Title: Spanish/English Memory Game

Content Area:

/ Language Arts

NC SCOS Objective(s):

/ Fourth Grade
1.03: Identify key words and discover their meanings and relationships through a variety of strategies.
1.04: Increase reading and writing vocabulary through: words study.
1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to identify and comprehend unknown words.
2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary (e.g, reread the text, consult other sources, ask for help, paraphrase, question).
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama.
3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative process by: analyzing the impact of authors’ word choice and context.


/ Flash Cards with all the Spanish words used in the book. Also the English meanings should be on flash cards as well.
How Tia Lola Came to Visit/Stay.
English to Spanish dictionary or access to a similar computer program.


/ This activity can be done in a group or individually. Give the students a stack of Spanish and their matching English words. They will shuffle the cards and place them face down on the desk. One at a time the student will turn over two cards. If they match (both words mean the same—one English and one Spanish) they leave those cards turned face up. If they don’t match the student must turn both cards back over and it’s the next person’s turn. The object of the game is to correctly match all the English and Spanish words.
If the student doesn’t know what the Spanish words mean direct them to the English/Spanish Dictionary or to the text.

Additional Resources:

/ Microsoft Word to make the flash cards or construction paper.

Reference: Alvarez, J. (2001). How Tia Lola came to (visit) stay. New York, NY: Yearling.

Created by Mary Ellen Stephens—Lenoir Rhyne University Student