I. Call to Order – Amy Guilfoyle
II. Roll Call – Debbie Madden
Name / Attendance / ProxyAmy Guilfoyle – President / y
Mary Gutierrez – Past President / n
Tim Terwilliger– Vice President / n
Debbie Madden – Treasurer (At large) / y
Tim Perry – Secretary (At large) / y
Bruce Hasbrouck – Parliamentarian / y
Teri Hasbrouck – Administrator / y
Hannah Rowe – Central Chapter / y
Stan Stokes– Northeast Chapter / y
Ashley Jansen – Northwest Chapter / n
Stephanie Voris – South Chapter / y
Arielle Poulos – Southwest Chapter / y
Echo Gates– Tallahassee Chapter / n
Tina Fritz – Tampa Bay Chapter / y
Paul Fitzgerald– Treasure Coast Chapter / y
Courtney Arena – At Large Member / n
Todd Hodgson – At Large Member / y
Elva Peppers (Guest) / y
III. Approve August and September Meeting Minutes
Amy asked if everyone had reviewed the August meeting minutes and if there were any comments. There were no comments, and Stephanie moved to approve, Paul seconded. The Board approved the minutes.
The September meeting minutes were not compiled yet – tabled until next month.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
Tim P. reported that the Board adopted a new budget because FAEP’s fiscal year ended on Sept. 30th. Last year, the income was $10,000 above budget, and the expenses were just over budget by $400, less than 1% off. Tim reviewed the Wells Fargo and Bank United balances. The budget adopted for 2016-17, projected total income is $64,000, if FAEP does the same as this year. FAEP added more sponsorship monies (last year budgeted $700 for Beacon, this year, $2,225 (which was the actual amount collected last year). FAEP received additional revenues from Chapter dues this year (approximately $4,000); also $3,000 from conference in 2015, which was not budgeted before.
V. Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report.
VI. President’s Report
Amy is looking for a calendar sponsor for next month. It is $50. Tina said she would do it last month, as a logo, but has not paid yet. Teri will send an invoice or can take payment with a credit card.
Membership committee – Debbie reported that the Membership Committee would like to meet again and she will find a date to suggest for the next meeting.
VII. Administrator’s Report
Our membership total is up 23 members, 99 members in September. There were 13 expired renewals. 71 renewal notices were sent out for August and Sept. 187 memberships will expire in October and November so FAEP can expect a big renewal.
VIII. Old Business
Arielle provided an update on the FAEP Annual Conference hosted by the SW Chapter. The SW Chapter working on a summary regarding things that went well or could go better. The net income from the event was $1,354; with the 75/25 split, FAEP will get $338 (25%). Overall, the SW Chapter received good feedback. Arielle thanked Elva for the write up in the newsletter. If there are any other photos, Teri would like to collect and put them up on the website. Amy has photos to share also. Arielle said they were thinking they should have put up a Facebook page just for the conference, could have gone out to entire membership. Bruce suggested setting up a LinkedIn page for the conference because it can be transferred from year to year. Bruce wants the final registration list for a count by chapter and members, and will also share with the Tallahassee Chapter for help in planning its conference. Amy will finalize the thank you letters for the Conference committee. Amy asked if there were any questions for Arielle, and the only comment was great job on the conference.
IX. New Business
Bruce reported on the FAEP Board elections that are coming up. Courtney is the only at-large member cycling off the FAEP Board, so FAEP will do nominations for that position. Tim T. went on to a different profession. Traditionally, the VP is in line for the presidency. Tim P. is interested, but being president and head of the conference is too much for one year. FAEP is asking Amy to stay on one more year (unless others want the position). A vote by the Board recognizing that this is not in alignment with By-Laws is needed. Generally, each board member is elected for 2 years, and serves 1 year terms, and FAEP is asking for one more one year term for Amy as President. For the At-Large position, each chapter may nominate someone from the chapter, then the voting will occur. There will be a nominating committee, traditionally led by past-president, and Bruce will help take the lead. For time frames, we normally nominate in October, the elections are held in December, and the new Board is seated in January Board meeting. Chapters can send nominations to email address.
X. Chapter Discussions
a. Tampa Bay – Tina Fritz deferred to Bruce. Bruce reported the October meeting speakers were health and safety individuals from Busch Gardens. It was a unique presentation (lower attendance than normal because conflicted with Brownfields conference). November is the annual “Falladay” holiday event, which is usually well attended, and TBAEP rolls out the photo contest winners. TBAEP hosted a coastal cleanup, a gopher tortoise run, and new member orientation last week. TBAEP takes December and January off, but considering hosting a DEP workshop on the Emergency pollution rule.
b. Treasure Coast – Paul Fitzgerald reported that TC Chapter had a panel discussion on Oct 20th, on algae blooms in Indian River Lagoon, with nonprofit, State, and other organizations and open discussion. Next month, FPL is presenting at the November 3rd joint effort with SFAEP. The joint events are usually well attended. The annual event will be held December 12th.
c. Central – Hannah Rowe reported that the Central Chapter hosted the luncheon last week with the FDEP Central brownfields coordinator. Coming up will be the Holiday member appreciation event, at Winter Park Farmer’s Market, with casino games and a DJ.
d. Northeast – Stan Stokes reported that the NE Chapter participated in a Make a Difference day event that included a board walk build. For the monthly luncheon meeting, Ann Shortelle (SJRWMD) spoke at FDEP NE District office. November will be a social, then a holiday event.
e. Northwest – Bruce reported that on Nov. 4th NW is hosting its Annual Symposium with an Escambia County Commissioner speaking.
f. Southwest – Arielle Poulos reported that the SW Chapter had a quiet October after hosting the FAEP Conference. SW Chapter will have the Fakahatchee trip coming up in the beginning of December, also a holiday social in December. SW Chapter will be planning 4-5 months of meetings in advance. If anyone knows who won Fakahatchee trip at the conference, please let Arielle know.
g. South – Stephanie Voris reported that the South Chapter had a luncheon in Broward County with Naturescape Coordinator, regarding planting native plants, butterfly attracting and migratory bird attracting. Next month, South Chapter is holding a joint event with the TC Chapter. There will be a networking event on Nov. 17th on Rickenbacker causeway, with tour of the labs. Both are evening events.
h. Tallahassee – Elva reported that they have the FSU and Tallahassee chapters joint event, which is a BBQ at the Reservation, a FSU recreation area. Next month, Tallahassee will host a member appreciation event at St. Marks. In September, Tallahassee had a luncheon meeting on MFLs.
XI. Upcoming Meeting – November 21
XII. Review Action Items (if any)
Send calendar events for November to Amy so she can update calendar.
XIII. Adjournment