Madras Rugby Club (incorporating Madrascals Mini Rugby and Madras Blues)

Child Protection Policy


In line with Scottish Rugby Union guidelines, Madras Rugby Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people in its care. It recognises the responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation. Their welfare is paramount and all players under the age of 18, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from all forms of harm and abuse.

We recognise and remind everyone involved with Madras Rugby Club that child protection is everyone’s responsibility.

The Club’s Child Protection Officer isEwen Sparks.

Contact by: Tel 07778 680947 or email


  1. The Club recognises the value of working closely in partnership with youth coaches, parents and volunteers to protect its child and youth players from harm, abuse and discrimination.
  1. The Club acknowledges that abuse does take place in sport and that raising awareness and understanding of the main forms of abuse and establishing communication and reporting procedures if abuse is suspected within the Club will further safeguard its players, coaches and volunteers.
  1. A Child Protection Co-ordinator has been appointed to act as the first point of contact for concerns about the welfare of child and youth players within the Club.
  1. The Club accepts that all officers and committee members have a responsibility in respect of child protection and is prepared to respond to any indication of poor practice or abuse in line with SRU policy and to put structures and systems to ensure that this is followed in practice.
  1. The Club has put in place a Code of Conduct for coaches, players and parents and will implement and enforce its terms. The Club will on occasion introduce other codes or policies relating to its youth players. All codes and policies will be available on the Club’s website and will be subject to amendment.
  1. All child and youth rugby coaches and regular parental volunteers will be subject to vetting by Disclosure Scotland and will be required to familiarise themselves with the Club’s Child Protection Policy and abide by it.
  1. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  1. The Club acknowledges that appropriate training enables individuals within the Club to recognise their responsibilities with regard to good practice and the reporting of poor practice or concerns of possible abuse. All the Club’s child and youth coaches will be expected to complete an appropriate SRU and refereeing course, and to stay up-to-date with rugby, coaching and child protection issues.
  1. The Club will keep written records of Club Membership, including parental details, known medical issues and record all accidents.
  1. The Club will promote fair play and playing within the spirit of the IRB Laws of the Game and the child and youth variations.

Abuse can take many forms including Bullying, Physical, Sexual, Emotional and/or Neglect – If anyone has concerns or suspects any form of abuse occurring within (or outwith the Madras Rugby Club if signs are evident) it is their duty to report it to the Child Protection Officer as soon as is possible.