Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____
The Executive Branch of State Government
SS8CG3: The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor. – type “executive branch” in search bar window
Governor / Lieutenant GovernorName/political party:
(age, citizenship and residency requirements)
Term of office:
(how long they serve once elected -
Include term limits)
(How are they elected and when is the election held?) / November 2014 / November 2014
Powers: / Formal Powers
- chief executive of the state and oversees executive branch
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____
The Legislative Branch of State Government
SS8CG2: The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the members of the General Assembly.
– type “Georgia General Assembly” in search bar window – scroll down and
select Senate or House of Representatives
Georgia State Senate Member / Georgia State House of Representatives MemberNumber of members
Title of person who presides over or is the chief officer
(age and residency requirements/ Georgia, district)
Terms of office:
(how long they serve once elected
(how are they elected and when is the election held) / November, even numbered years
When will the next election be held? / November, even numbered years
When will the next election be held?
Duties: / Serving on ______standing committees
Each senator is required to serve on at least ___
Pass state’s operating budget
Enacting laws
Redistricting (every 10 years)
Vote to place Constitutional Amendments on the election ballot (2/3 vote) / Serving on _____ standing committees.
Each member is assigned to ______committees, organized by such topics as ______, ______, and ______.
Pass state’s operating budget
Enacting laws
Redistricting (every 10 years)
Vote to place Constitutional Amendments on the election ballot (2/3 vote)
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____
The Judicial Branch of State Government
SS8CG4: The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia, including trial and appellate procedures and
how judges are selected.
– type “judicial branch” in search bar window
Types of Courts / How Judges are Selected / Number of Courts / Responsibilities/JurisdictionTrial Courts
(5 classes)
- Superior
- State Courts
- Probate Courts
- Juvenile Courts
- Magistrate Courts
Appellate Courts
(2 levels)
- Court of Appeals
- Supreme Court of Georgia