Implement Inspections Head Official Protocols

(Created for national championship meets; modify as necessary for other competitions)

1. E-mail to crew soon after selection announcement

- Congratulate crew on selection; intro yourself as event head; call or e-mail right away if issues, questions, or physical limitations; remind crew to confirm selection as directed by the Nat’l Ofcls Cmte; get contact info

2. Contact with Officials’ Coordinator 2-3 months prior to event

- Obtain contact info, experience for all crew; confirm volunteer help, get name & contact info for facility mgr.

- Confirm days & hours for inspections – for both practice & competition; confirm 1 or 2 rings for Comb. Events

- Confirm facility provided by meet mgmt – adequate space, lighting, tables, chairs, power source (& ext. cords if needed), signage, and ability to lock/secure facility

- Confirm equipment provided by meet mgmt: practice implements, radio, crates, cart/wagon, clipboards, towels, steel tape measure (3m), tape – masking, duct, athletic; certification kit details: make, model, capacity, resolution, and calibration status of the scale, types & sizes of measurement templates, types of hammer stretcher, weight length gauge, and javelin inspection equipment

-  Based on the above, confirm items the head needs to bring: kit, specification tables, check-in forms, calculator, caliper, files, pliers, knife, wrenches, files, washers, level, clipboards, marking pens, pencils, stencil(s), labels, tapes, steel tape, rule book, bungee cords, Weather Writers

- Determine if inspectors deliver implements & remain at venues, or if event crews pick up & return

3. E-mail to crew 2-3 months prior to event

- Send event procedures; crew assignments (if set); contact info for crew; meet schedule & meet web address

- Specify days, meeting time & place, including venue set-up time

- Reminders - officials’ uniforms, equipment/gear to bring, sunscreen, cold weather or rain gear

4. Pre-meet head officials’ meeting

- Get answers to the questions on the last page of this document

- Get flight sheets to be able to sort implements into flights

- Meet w/ Field & Combined Events Referees – learn radio channels, cell #, procedures

5. Pre-meet crew meeting

- Share info from the head officials’ meeting - - answers to questions on the last page

- Review: crew assignments; time and place for pre & post-event meetings; paperwork (see Best Practices sample check-in sheet); means & location for marking check-in number an mark of the day

- 2nd flight implements to venue as 1st flight starts 3rd round --delivered by inspectors or picked up by event crew

- For record throws, crew impounds implement – inspector/crew/volunteer takes to inspection area

- If you see an apparent problem, get my attention right away; keep hydrated; have sunscreen, raingear

6. Pre-event crew walk-around, venue prep, and coordination

- Set up the inspection area (see appendices of the Implement Inspector’s Handbook); at a minimum – signs, tables, chairs, forms, measurement kit; areas for checked, unchecked, impounded implements

- Safety considerations – routes & dangers enroute to venues

- Meet w/event heads re: delivery & return of implements, inspection mark of the day, recertification for records; copies of forms; impounded implements

7. Post-event actions

- Clean up venue; return equipment & chairs, radios; secure implements

- Crew meeting & critique – what went well; what didn’t go well & how to fix it; what needs to be changed; reporting time for next session and review of assignments

8. Post-meet actions

-  Complete crew evaluations; send form(s) to the NOC evaluations cmte; provide feedback to crew members

-  Provide feedback to NOC Vice-Chair of Training on this protocol and suggestions to improve it


Implement Inspection Head Official Protocols (Cont’d)

Pre-meet Head Officials’ Meeting – Get Answers to the Following

Additional Event Staff: Volunteers – Number Days, Times ______

Facility Equipment: Provided at Venue? ___ Yes ___ No

If no, location to pick up & return: ______

Combined Events: ____ One ____ Dual Venues in Use

Radios for Event Head & Crew? ___ Number ___ Yes ___ No If yes, pick up Location: ______

Implements to Venue: ____ Delivered by Inspectors ____ Picked up by Event Crew

Deliver/pick up _____minutes before warm-up start time

For all flights, or for 1st flight, then 2nd? ______

Athletes Pick up Implements After Event Ends: ____ At Venue ____ At Inspection Area

Severe Weather: Shelter Location: ______

Officials Meals: Location: ______Times: ______


Implement Inspection Head Official Protocols (Cont’d)

Crew Assignments / Official

1 Implem. Inspectn. Head Ofcl Protocols, USATF Best Practices, Oct 13 (Credit: Trng Cmte)