Ms. Jenna SerafiniOffice Hours: M-F: See Ms. Serafini for times

Room 206EOP: 8:25-8:55 A.M.


Welcome to Ms. Serafini’s English Class! I am very excited to have you in my class this year. I look forward to assisting you in succeeding and enjoying Honors English 3-4!

Course Description:

English 3-4 is required for all sophomore level students. By the end of the course the students will be able to: understand and practice various components of writing, read and analyze different components of literature, actively participate and contribute to discussions, comprehend and apply proper grammar and vocabulary usage, prewrite, draft, revise, and edit pieces of their own writing.

Materials Required:

  1. Lined notebook paper (no frayed edges)
  2. 1 subject spiral notebook (Due ASAP)
  3. Writing Utensil: Pens (black or blue ink plus 1 red pen) pencils and highlighters
  4. 3-ring Binder (for your organizational benefit, but optional)
  5. Single folder for vocabulary (Due ASAP)
  6. 3x5 cards for vocabulary (This is optional)
  7. Personal Reading Book
  8. All students are required to carry a book to read during down times.

Major Course Outcomes:

Students will complete the following outcomes by the end of the course:

  • Literary Analysis – study and application of literary elements
  • Persuasive/Argumentative Essay (District Assessment) – an essay incorporating a variety of persuasive techniques
  • Personal Narrative – an essay reflecting a personal event
  • Letter of Complaint- preparation for the business world
  • Literary Response – written response to a piece of literature
  • Expository Essay – a 5-paragraph essay on a given topic
  • Research Report – an essay which integrates information from factual articles
  • Literature – the reading and completion of assignments from novels and/or various short stories

Important Testing Dates:

*Reading Diagnostic Test- October 22, 2013

*District CRT (Timed Writing & Multiple Choice Test) - December 9-11, 2013

*AIMS Writing Test- February 24, 2014

*AIMS Reading Test- February 25, 2014

*District PBA Test- April 14-23, 2014

Student Expectations/Rules

R: Respect yourself, others, and the environment

O: Only speak when called upon by the teacher

C: Come to class prepared with all supplies

K: Keep food and drinks outside the classroom EXCEPT for WATER

E: Everyone in the classroom when the bell rings, ready to participate

T: Turn off and put away ALL electronic devices during school hours

S: Speak using appropriate language

Behavior Plan

I expect responsible and respectful behavior in my classroom. If, for some reason, students decide to break a rule or act inappropriately, the following consequences will be administered:

1.Conference with Student

2.Detention with Teacher

3.Phone call to Parent

4.Referral to Dean

5.Parent Conference with administration

6.Loss of Credit/Dropped from Class

*All class infractions will be kept on record for parent notification. The teacher also reserves the right to skip to a more severe consequence when the situation warrants such action


  1. Attendance/Tardies:
  • Student’s grades are determined by in-class work and participation as well as assignments. Classroom activities and participation may not be able to be made up due to the nature of the lesson; therefore, attendance is vitally linked to grades earned.

For example: bell work, pop quizzes, library research, film quizzes and outside activities

  • It is expected that every student arrive to class on time; tardiness will not be tolerated. The MVHS Tardy Policy will be enforced!
  • A combination of 13 absences and/or tardies will result in loss of academic credit. This will result in referral to alternative placement.

2. Missing Work

  • Students are required to turn in all assignments. Any missing assignment can be turned in for partial credit up to two weeks after the due date, except in special circumstances. It is the responsibility of the student to see the instructor and/or read the assignment board immediately to determine the work to be completed. Points will be docked for late assignments based on the teacher’s discretion.

3. Make-up work

  • Students missing school when homework is assigned will have two days for every day he/she is absent to complete the missed assignment. (See school handbook)
  • Please see district policy I-7261 regarding make-up work due to absences involving the application of pesticides.
  1. Dress Code
  • Hats are not to be worn indoors.
  • Clothing that is distracting, disruptive, indecent or disrespectful will not be tolerated. (See school dress code for details)
  1. Passes
  • No passes will be given the first or last 15 minutes of class.
  • Bathroom/drink passes will be limited to three per semester.

Grading System:

Grades will be determined on class work, projects, homework, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, and outcomes specified. Every assignment should be completed individually unless it is assigned group work. Each of these will be assigned points. All work is to be turned in on time. Students may be deducted points or not receive credit for tests taken or assignments due on days when there is an unexcused absence. Students might not be allowed to complete an outcome if all the assignments within the unit/outcome are not complete.

Grades are determined by unit outcomes and accumulated over the semester. All students in this class are expected to receive an 80% or above.

Your grade will be based on the following criteria. Please note I DO NOT round up. You get the grade you earn, so please work hard the entire semester and track your grade regularly.

Grading Scale:
90-100% = 1
80-89% = 2
70-79% =3
60 - 69% = 4
59 & below = 5 / Outcomes, Tests, Major Projects
Novels and Summer Reading
Classwork, Homework, Bell Work
Participation / 40%


I plan to be in the classroom before school, during EOP, and after school. However, since I have duties that take me beyond the limits of the classroom, please let me know ahead of time when you wish to come in for additional help.

8th Hour:

8th hour is a program we use at Moon Valley to help ensure that our sophomores are successful. If you have missing assignments, need extra help or are failing any classes, you will be enrolled in this mandatory after school program from 2:45-3:30. In order to be removed from this program you need to have turned in all missing assignments for any classes, AND be passing the class with a C. 8th hour days for English are Thursdays of each week.

Extra Credit:

Rarely do I offer extra credit in an honors class; therefore, do not count on being able to complete extra work to boost your grade at the end of the semester. If for some reason extra credit is offered, it will be once a semester.

Dear Parent(s):

I look forward to having your student and working with the both of you for a successful school year. Please know that teacher/parent communication does not only have to occur in situations in which the student is having difficulty. I intend to also inform you when the student does exceptional work or shows improvement. Please read over the syllabus and contact me if you have any questions.I can be contacted via email at or by phone at 623-915-8110. Email is the easiest method of communication for me. I will be happy to help in any way that I can. I am confident we will have a fun and productive year .


I have read the above Course Syllabus and understand the content.


Student SignatureDate


Printed Name


Parent SignatureDate


Printed Name


Parent Contact Phone Number(s)


Parent E-mail

*Detach this page, sign, date, and return to Ms. Serafini by Friday, August 16, 2013