Instructor: Kristin ConnorOffice hours: After class and by appointment

Office: New Cabell438E-mail:

Prerequisites: No previous experience with Spanish. Students may not self-place in a language course. All students will submit proof of placement by June 15th.

Description: Spanish 1010 is a four credit introductory level hybrid course for true beginners designed to provide a thorough foundation in all the language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This is a technology-enhanced language course in which students will complete online activities on Connect. Class is conducted in Spanish only.

Required Texts and Materials:

1. Textbookpackage: Puntos de partida. 9th ed. Dorwick et al. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2012, and code foronline work on Connect Plus. [available at the UVA Bookstore]

Note: the Connect Plus code can be purchased separately at the UVA Bookstore

2. English Grammar for Students of Spanish. 7th ed. Spinelli.Olivia and Hill Press, 2012.

3. A Spanish-English dictionary (pocket dictionaries are not allowed)

4. Assignment Guidelines and Assessment Rubrics, on the course Collabpage.

Grade breakdown: Participation & Quizzes 15%

Homework (Connect) 20%

Tests 30%

Final exam 15%

Oral Exam 10%

Composition 10%

1. Participation and Quizzes (15%).

* Participation. Your attendance, daily preparation, and active participation in class will not only contribute to your learning, but are also important factors in determining your grade. Students are expected to participate in Spanish only during each class period. The instructor will assess student participation on a daily basis, using the rubric on Collab. Speaking in English during class will result in a grade of 0.

* Quizzes. Pop quizzes will be administered at the beginning of class. Lateness to or absence from a quiz will result in a grade of 0. There will be two graded listening comprehension activities, two reading comprehension quizzes and various pop quizzes based on the grammar and vocabulary of the chapters studied. There are no make-ups.

2. Connect Work (20%). Students will complete two types of assignments on Connect: “Class Preparation” work as preparation for class and “Practice” activities to practice and apply what you have learned in class. All online work on Connect must be completed before 11:59 pm the night before the date indicated on the syllabus. Any technical problems should be reported directly to the Connect Support Center, both via e-mail and a phone call. Once you have your case number from Connect, please forward it to your instructor as well the answer to your technical issue. Incomplete or late work will not be accepted.

3. Tests (30%) & Final exam (15%). There will be 2 tests and a final exam. There are no make-ups. Spanish department policy dictates that exams be rescheduled only if the student has an official university excuse (academic business, athletic team travel, religious holiday, death in family) and if arrangements have been made prior to the exam. Failure to attend the final exam results in an F for the course.

4. Oral Exam (10%). There will be a 5-minute graded speaking activity at the end of the summer session. Students will role-play a situation in pairs; the topics will be similar to the pair and group activities practiced throughout the semester. Lateness to or absence from the oral exam on the date scheduled will result in a grade of 0. No make-ups.

5. Composition (10%). There will be one graded composition written in class (use of a dictionary is allowed, not the textbook glossary). This will be corrected by the instructor using symbols, and then the student will revise errors of grammar, vocab, and spelling guided by the symbols. Revisions are to be completed by the student alone without outside help. Grades are based on the use of grammar and vocabulary studied in the course as well as content and organization, using the rubric on Collab. The grade for the composition will be based on both the first draft and the revised final version. Students who do not turn in a revised final version will receive a 0 for the final grade. No make-ups or late work.

Course Policies:

The Honor Code. Spanish 1010 students are expected to comply with the UVA Honor Code. All work is to be pledged and completed by the student without assistance from classmates, advanced Spanish students, native speakers, online translators or any online resource, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. Tutors may help only after the student has completed his/her work independently. Tutors may not revise student essays or other work. If you or your tutor are unsure if you are in violation of honor code, it is better to ask.

*Attendance and Tardiness. Attendance is obligatory for Spanish 1010. In order for students to progress in their mastery of Spanish, they must be engaged in regular interactive communicative tasks with others. Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Being late to class (1-10 min.) counts as half an absence. Tardiness of more than 10 minutes counts as an absence. Missing 2 full sessions or more will result in an (F) in the course.

During Summer Session every 1 hour period counts as one class-this means missing one full day counts as 3 absences.

* Assignment Deadlines and Make-up Work. Connect assignments are due as indicated on the syllabus. No late work and no make-up work will be accepted. Students who will not be in class should either turn in their assignment ahead of time or have a friend turn it in before class. There are no make-ups for exams, quizzes, compositions, or the oral exam.

*Other. No laptops, no cell phones, or other electronic devices. Turn them OFF and put them in your bag.

*Your responsibility. For each credit hour, it is expected that you spend an average of 2 hours at home on homework and class preparation. You are expected to come to class having prepared the material on the syllabus for that day and ready to participate actively in class. Class will be conducted in Spanish only. It is your responsibility to let your instructor know if you do not understand.

PROGRAMA: Pages to read and work to complete BEFORE class meetings listed

Date / Before Class:
Puntos Chapter: pages / Due by 11:59pm
Connect work.
15 de junio
PROOF OF PLACEMENT DUE / 1: Ante todop.1-18 / LS: Ante todo: Vocabulario
WK: Ante todo
16 de junio / 2: En la universidad
p. 24-37 / LS:En la universidad: Vocabulario
17 de junio / 2: En la universidad
p.38-47 / WK:Chapter 2
18 de junio / 3: La familia
p.58-71 / LS: La famila: Vocabulario
19 de junio / 3: La familia
p.72-85 / WK: Chapter 3
22 de junio / 4: De compras
p.96-110 / LS: De compras: Vocabulario
23 de junio / 4: De compras
p. 111-117 / WK: Chapter 4
24 de junio
(capítulos 1-4) / 5: En casa
p. 128-133 / LS: En casa: Vocabulario
25 de junio / 5: En casa
p. 134-146
26 de junio
Languagelab / 5: En casa
p. 147-151 / WK:Chapter 5
29 de junio / 6: Las estaciones y el tiempo
p. 162-174 / LS: Las estaciones: Vocabulario
30 de junio / 6: Las estaciones y el tiempo
p. 175-187 / WK:Chapter 6
1 de julio
COMPOSITION / 7: A comer
p. 198-211 / LS: A comer: Vocabulario
2 de julio / 7: A comer
p. 213-219 / WK:Chapter 7
3 de julio
6 de julio
(capítulos 5-7) / 8: De viaje
p. 230-241 / LS: De viaje: Vocabulario
7 de julio
Language lab 930am-10am / 8: De viaje
p. 242-253 / WK:Chapter 8
8 de julio / 9: Los días festivos
p. 264-274 / LS: Los días festivos: Vocabulario
9 de julio / 9: Los días festivos
p. 275-281 / WK:Chapter 9
10 de julio
11 de julio

Useful phrases/frasesútiles-please use these phrases before falling back on English when asking questions.

I don’t understand, can you repeat please.No entiendo, repita por favor.

I don’t know the word in Spanish. No sé la palabra en español.

How do yousay….?¿Cómo se dice….en español?

Can you explain…..Puedesexplicar….

Can you repeat that again, please?¿Por favor, puedes repetirlo otra vez?

I have a question.Tengo una pregunta.

Can you say that in English?¿Puedes decirlo en inglés?

Can I use English?¿Puedo hablar en inglés?

Can we take a break?¿Podemostomarundescanso?