Inputs / activities / outputs
LOGICAL & MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCEEstimate; count; tabulate; flow-chart; time-line; work out; what if? / Mindmap; concept map; Venn diagram; flow-chart; graph; pie-chart; diagram; instructions; time-line; estimation; calculation; planning; number-based puzzle; logic puzzle; sequencing; code-breaking; map; directions; questionnaire; game; case studies; IT; computers; measuring; experiments; problem-solving. /
/ Story; poem; speech; debate; discussion; reading; research; letter; report; essay; newspaper; magazine; article; interview; digital (tape) recording; radio programme; word game; quiz; crossword; joke; brainstorming; instruction; lecture; expert visitor; note-taking; question & answer. / LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE
Discuss; write about; prepare speech; key-words; write letter; read about.
Design; draw; poster; Mindmap; Concept map; cartoon strip. / Mindmap; concept map; TV programme; video-clip; picture; photograph; map; sketch; Powerpoint presentation; diagram; display; cartoon strip; advertisement; poster; model; 3D; chart; drawing; sketch; graph; pie-chart; exhibition; experiment. /
/ Make; construct; experiment; take apart; reconstruct; mime; drama; dance; movement; handicraft; role-play; team game; performance; 3D; puppets; artefacts & real items; experiments; field trip; hands-on; interactive whiteboard; practical activity; simulation; trial & error; visit. / PHYSICAL INTELLIGENCE
Design; make; experiment with; take apart; reconstruct; role-play; dance.
Listen carefully; make up song; rap; matching music; sound-map. / Music; listening; composing; sounds; audio-tape; recording; making sounds; songs; rhymes; raps; dance; story; radio programme; rote learning; funny voices. /
/ Museum visit; field-trip; observation; detailed drawing; recording observations; collecting; sorting; grouping; classifying; spot similarities; spot differences; grow; nurture; care; photographs; models; artefacts & real items; experiments; diagrams. / NATURALIST INTELLIGENCE
Observe closely; sort & group; similarities; differences.
Group project; teamwork; discuss; dramatise; role-play. / Brainstorming; buzz-groups; think-pair-share; rainbow groups; discussion; drama; role-play; team games; group projects; anything that involves working with others. /
/ Personalise; think; meditate; what if?; poem; diary; record-keeping; predict; forecast; essay; debate; discuss; record thoughts & feelings; plan; project work; case studies; imagining; Mindmaps; reading; visualising. / INTRAPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE
Think about; personalise; meditate; reflect; evaluate.