSHA).
Positive Control / Group expected to have a positive result, allowing the researcher to show that the experimental set up was capable of producing results.

Lesson 1.2 DNA Analysis

Adenine / A component of nucleic acids, energy-carrying molecules such as ATP, and certain coenzymes. Chemically, it is a purine base.
Chromosome / Any of the usually linear bodies in the cell nucleus that contain the genetic material.
Cytosine / A component of nucleic acids that carries hereditary information in DNA and RNA in cells. Chemically, it is a pyrimidine base.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) / A double-stranded, helical nucleic acid molecule capable of replicating and determining the inherited structure of a cell’s proteins.
Gel Electrophoresis / The separation of nucleic acids or proteins, on the basis of their size and electrical charge, by measuring their rate of movement through an electrical field in a gel.
Gene / A discrete unit of hereditary information consisting of a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA (or RNA, in some viruses).
Guanine / A component of nucleic acids that carries hereditary information in DNA and RNA in cells. Chemically, it is a purine base.
Helix / Something spiral in form.
Model / A simplified version of something complex used, for example, to analyze and solve problems or make predictions.
Nucleotide / A building block of DNA, consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.
Restriction Enzyme / A degradative enzyme that recognizes specific nucleotide sequences and cuts up DNA.
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) / Differences in DNA sequence on homologous chromosomes that can result in different patterns of restriction fragment lengths (DNA segments resulting from treatment with restriction enzymes).
Thymine / A component of nucleic acid that carries hereditary information in DNA in cells. Chemically, it is a pyrimidine base.

Lesson 1.3 The Findings

Autopsy / An examination of the body after death usually with such dissection as will expose the vital organs for determining the cause of death.
Bibliography / A document showing all the sources used to research information.
Citation / A written reference to a specific work (book, article, dissertation, report, musical composition, etc.) by a particular author or creator which identifies the document in which the work may be found.
Documentation / The act of creating citations to identify resources used in writing a work.
Medical Examiner / A physician who performs an autopsy when death may be accidental or violent. He or she may also serve in some jurisdictions as the coroner.

Key Terms Unit 2 Diabetes

Lesson 2.1 What is Diabetes?

Glucagon / A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels; an antagonistic hormone to insulin.
Glucose Tolerance Test / A test of the body’s ability to metabolize glucose that involves the administration of a measured dose of glucose to the fasting stomach and the determination of blood glucose levels in the blood or urine at intervals thereafter and that is used especially to detect diabetes.
Homeostasis / The maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological conditions (as body temperature or the pH of blood) in higher animals under fluctuating environmental conditions.
Hormone / A product of living cells that circulates in blood and produces a specific, often stimulatory, effect on the activity of cells that are often far from the source of the hormone.
Insulin / A protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood.
Negative Feedback / A primary mechanism of homeostasis, whereby a change in a physiological variable that is being monitored triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation.
Positive Feedback / Feedback that tends to magnify a process or increase its output.
Type 1 Diabetes / Diabetes of a form that usually develops during childhood or adolescence and is characterized by a severe deficiency of insulin, leading to high blood glucose levels.
Type 2 Diabetes / Diabetes of a form that develops especially in adults and most often obese individuals and that is characterized by high blood glucose resulting from impaired insulin utilization coupled with the body’s inability to compensate with increased insulin production.

Lesson 2.2 The Science of Food

Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) / A compound composed of adenosine and three phosphate groups that supplies energy for many biochemical cellular processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis.
Amino Acid / An organic monomer which serves as a building block of proteins.
Calorie / The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C; also the amount of heat energy that 1 g of water releases when it cools by 1°C. The Calorie (with a capital C), usually used to indicate the energy content of food, is a kilocalorie.
Carbohydrate / A sugar in the form of a monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide.
Chemical Bond / An attractive force that holds together the atoms, ions, or groups of atoms in a molecule or compound.
Chemical Indicator / A substance (as a dye) used to show visually usually by its capacity for color change, the condition of a solution with respect to the presence of free acid or alkali or some other substance.
Chemical Reaction / Chemical transformation or change; the interaction of chemical entities.
Compound / A substance consisting of two or more elements in a fixed ratio.
Covalent bond / A type of strong chemical bond in which two atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons.
Dehydration Synthesis / A chemical reaction in which two molecules are bonded together with the removal of a water molecule.
Disaccharide / A double sugar molecule made of two monosaccharides bonded together through dehydration synthesis.
Element / The smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms.
Glucose / A monomer of carbohydrate, simple sugar.
Homeostasis / The maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological conditions (as body temperature or the pH of blood) in higher animals under fluctuating environmental conditions.
Hydrolysis / A chemical process that splits a molecule by adding water.
Ionic bond / A chemical bond resulting from the attraction between oppositely charged ions.
Lipid / One of a family of compounds including fats, phospholipids, and steroids that is insoluble in water.
Macromolecule / A type of giant molecule formed by joining smaller molecules which includes proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Molecule / Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.
Monomer / The subunit that serves as the building block of a polymer.
Monosaccharide / A single sugar molecule such as glucose or fructose, the simplest type of sugar.
Nutrient / A substance that is needed by the body to maintain life and health.
Polymer / A large molecule consisting of many repeating chemical units or molecules linked together.
Polysaccharide / A polymer of thousands of simple sugars formed by dehydration synthesis.
Protein / A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids.

Lesson 2.3 Life with Diabetes

Hemoglobin A1c / A test that measures the level of hemoglobin A1c in the blood as a means of determining the average blood sugar concentrations for the preceding two to three months.
Hyperglycemia / An excess of sugar in the blood.
Hypertonic / In comparing two solutions, referring to the one with a greater solute concentration.
Hypoglycemia / Abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood.
Hypotonic / In comparing two solutions, referring to the one with a lower solute concentration.
Isotonic / Having the same solute concentration as another solution.
Osmosis / The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
Solute / A substance that is dissolved in a solution.
Solution / A liquid that is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
Solvent / The dissolving agent of a solution. Water is the most versatile solvent known.

Key Terms Unit 3 Sickle Cell Disease

3.1 The Disease

Anemia / A condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
Blood Plasma / The pale yellow fluid portion of whole blood that consists of water and its dissolved constituents including, sugars, lipids, metabolic waste products, amino acids, hormones, and vitamins.
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) / Any of the hemoglobin-containing cells that carry oxygen to the tissues and are responsible for the red color of vertebrate blood.
Hematocrit / The percent of the volume of whole blood that is composed of red blood cells as determined by separation of red blood cells from the plasma usually by centrifugation.
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) / Any of the blood cells that are colorless, lack hemoglobin, contain a nucleus, and include the lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.
Sickle Cell Disease / Individuals who are homozygous for the gene controlling hemoglobin S. The disease is characterized by the destruction of red blood cells and by episodic blocking of blood vessels by the adherence of sickle cells to the vascular endothelium.
Thrombocytes (Platelets) / A minute colorless anucleatedisklike body of mammalian blood that assists in blood clotting by adhering to other platelets and to damaged epithelium.

3.2 It’s in the Genes

Amino Acid / An organic monomer which serves as a building block of proteins.
Anticodon / A triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA that identifies the amino acid carried and binds to a complementary codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis at a ribosome.
Codon / A three-nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid or termination signal; the basic unit of the genetic code.
Hydrophilic / Having an affinity for water.
Hydrophobic / Having an aversion to water; tending to coalesce and form droplets in water.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) / A type of RNA, synthesized from DNA and attached to ribosomes in the cytoplasm; it specifies the primary structure of a protein.
Mutation / A rare change in the DNA of a gene, ultimately creating genetic diversity.
Nucleotide / The building block of a nucleic acid, consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.
Protein / A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids.
Protein Synthesis / The creation of a protein from a DNA template.
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) / A type of nucleic acid consisting of nucleotide monomers with a ribose sugar and the nitrogenous bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U); usually single-stranded; functions in protein synthesis and as the genome of some viruses.
Ribosome / A cell organelle that functions as the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm; consists of ribosomal RNA and protein molecules and is formed by combining two subunits.
Transcription / The synthesis of RNA on a DNA template.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) / An RNA molecule that functions as an interpreter between nucleic acid and protein language by picking up specific amino acids and recognizing the appropriate codons in the mRNA.
Translation / The synthesis of a polypeptide using the genetic information encoded in an mRNA molecule. There is a change of language from nucleotides to amino acids.

3.3 Chromosomes