Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery.

AMPS, Architecture_MPS; Liverpool John Moores University

08—09 September, 2016

1. Please name you folder as follows: Your Name_Full Paper_Housed by Choice_Housed by Force

2. Please use the header embedded in this document

FUll Paper Instructions

All papers must be submitted electronically:

Deadline: 10th January 2016.

Papers should be either:

3000 words

The text must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

References (as endnotes) and a Bibliography must be included.

This document gives instructions on how to format the full paper.

Paper layout

All settings like paper size, margins and styles are embedded in this template. You do not have to make any document settings. The page size is 210 mm x 297 mm (DIN A4), the margins are: top 20 mm, bottom 25 mm, left 25 mm, right 25 mm, gutter 0 mm.


For ease of subsequent formatting no page numbers should be included in the text.

TEXT styles

The styles provided in this template are as follows:


Arial bold, 16 pt, all caps, flush left.


Arial bold, 11 pt, all caps, flush left.


Arial, 11 pt, all caps, flush left.

MAIN section Heading:

Arial bold, 11 pt, all caps, flush left.

Sub-section Heading:

Arial bold, 11 pt, flush left.

Heading 3: Sub-sub-section:

Arial bold italic, 10 pt, flush left.

Main text:

Times New Roman, 11 pt, justified.

Nb. No line spacing between paragraphs


Figures in your paper should be centred.

Suggested maximum size 100x100mm

Figure captions should be: Arial 10pt, italic, centred.

Figure 1. Example of figure


The tables should be numbered Table 1, Table 2, etc., and should be referenced in the main text using Table with an initial capital letter. Use the ‘text in table’ style for the table body.

Table 1. Example of a table

Cell of table / Cell of table / Cell of table
Cell of table / Cell of table / Cell of table


·  Unnumbered lists should preferably use a dot as a bullet with indents as shown here.

1.  Numbered lists should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. with indents as shown here.


Times New Roman, 11 pt, italics, flush left. Each equation should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper using Arabic numbers in parenthesis: (1), (2), etc. The equation number should not be italic.

U = R . I (1)


These should appear as endnotes. Ariel, 9 pt, flush left.


These should appear as endnotes. Ariel, 9 pt, flush left.

Use the Chicago Manual of Style citation style.

These can also be found at the general Architecture_MPS website: