MooroopnaSecondaryCollege Library

Subject weblinks


Non fiction

Books on this topiccan be found in the Library mostly in the 741’s (drawing and decorative arts). Check the catalogue for the specific call number and for more resources, such as videos and DVDs.

Recommended Websites

Last updated September 1 2010

MooroopnaSecondaryCollege Library

UseFUSEto search for more web resources. It should be your first point of access to useful sites. Try typing in “colour” in the search square to find useful resources. FUSE can be accessed from home at


Pigment catalogue

Choose a pigment to learn about the history, manufacture, and technical details of the colour. From the Pigments through the ages site.

Pigments through the ages

A fantastic site. Click on the ‘Browse timeline’ link to learn about the origins of colours.

Colour matters

Search the site, in particular the ‘basic colour theory’ link which will take you to information about the colour wheel and Isaac Newton.

Lift Off

This links to a video of Australian Indigenous children searching for rocks on the beach in order to use in the creation of different coloured ochres.

Colour, vision, and art

This page provides some history of the creation of different colours, how to use them, and the artists that used them.

Aboriginal art online

View this site for information on ochre pigments and paint.

Art apprentice online

Learn about pigments including the history of pigments and how they are used in art.

Ancient Egypt Alchemy and Science

Scroll through this information to find ‘Textile and dyeing making’ and ‘Earliest chemical manuscripts of the chemical arts in Egypt’ to find early use and creation of colour.

Artists pigments: the accidental discovery of Prussian Blue

Information from about the discovery of the first synthetic colour.

World of colour

Go to ‘basics behind dyes and pigments’ in the side navigation bar to learn about the origins of pigments.

Isaac Newton

Famous people

Click on ‘I’ for Isaac Newton and you will be given information about his life and inventions, including an image of him.

Famous scientists

The link to Newton is on the left of page. It provides an overview of his life and inventions.

Clickview videos

Cracking the colour code 2. Making colours (PG)

This video deals with the origins of colour. Definitely worth viewing! If you haven’t used clickview before ask your teacher or librarian how to use it.

Last updated September 1 2010

MooroopnaSecondaryCollege Library


Do not forget to write your bibliography. To reference an internet page follow this guideline:

Author (if known) or authoring body, / Year of publication, / Titleof document, / Publisher, / Publication Place, / Date of access, / Full web address with no breaks.

It will look like this:

Myers, David, 2007,Art is creation. David Meyers,viewed 1September 2010,

Last updated September 1 2010