U.S. History - Review for Chapter 2 Test Forming a New Nation

The Intolerable Acts were laws enacted to punish the colonies, especially Massachusetts.

The Olive Branch Petition asked for a happy and permanent reconciliation between Britain and the colonists.

The idea that men have inalienable right is one of the mail ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

The British success in the Revolutionary War was often hindered by surprise raids by Southern Patriots who then disappeared into the woods.

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Franklin was saying that the colonists must set aside their differences or the success of the revolution would be at risk.

The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution both empowered the federal government to borrow and coin money.

The agreement to balance legislative representation between large and small states was part of the Great Compromise.

“The Constitution lists all the powers that the federal government should have now and in the future.” This statement was likely spoken by a strict constructionist.

In response to the French Revolution, President Washington issued the Neutrality Proclamation in 1793.

British military aid to Native American in the Northwest Territory frontier led to the War of 1812 and a decrease in Native American resistance against settlers.

In 1794, President Washington suppressed The Whiskey Rebellion, which challenged the authority of the national government.

Valley Forge served as quarters for George Washington and his troops during the bitterly cold winter if 1777-1778.

Antifederalists insisted on the addition of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

The Judiciary Act of 1801 was declared unconstitutional in the court decision Marbury v. Madison.

Lord Cornwallis surrendered to American General George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, and Quartering Act were some of the grievances that motivated the colonists to declare independence.

The lack of an executive branch was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

Setting up a cabinet was one of George Washington’s first acts as president.

The American colonists declared war from Britain even though they were reluctant to go to war.

The balance of power between federal and state governments was a key discussion among the Framers of the Constitution.

The executive branch makes up the president and the departments that help run the government.

Common Sense condemned the system of monarchy and called for a declaration of independence.

The Antifederalists opposed a strong central government.

A loose constructionist believes the Constitution does not list all powers held by the federal government.

The Stamp Act required colonists to pay for an official stamp on certain paper items.

The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary War.

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.

Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury.

Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

The Articles of Confederation were America’s first national constitution.

The colonists’ defeat at the Battle of Bunker Hill was important because the colonists’ brave defense encouraged resistance and gave them confidence in their ability to fight the better-trained and better-equipped British troops.

The Constitution established the executive branch, which in includes the president and the departments that help run the government and carry out laws; Congress, which is the legislative, or law-making branch; and the judicial branch, made up of the Supreme Court and lower courts, which interpret the laws as they relate to the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights was created to protect both individuals an states against what people feared might be too much federal government power.

The nation’s first two political parties were the Democratic –Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, envisioned a rural country with power more closely held by people in the state governments. The federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong centralized government, a nation with prospering cities and businesses, and that took a role in world affairs.

The United States started the War of 1812 because the new nation was caught between Britain and France, which were at war, and both of which were stopping American ships at sea. Further, British ships were capturing American sailors and impressing them into British military service; and the British were giving military aid to Native Americans who were fighting American settles along the frontier.

Abigail Adams says that men are “retaining absolute power over wives”, even while they proclaim peace to men and freeing all nations. She also says that arbitrary power is likely to be broken, so men will not be able to speak of freedom while oppressing women.