Health Final Exam -- Mr. Markouzis -- 2010 -- 2011

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.A health-literate individual

a. / understands basic health information and services and uses these sources to promote health and wellness.
b. / puts his or her own health before any other consideration, such as family or community.
c. / understands that serious disease only strikes the elderly.
d. / believes only what he or she wants to believe about health.

____2.Which of the following best describes the health triangle?

a. / When two sides of the triangle are strong, the third will take care of itself.
b. / It is best to focus on improving one side of the triangle at a time.
c. / To be truly healthy, all three sides need to be in balance.
d. / The triangle has two sides that are more important to overall health than the other.

____3.Which of the following is an incorrect statement if you are in good physical health?

a. / You are able to resist diseases.
b. / You can cope with everyday stresses and challenges.
c. / You are able to protect yourself from injury.
d. / You do not have the energy to perform daily tasks.

____4.Abstinence can lead to

a. / getting a sexually transmitted disease.
b. / an addiction to tobacco or alcohol.
c. / an unplanned pregnancy.
d. / a lower risk for disease.

____5.Which of the following is NOT a lifestyle factor?

a. / smoking cigarettes / c. / having friends
b. / having weak eyesight / d. / walking to school

____6.The three elements of your health triangle are

a. / relationships, physical exercise, and stress management.
b. / heredity, lifestyle factors, and nutrition.
c. / physical, mental/emotional, and social health.
d. / risk behavior, prevention, and environment.

____7.The dynamic nature of our health means that

a. / it is constantly changing. / c. / it changes very slowly.
b. / we have little control over it. / d. / it is largely inherited.

____8.Which influence on health cannot be changed?

a. / the environment / c. / your values
b. / technology / d. / heredity

____9.Which of the following is a cumulative risk?

a. / not wearing a seatbelt / c. / eating a high-fat diet
b. / riding a bike without a helmet / d. / abstaining from the use of alcohol

____10.Your personal behavior

a. / is not influenced by the environment.
b. / can affect your friends and family.
c. / is dictated by heredity.
d. / has consequences for you only.

____11.Which of the following is most likely to be an unreliable source of health information?

a. / an online chat room
b. / an encyclopedia
c. / a medical school's Internet site
d. / a magazine written by health professionals

____12.Which of the following is NOT a good strategy when refusing to engage in a risky behavior?

a. / suggesting an alternative to the risky behavior
b. / threatening to tell an adult about the risky behavior
c. / walking away if the other person won't take no for an answer
d. / explaining that you won't take part because your parents would not approve

____13.Which of the following is necessary for effective communication?

a. / making sure your facial expressions and gestures reflect your verbal message
b. / interrupting the speaker to ask questions
c. / speaking in a sarcastic tone
d. / using "you" messages to explain your point

____14.Which is an internal influence on your health?

a. / your family / c. / your likes and dislikes
b. / your friends / d. / the media

____15.The key to conflict resolution is

a. / knowing when to give up and quit arguing.
b. / believing in yourself enough to convince the other person you are right.
c. / having respect for the other person's rights.
d. / continuing the discussion until you get your way.

____16.Which of the following accurately describes setting and reaching a goal?

a. / Punishment for failure is a better motivator than a reward for meeting a goal.
b. / Check your progress periodically and make any necessary adjustments.
c. / Breaking a goal down into smaller goals will only distract you.
d. / Asking friends or family for help in reaching your goal is cheating.

____17.Holding your empty cup until you find a trash can to toss it into is an example of

a. / trustworthiness. / c. / fairness.
b. / respect. / d. / citizenship.

____18.Which is an example of a long-term goal for a teen?

a. / mowing the lawn
b. / avoiding chocolate for one day
c. / saving up money for a car
d. / starting a research project due next week

____19.Your beliefs and attitudes about what is important that help guide your behavior are your

a. / values. / c. / decision-making skills.
b. / role models. / d. / options.

____20.Having good character

a. / cannot be learned.
b. / benefits others as well as yourself.
c. / means always pleasing others.
d. / means always doing what adults tell you.

____21.Hunger is

a. / a desire for food.
b. / a response to stretched stomach walls.
c. / a physical need for food.
d. / a learned response.

____22.People’s food choices are NOT affected by

a. / cultural and ethnic background. / c. / hunger.
b. / convenience. / d. / family and friends.

____23.Complex carbohydrates are found in

a. / fruit. / c. / sugarcane.
b. / milk. / d. / potatoes.

____24.The nine essential amino acids are

a. / not found in foods.
b. / not made by the body.
c. / all present in incomplete proteins.
d. / made by the body.

____25.Fats are a type of

a. / lipid. / c. / vitamin.
b. / mineral. / d. / protein.

____26.Fat-soluble vitamins

a. / do not build up in the body. / c. / are not needed by the body.
b. / are absorbed by fat. / d. / pass easily into the bloodstream.

____27.Animal fats and tropical oils are

a. / usually liquid at room temperature.
b. / thought to be more healthful than vegetable oils.
c. / higher in unsaturated fatty acids.
d. / higher in saturated fatty acids.

____28.The nutrient that makes up the greatest percentage of the body is

a. / vitamin C. / c. / a complex carbohydrate.
b. / water. / d. / protein.

____29.Which of the following is NOT a food group?

a. / bread, cereal, rice, and pasta / c. / milk, yogurt, and cheese
b. / vegetable / d. / fats, oils, and sweets

____30.The Nutrition Facts panel on food labels includes information on

a. / the number of calories per serving. / c. / the expiration date.
b. / the price per unit. / d. / the cooking process used.

____31.Which of the following is a nutrient-dense food?

a. / cheese / c. / carrots
b. / pretzels / d. / french fries

____32.What will happen if you take in more calories than you burn?

a. / Your metabolism will increase.
b. / Your amount of stored body fat may increase.
c. / Your body will excrete the excess calories.
d. / You will maintain your current weight.

____33.Compared to an adult of appropriate weight, an underweight adult will have

a. / more energy.
b. / a lower risk of heart problems.
c. / a higher chance of suffering chronic fatigue.
d. / better balance of hemoglobin in the blood.

____34.Body composition is the ratio of body fat to

a. / muscle. / c. / lean body tissue.
b. / bone. / d. / cartilage and tendons.

____35.One strategy in a sensible weight-management plan is

a. / keeping a food journal of what and when you eat.
b. / planning to lose two pounds a week.
c. / fasting occasionally.
d. / weighing yourself every day.

____36.The number of calories a person takes in each day should be unaffected by

a. / age. / c. / body frame.
b. / gender. / d. / body image.

____37.It is important to drink plenty of water before and during a heavy workout because keeping hydrated

a. / helps you to perspire more.
b. / causes an electrolyte imbalance.
c. / prevents you from perspiring.
d. / prevents an electrolyte imbalance.

____38.Which contributes to obesity?

a. / avoiding fast food
b. / a sedentary lifestyle
c. / having excess muscle tissue
d. / a balance of high-fat and low-fat foods in the diet

____39.Anorexia nervosa

a. / is not as serious as bulimia.
b. / usually goes away on its own.
c. / has consequences similar to malnutrition and starvation.
d. / is serious, but not life threatening.

____40.Which of the following describes a person who is obese?

a. / a person with a large amount of body fat
b. / a person who weighs more than what is appropriate for his or her height
c. / a person who has excess muscle tissue
d. / a person who weighs less than what is appropriate for his or her height

____41.Which two hormones stimulate production of all other sex hormones during adolescence?

a. / testosterone and estrogen
b. / the hormones FSH and LH
c. / the hormones ADH and MSH
d. / growth hormone and melatonin

____42.Which of the following is a normal part of a healthy, mature male reproductive system?

a. / a painless lump or swelling in a testicle
b. / a change in the way a testicle feels
c. / nocturnal emissions
d. / an inguinal hernia

____43.The pituitary gland

a. / is part of the nervous system.
b. / controls the other glands in the endocrine system.
c. / coordinates the work of the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.
d. / serves as a link between the endocrine system and the nervous system.

____44.Which of the following puts a female at risk of sterility?

a. / contracting an STD
b. / having regular pelvic exams
c. / practicing abstinence
d. / having irregular menstrual cycles

____45.Eggs move to the uterus through the

a. / endometrium. / c. / vagina.
b. / cervix. / d. / fallopian tubes.

____46.The thyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands are all part of the

a. / reproductive system. / c. / nervous system.
b. / immune system. / d. / endocrine system.

____47.Which of the following can result in damaged sperm or sterility in males?

a. / monthly TSE
b. / contracting mumps in childhood
c. / use of anabolic steroids
d. / improper lifting of heavy objects

____48.When a female reaches puberty, the pituitary gland begins to produce hormones that cause

a. / the ovaries to produce eggs.
b. / the ovaries to store immature eggs.
c. / the stored immature ova to mature.
d. / the ova to implant in the uterine wall.

____49.Sperm are produced in the

a. / testes. / c. / prostate gland.
b. / vas deferens. / d. / seminal vesicles.

____50.Which of the following increases heartbeat and respiration during periods of high emotion?

a. / the thyroid gland / c. / the pituitary gland
b. / the adrenal glands / d. / the pineal gland

____51.Tiny air sacs in the lungs are destroyed, making breathing extremely difficult, in the disease called

a. / emphysema. / c. / chronic bronchitis.
b. / coronary heart disease. / d. / lung cancer.

____52.When carbon monoxide is present in the blood, the body’s tissues and cells are deprived of

a. / hemoglobin. / c. / iron.
b. / carcinogens. / d. / oxygen.

____53.Nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in blood vessels, increasing the chance of

a. / lung cancer. / c. / arteriosclerosis.
b. / diabetes. / d. / oral cancer.

____54.Nicotine gum is an over-the-counter product that is used as a nicotine

a. / deactivator. / c. / enhancer.
b. / substitute. / d. / antitoxin.

____55.Tar contained in tobacco smoke is harmful to the lungs because it

a. / clogs the blood vessels. / c. / paralyzes cilia.
b. / is a stimulant. / d. / is addictive.

____56.A social consequence of smoking is

a. / a higher chance of stroke.
b. / decreased cardiorespiratory endurance.
c. / paying a fine for providing tobacco to minors.
d. / being excluded by nonsmokers.

____57.People who use smokeless tobacco

a. / have fewer health risks than smokers.
b. / can become addicted to nicotine.
c. / do not get tobacco-related cancers.
d. / can quit more easily than smokers.

____58.When quitting smoking, stress-management techniques can

a. / prevent diseases of the lungs.
b. / reduce peer pressure.
c. / help ease people through the withdrawal process.
d. / be a nicotine substitute.

____59.Nicotine causes addiction and

a. / acts as a stimulant. / c. / competes with oxygen.
b. / is a carcinogen. / d. / destroys cilia.

____60.Which of the following is NOT a possible consequence of smoking while pregnant?

a. / premature delivery / c. / stillbirth
b. / deformities / d. / high birth weight

____61.A symptom of alcohol poisoning is

a. / increased excitability. / c. / inconsistent abilities.
b. / irregular heartbeat. / d. / increased respiration.

____62.Drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting is called

a. / binge drinking. / c. / alcohol poisoning.
b. / alcohol abuse. / d. / moderate drinking.

____63.The long-term effects of alcohol use can include

a. / dulled concentration. / c. / altered judgment.
b. / nausea. / d. / high blood pressure.

____64.A condition in which liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue is called

a. / fatty liver. / c. / cirrhosis.
b. / alcoholic hepatitis. / d. / fetal alcohol syndrome.

____65.Which of the following is NOT true of the short-term effects of alcohol use?

a. / Some alcohol passes quickly into the bloodstream from the stomach.
b. / Nerves controlling involuntary functions are depressed.
c. / Fats build up in the liver, causing liver cells to die.
d. / Coordination and speech are impaired.

____66.When a person is dependent on alcohol, he or she

a. / has a nervous system disorder.
b. / is intoxicated.
c. / has fetal alcohol syndrome.
d. / is an alcoholic.

____67.Medical researchers have found that drinking alcohol of any sort

a. / slows reflexes.
b. / heightens judgment.
c. / decreases forgetfulness.
d. / reduces risk-taking behaviors.

____68.According to teens, the most important factor in choosing not to use alcohol is

a. / media messages.
b. / peer pressure.
c. / fear of intoxication.
d. / parental disapproval.

____69.The first stage of alcoholism is characterized by

a. / brain damage and kidney defects.
b. / admission that there is a problem.
c. / becoming intoxicated regularly.
d. / the need for less alcohol to become intoxicated.

____70.Which of these is NOT a factor that influences the onset and severity of the short-term effects of drinking?

a. / body size and gender
b. / time of consumption
c. / food in the stomach
d. / rate of consumption

____71.Which treatment would be most appropriate for a person with a long history of serious drug abuse?

a. / drug counseling
b. / maintenance therapy
c. / a stay at a therapeutic community
d. / medication therapy

____72.Morphine, codeine, and aspirin are all

a. / antivirals. / c. / vaccines.
b. / analgesics. / d. / antibiotics.

____73.Which of the following is an accurate statement about side effects?

a. / Most medicines do not cause side effects.
b. / Taking two medicines at the same time always causes harmful side effects.
c. / Any given medicine will produce the same side effects in everyone who takes it.
d. / Your body’s reaction to a medicine depends on your body chemistry.

____74.Cocaine is a

a. / gateway drug. / c. / designer drug.
b. / psychoactive drug. / d. / stimulant.

____75.Substance abuse does NOT lead to

a. / accidental deaths. / c. / an increase in control.
b. / violent crimes. / d. / unintended pregnancies.


a. / interferes with the immune system and may permanently damage it.
b. / contains fewer cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco.
c. / raises the level of testosterone in men.
d. / enhances mental reflexes and short-term memory.

____77.Which of the following can cause increased risk of injury to tendons and ligaments?

a. / anabolic-androgenic steroids
b. / inhalants
c. / psychoactive drugs
d. / narcotics

____78.Which of the following are never used in a medicinal capacity?

a. / depressants / c. / narcotics
b. / hallucinogens / d. / stimulants

____79.In the drug interaction known as the synergistic effect,

a. / two medicines taken together cancel each other out.
b. / the patient builds up a tolerance to two medicines taken together.
c. / one medicine strengthens the effect of another taken at the same time.
d. / one medicine alleviates the side effects of another taken at the same time.

____80.Which is an example of misuse of a medicine?

a. / taking aspirin for a fever
b. / taking drugs to control blood pressure
c. / throwing away a medicine that has passed its expiration date
d. / giving a friend one of your prescription pain relievers

____81.During the asymptomatic stage of HIV infection,

a. / the virus continues to grow and can be transmitted to others.
b. / the infected person cannot transmit the virus to others.
c. / the virus goes dormant and does not reproduce itself for a period of time.
d. / the symptoms become increasingly severe.

____82.Which of the following STDs stays in the body after symptoms are treated?

a. / chlamydia / c. / gonorrhea
b. / human papillomavirus / d. / syphilis

____83.Compared to adults, teens are less likely to

a. / have more than one sexual partner.
b. / engage in unprotected sex.
c. / select high-risk partners.
d. / seek medical attention for an STD.

____84.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. / All STDs produce recognizable symptoms.
b. / All STDs are preventable.
c. / Some STDs can be passed from a mother to her baby.
d. / Some STDS cause cancer.

____85.The first symptoms of HIV infection include

a. / rapid weight loss. / c. / confusion and forgetfulness.
b. / open sores. / d. / fever and body aches.

____86.HIV can be transmitted through

a. / food. / c. / blood.
b. / the air. / d. / the skin.

____87.The best method for preventing STDs is

a. / using barrier protection during sexual activity.
b. / abstaining from sexual activity.
c. / choosing low-risk sex partners.
d. / avoiding alcohol and drugs.

____88.Which can cause the EIA to give inaccurate results?

a. / drinking alcohol before the test
b. / engaging in sexual intercourse before the test
c. / being in the symptom-free stage of HIV infection
d. / having certain medical conditions or testing too soon after acquiring HIV

____89.Which statement about genital herpes is NOT true?

a. / Both types of herpes can affect the mouth and genitals.
b. / Many people who have genital herpes have no symptoms.
c. / The virus can only be spread when blisters are present.
d. / A person who has genital herpes may have outbreaks throughout his or her life.

____90.HIV often destroys brain cells, causing confusion and memory loss

a. / in the last stages of HIV, or AIDS.
b. / in the symptomatic stage of infection.
c. / even when no other symptoms are present.
d. / as the immune system keeps pace with HIV infection.

____91.A cut caused by a razor blade is called

a. / an abrasion. / c. / a puncture.
b. / a laceration. / d. / an avulsion.

____92.The first link in the chain of survival is to

a. / begin CPR.
b. / begin defibrillation.
c. / phone 911.
d. / going to the hospital.

____93.Which is part of the correct treatment of a nosebleed?

a. / Apply pressure to the bleeding nostril.
b. / Tilt the head back to slow the flow of blood.
c. / If the nose is still bleeding after 15 minutes, seek professional help.
d. / Encourage the person to breathe through the nose.

____94.Universal precautions include

a. / wearing protective gloves.
b. / not moving a victim if possible.
c. / learning to give CPR.
d. / checking the victim’s pulse.

____95.If someone is bitten by a poisonous snake, you should

a. / elevate the bitten area.
b. / apply heat to the bite.
c. / apply ice to the bite.
d. / have the victim lie down.

____96.What do adult and infant CPR have in common?

a. / the amount of force used for chest compressions
b. / the positioning of the head before beginning rescue breathing
c. / the length of the breaths given
d. / the length of time you should wait between breaths

____97.If someone faints, you should

a. / begin CPR.
b. / splash water on the person's face.
c. / lay the person down and elevate the legs.
d. / sit the person up and place his or her head between the knees.

____98.Which of the following is an accurate statement about poisoning?

a. / Poison on the skin should not be flushed with water, because that will spread the poison.
b. / Most poisonings can be treated without professional help.
c. / If someone swallows poison, you should induce vomiting immediately.
d. / If poison gets in your eye, flush the eye with water and call 911.

____99.Restlessness, skin that is pale, cool, and moist, and rapid breathing and pulse are all symptoms of