Tai Chi 101 - Beginning Tai Chi
Foundation Level One
Two Semester Hours
Spring 2008
PEX 148 – 9:30- 10:30 AM Mondays & Wednesdays
(Instructions in blue are hidden text that will not appear on the printed syllabus)
Instructor: / Sensei Jose D. Hernandez
Office: / Dragon Cloud Dojo, U.S.A
2160 E. Calvada Blvd. Pahrump, NV. 89048
Phone 751-0244; FAX 751-0492

Office Hours: / Morning 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Monday thru. Saturday
Afternoon/Evenings 4:00- 8:00 PM Monday thru. Friday
or by appointment.
Texts/Materials: / The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan by Wong Kiew Kit
ISBN: 0-08048-3440-7

Dragon Cloud Dojo, USA Tai Chi Student Guide & Handout

Catalog Description:

This Class will provide practical knowledge of the movements of Yang and Chen Style’s of Tai Chi Chuan. This is a hybrid form of the ancient art of Tai Chi. The very best of both forms have been combined to comprise a system that has all of the major components, which offer maximum benefit on a physical, mental and spiritual level. These include: Warm Up Exercises, Chi Kung Exercises and Tai Chi moves and forms! Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Same as above.

Content-Specific Student Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of the proper Breathing Techniques, Chi Kung Postures and the Yang Style Form.
  • Measurement: Performance of proper Breathing Techniques, demonstration of all the Chi Kung Postures, and the Yang Style 29 move Form. (Change the measurement as appropriate.)

Be able to make connections and realize relationships between Chi Kung Postures and Yang Style Form movements.
Understand the working differences between Yang & Chen Style Tai Chi.

Method of Instruction: Discussion, and Workout.

Assignments and Expectations:

Demonstration & Performance: Students who enroll in Tai Chi 101, foundation level one class are expected to keep up with the assigned schedule of practice. Students are expected to practice their recall of names of all Chi Kung postures. Remember sequence of exercises. Exams will consist of a combination of Breathing Techniques, Chi Kung Postures and Yang Style Form.

Attendance and Participation: This course requires attendance. Those who do not attend generally do poorly, especially on the final exams, which require the synthesis of Breathing Techniques and Chi Kung postures. Make every effort to attend every class. If an absence is unavoidable, remember that it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed and master that material. More than four (4) absences will negatively affect your participation grade--you have to be present to participate! GBC’s attendance policy allows up to three absences in a three-credit class; those should be used to cover emergencies. Instructors may drop students for excessive absence. (See page 48 of GBC’s General Catalog 2006-2007 for the complete attendance policy.) Update this information as the catalog is updated

Evaluation and Grades:

P1 Grading System is a Pass / Fail grade:

However, your grade will be calculated as described below.

Final grades for the course will be computed as follows:

Attendance and Participation: 60%*

Demonstration of Chi Kung Posture: 15%

Performance of Yang Style Form 25%*
(*Change this information as appropriate)

The table below shows how different grade systems equate to each other. Exams will be based on percentage scores. Students should be able to chart their progress by referring to this table.

Grade / Grade Point Value / %
A / 4.0 / 90 - 100
B / 3.0 / 80 - 89
C / 2.0 / 70 - 79
D / 1.0 / 60 - 69
F / 0.0 / Below 60

Grade Example: 1) Attendance/Participation = D (60%)

2) Attendance/Participation + Chi Kung Posture = C (75%)

3) Attendance/Participation +Yang Style Form = B (85%)

4) Attendance/Participation + Chi Kung Posture +Yang Style Form =A (100%)

Grades A-C = Pass Grades 60% and below are posted as F= Fail

Withdrawals: Students who wish to withdraw from the course must do so by the end of the thirteenth week of the semester. Withdrawal information is available through Student Services. Students who do not officially withdraw will receive an F.

Incompletes: The Incomplete (I) is assigned in special circumstances (serious illness, death of a family member) when a student who has completed three-quarters of the course with a C or above cannot complete the course. It must be arranged in advance with the instructor.

Grade Appeals: GBC has a standard procedure for grade appeals, which is given in detail on page 50 of the GBC General Catalog 2006-2007(Update this information as the catalog is updated). Note that the first step is to meet with the instructor.

Policy of Academic Integrity:

GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: students are expected to be honest. That means that students are expected to do their own work. In work that utilizes sources written by others, those sources must be given credit for exact words and ideas. Students who plagiarize (copy the work of others and pass it off as their own) are violating the standards of academic integrity and are subject to punishments ranging from failing the assignment to dismissal from the institution. See GBC General Catalog 2006 – 2007 page 28 (Update this information as the catalog is updated).

Reasonable Accommodation Policy: Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunities.ADA STATEMENT: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) inElkoat 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Reading and Writing Assignments:

The course requires NO writing assignments!

Reading is recommended, 1) The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan

2) Tai Chi Student Guide & Handout

Discussion: Wednesday,April 30, 2008, Yang Style vs. Chen Style and related topics.

Tai Chi 101: Tentative Instruction Schedule - Spring 2008

(Update Section and Semester/Year)

Note that this is a tentative schedule. Any changes will be discussed in class.

For greatest comprehension of the material, we recommend students read the Dragon Cloud Dojo, U.S.A, LLC handout and The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan.

(Change the following information as appropriate for your class)

2008 /

Subject Matter



1/21 / Dojo Closed, No class. /

No Class, Dojo Close due to MLK Holiday

1/23 / Course introduction
Introduction to Dragon Cloud Dojo & Tai Chi / 1st Workout
Warm Up Exercises Routine
1/28 / Breathing Techniques- Wudan, Kunha, Commencement
& Open Chest Breathing. / 2nd Workout

Warm Up Exercises Routine

1/30 / Chi Kung Postures & Start of Yang Style Form / 3rd Workout

Chi Kung Postures/Parting the wild horse’s mane

2/04 / Yang Style Form / Wu Chi, Commencement &
Open Chest
2/06 / Chi Kung Postures & Yang Style Form / Parting the wild horse’s mane,

Show the Ball, & The Golden Cockerel Cools it’s wing

2/11 / Chi Kung Postures & Yang Style Form / Brush Knee, Grab for Chi &
Playing the Piehpa
2/13 / Chi Kung Postures & Yang Style Form / Repelling the Monkey,
Grasp the bird’s tail &Prayer Wheel
2/18 / Dojo Closed, No class. /

No Class, Dojo Close due to President’s Day Holiday

2/20 / Yang Style Form / Our Fair Lady at the Shuttles
2/25 / Yang Style Form / Needle at the Sea Bottom
2/27 / Yang Style Form / Polishing the Golden Table
Date /

Subject Matter



03/03 / Yang Style Form / High Pat on Horse, Crane &

Heel Kick

03/05 / Yang Style Form /

Double fist strike & Toe Kick

03/10 / Yang Style Form / Snake Creeps Down
03/12 / Yang Style Form / Snake Creeps Down
03/17 / Yang Style Form / Back fist strike, Back fist Chop & Step, Parry, Punch
03/19 / Yang Style Form / Back fist strike, Back fist Chop & Step, Parry, Punch continued
03/24 / Yang Style Form / Cross Hands
03/26 / Yang Style Form / Cross Hands & Finish
03/31 / Dojo Close, No Class /

Dojo Annual Corporate Meeting

04/02 / Dojo Close, No Class /

Dojo Annual Corporate Meeting

04/07 / Yang Style Form /

Full Form Review

04/09 / Yang Style Form / Full Form Review
04/14 / Yang Style Form / Full Form Review
04/16 / Chi Kung Postures /

Postures Review

04/21 / Chi Kung Postures / Postures Review
04/23 / Breathing Techniques- Wudan, Kunha, Commencement
& Open Chest Breathing. /

Review & Practice

04/28 / Breathing Techniques- Wudan, Kunha, Commencement
& Open Chest Breathing. /

Review & Practice

04/30 / Final Workout- Breathing Techniques, Chi Kung Postures & Yang Style Form /


05/05 / Discussion Yang Style vs. Chen Style /

Discussion & Video

05/07 / Final Exam Part #1 /

Breathing Techniques & Chi Kung Postures

05/12 / Final Exam Part #2 /

Yang Style Form

05/14 / Closed /

End of Semester