Query Piece

Name: Age/Birthdate:


Daytime Phone:Evening Phone:

Cell Phone:Email:Fax:

Standard Requirements

Present Occupation:Present Industry:

Current Salary:SalaryRange Desired:

Are You Inspired with Your Present occupation? Yes / No

Why or why not?

Career Objective: Seeking a position as / in…

Are You Inspired with This Career Path? Yes / No

Why or why not?

Comments or issues you would like to address at this time:

What do you see as the primary obstacles to achieving your career goals?

When was the last time you planned for and managed a career-search campaign? What was the outcome?

Are you currently employed? If not, why not? If so, why are you seeking new employment now?

How much time can you commit to a career search campaign? (Hours per week?)

How committed are you to the program and seeking employment at this time? What will change in your life and career for the better, if you follow-through and attain your career goals?

List 10 companies or organizations (by name) that you would enjoy working for:











Salary Level for Position You Want the Résumé to Attract


Level or Profile of Decision Maker (mid range / senior-level / HR / recruiter, etc.)


Is your career construction campaign targeted towards ...

Local / regional companiesYesNo

State companiesYesNo

National companiesYesNo

International companiesYesNo

Federal agenciesYesNo


What methods do you expect to incorporate when conducting your campaign?

_____ Networking – Contact Development

_____State Employment Services

_____ Targeted Marketing

_____College / School Placement Offices

_____ Classified Advertising

_____ Trade / Professional Journals

_____ Electronic /Internet Efforts

_____ Corporate Open Houses

_____ Personnel Employment Agencies

_____ Creative Self-Marketing

_____ Mentoring / Shadowing

_____ Professional Development Interviews

_____ Executive Recruiters (Head Hunters)

_____Job Fairs

_____Other ______

Where do you feel you need the most help in developing your career search campaign?

_____ Changing Careers/Industries

_____ Developing Goals

_____ Accountability

_____ Obtaining a Raise or Promotion

_____ Scripting a Career Search Campaign Strategy

_____ Networking – Contact Development and 60-second infomercials

_____ Writing Cover Letters

_____ Targeted Marketing

_____ Writing Salary History or Salary Requirements

_____ Interviewing

_____ Dressing for Success / Image

_____ Writing Résumés

_____ Salary Negotiations and Offer Packages

_____ Social Media

_____ Creative Self-Marketing

_____ Portfolio Development

_____ Skill Development

_____ Overcoming Discouragement

_____ Federal Résumés and Application procedures

_____Other ______

Describe any Factors that Might Affect Strategy (urgency, finances, health problems, etc.):

The Basics

Education and Training

List your formal and informal (seminars, workshops, self-taught courses, etc.) education and training. Begin with the highest degree/training and work backwards. Please include high school if you will apply for a federal position. Include name, city, state, month/years attended, GPA, quarter or semester, number of completed credits, and major or curriculum. (If you are military, indicate if the course was resident or correspondence).

Formal Education:

Licenses & Certifications (You might be a registered nurse or certified HAZMAT Instructor on the side?)

Continuing Education – Classes / Seminars / Workshops (dates, locations, titles/topics/issuing organization)

Military (Dates, branch of service, rank, career field):

Professional Affiliations:

Volunteer Work / Civic & Charitable Involvement / Community Service(provide organization, dates and hours, location, reference name, your title, any awards, and special skills attained):

Special Awards and Recognitions(award name, date, and achievement that prompted the award):

Special Hobbies:

Computer Proficiencies (include hardware, software, languages, and programming):

Foreign Languages (indicate language and proficiency level):

Publications (list books, articles or other papers you wrote):

Speaking Engagements (list speaking engagements, sponsoring organization, size of audience, title, and any comments from audience/management):

Other(indicate any additional skills or experience you may have obtained that was not previously provided):

Employment History

Start with your most recent/current position and move back from there (reverse chronological order). You only need to go back 10-12 years in detail – but go back as far as you would like to go.

Company Name:


Dates (mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy)

Position Title:

Title of person you report to:

Scope of the Company: (include size of organization, products and services, major customers, annual volume)

Scope of Authority (How many people do you supervise, what are their position titles; describe your operational or management responsibilities):

List three Specific Accomplishments and the Results(What have you accomplished that produced results for the company or your division?)




What did you like most about this position?

What did you like least about this position?

Company Name:


Dates (mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy)

Position Title:

Title of person you report to:

Scope of the Company: (include size of organization, products and services, major customers, annual volume)

Scope of Authority (How many people do you supervise, what are their position titles; describe your operational or management responsibilities):

List three Specific Accomplishments and the Results (What have you accomplished that produced results for the company or your division?)




What did you like most about this position?

What did you like least about this position?

Company Name:


Dates (mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy)

Position Title:

Title of person you report to:

Scope of the Company: (include size of organization, products and services, major customers, annual volume)

Scope of Authority (How many people do you supervise, what are their position titles; describe your operational or management responsibilities):

List three Specific Accomplishments and the Results (What have you accomplished that produced results for the company or your division?)




What did you like most about this position?

What did you like least about this position?

Copyright © 2016 | All Rights Reserved | For Exclusive use of PARW/CC CPCC program participants | Written by Diane Hudson