The Christianization of the Negro

The Christianization of the Negro is a process that is alike to the process of black inferiority. As a matter of fact the Christianization of the Negro is the final shackle of enslavement. The first shackle: Physical. The second shackle: Mental. The third shackle: Spiritual, the final lock in the totality of our enslavement. It is ironic that a false system of worship was used to confound, disrupt, and destroy the natural connection that we have with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The physical chains would not endure forever; other methods of oppression, exploitation and enslavement would have to be applied in order to keep total control over the slaves.
It is pure fact that the slaves that survived the voyage over to the "new world" were not Christians!! I cannot stress this enough. If there was a need for Christiani-zation that should tell us that we were not Christians originally! And what about the tool of deception that was used?? How can that be Holy??? Christianity is a pagan religion that those who wish the black race the death of extermination use! It would be insanity for the European to teach his black slaves the correct road to salvation!! What would the truth of God have profited the free enterprise of a capitalist society? How would the liberation of the slaves benefit the fat pockets of America's elite. The fact is we were no more than property, an item to be used at will and something to degrade to make the American white man believe he is superior. There is no white supremacy without black inferiority and the concept became utilized during slavery.
Let us be clear, nothing good has come from our experience with the pagan religion of Christianity. It would take a lie of great proportions to spiritually subdue a "nation of priests." That lie was used to cement in us a docile attitude that would last and diffuse any sense of independent thought, which has lead to non-action on the part of our people! That was the intent and the intent was manifested in the civil rights movement. Unfortunately, the non-violent, don’t push any buttons, so-called black revolution failed us. And if you look deeper, it more than likely failed us due to the leaders of the movement – Christian Ministers! It is no wonder when you look at the program of deceit and misinformation that the Christian Church would be at the forefront of the civil rights movement and the backbone of the black family. A BIG LIE became the centerpiece of our faith and our outlook on God and life! I pray that we come from under the darkness of this ignorance and follow the path of light.....The way of the true Hebrew Israelite. May the Truth be a blessing to you. HALLELUYAH!

Jones, Charles Colcock (1842). The Religious Instruction of the Negroes in the United States. Liberty County. Thomas Purse.