Annual General Meeting

December 12th 2015

Dangan Room,Merrion Hotel, Dublin.


Attending:Dr. Christopher McGuigan, Dr. Janice Redmond, Dr. Peter Boers, Dr. Eavan McGovern, Dr. John McHugh, Prof. Michael Farrell, Dr. Mark Delargy, Dr. Joan Moroney, Dr. John McHugh, Dr. Hugh Kearney.

Apologies: Dr. Kevin Murphy, Dr. Helena Moore, Dr. Úna Fitzgerald, Dr. Áine Carroll, Dr. Christopher Gardner-Thorpe, Dr. Olivier De Buyl, Prof. Michael Hutchinson, Dr. Raymond Murphy, Dr. Seán Connolly, Dr. Carolynne Doherty, Prof. Orla Hardiman, Dr. Niamh Bermingham, Dr. Dominick McCabe, Dr. Ingrid Anne Hoeritzauer, Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald, Dr. Bryan Lynch, Dr. Orna O’Toole, Dr. Karen McKnight, Prof. Norman Delanty, Dr. Karen Doherty, Dr. Laura Best, Dr. Raeburn Forbes, Dr. Francesca Brett, Prof. Richard Reilly, Prof. Niall O’Donohue

In Attendance: Ms. Colette Fitzpatrick

The Dean, Dr. Christopher McGuigan, opened the meeting and welcomed all those attending.

  1. Minutes

The Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting were proposed by the Dean and agreed by the meeting. They were signed by the Dean.

  1. Receive and consider the Directors and Annual Reports

The Dean called on Dr. Peter Boers, IICN Treasurer, to present the 2014 accounts. Dr. Boers informed the meeting that Mr. McGuirk, the IICN accountant had prepared the accounts. Mr. McGuirk had amended his previous advice that the IICN could submit abridged accounts to the Revenue Commissioners, to state thatin light of new regulation provisions, full accounts must be submitted.

The accounts show an increased loss in 2014 compared with 2013. The transfer of €102,000 from the original Aideen Clarke donation, to neuroscience research at Temple Street Hospital, accounts for the greater proportion of the deficit.

Dr. Boers directed attention to the income figures as shown on page 11 of the 2014 accounts. The income for 2013 was €103,000 while for 2014 it was €67,000. Although there was actually an increase in the number of meetings held by the IICN, the lower sponsorship income from some meetings resulted in these just meeting the direct costs involved.
In addition there was an increase in expenditure, specifically for exceptional items. These were (1) the increased cost of the 50th anniversary meeting Irish Neurological Association Meeting in the Titanic Centre, Belfast (2) the Corporate Governance Review conducted by a management consultant (3) Solicitor fee for revisions of Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Other income sources were sponsorship for research (however this funding is entirely disbursed to the successful grant applicant with no funding accruing to IICN for expenses), donation funding and membership fees. Donation funding has generally been of small amounts and membership fees also amount to a small proportion of income. Dr. Boers stated thatmembership fees will not constitute a large income source but that it is important that members contribute as a general principle.

IICN Income projection for 2015 as prepared by the IICN accountant was reduced as no sponsorship was sought from pharmaceutical companies for the autumn meeting. The Treasurer concluded his report by expressing the hope that there would be increased income from pharmaceutical sponsorship in 2016 with a general lift in economy.

Dr. Boers proposed that the 2014 draft annual accounts be approved by the IICN members present at the AGM and this was seconded by Dr. McGuigan. The meeting approved the draft annual accounts.

Dr. Redmond noted that the number of meetings which the IICN had organised in 2015 had increased to 7

Dr. Boers noted that the increase in neurosurgical meetings was a positive educational development, however it was unfortunate that there was no financial benefit to this increase. Prof. Farrell noted that successful neuroradiology meetings have also taken place in 2014 and in 2015.

Dr. Moroney proposed that sponsorship funding could be sought from companies with interests in radiology and in particular in stents and other devices

It was agreed that approaches would be made to these companies

  1. Dean’s Report

Dr. Christopher McGuigan delivered the Dean’s Report, copy attached.

He informed the meeting that following the approval of the new Memorandum and Articles of Association at the 2014 AGM, the IICN Board had focussed on a return to the main activities of the IICN, promoting education in neuroscience through educational meetings and supporting neuroscience research.

  • Research - Novartis have indicated that the company will not continue to sponsor an annual Fellowship Grant in 2016 and currently, no alternative sponsor has agreed to fund the Grant.
  • Education and Meetings. The Dean thanked, Dr. Tim Counihan, Dr. Mark McCarron, Dr. John McHughand Mr. Donncha O’Brien for their enormous dedication of knowledge, skill and time to ensure the success of these highpoints of the IICN calendar. He also congratulated the award winners at INA and Registrar’s Prize meetings.
  • Governance - The Board has worked to implement the provisions in the new Memorandum and Articles of Association. It has also focussed on training in governance and charities regulation and to review the requirement for policies in required areas.
  • Website and Communications – a website upgrade is planned for 2016 and Dr. Sean Connolly will work with Dr. Eavan McGovern and Mr. John Duddy to develop a Twitter feed.
  • International representation on EAN, WFN, UEMS and ECTRIMS continues.
  • Pharmaceutical sponsorship. The Dean thanked those companies who generously supported the IICN through meeting sponsorship and research sponsorship in 2015.

The meeting noted that the changed sponsorship arrangement of the Dublin Neuroscience Conference at Beaumont Hospital with companies now paying funds to IICN and the IICN arranging catering for the conference was working well.

Dr. Redmond enquired about the establishment of the Hugh Staunton award, for which €5,000 had been allocated. She stated that it would be appropriate to recognise Dr. Staunton’s great contribution to teaching in neurology.

The meeting discussed neurology education in Ireland and whether the IICN should have a greater role in structuring that education, in line with the ABN involvement. The Dean cautioned against encroaching on the responsibility of the RCPI in higher specialist training. He noted that the ABN do not get involved in selecting candidates for specialist training and the IICN is concerned with other areas of neuroscience in addition to neurology.

Prof. Farrell noted that the IICN organises a large proportion of the educational opportunities in neuroscience. This contribution should be recognised and acknowledged by the RCPI. He proposed that the IICN arrange a meeting with the RCPI to discuss its role in education and teaching.

Dr. DeLargy agreed with this proposal noting that if the IICN is providing the education that the RCPI is mandated to do,it could be appropriate to charge the RCPI for organising these events. The cost for registering with the RCPI and the Medical Council is substantial and this could be organisedmore efficiently.

Dr. McHugh noted that the educational grant which is provided to specialist registrars is fixed by the RCPI.

  1. To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration for the Auditors and to re appoint the Auditors.

Dr. Boers proposed that the Directors may be authorised to fix the remuneration of the Auditors and to reappoint them and this was agreed by the meeting.

  1. Election of Directors

The Dean informed the meeting that four of the current directors had advised that they will retire, Dr. Raymond Murphy, Dr. Seán Connolly, Mr. Donncha O’Brien and Mr. Tom Flannery. The Dean proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing members of the Board for their great service to the IICN. In particular, Dr. Raymond Murphy had led the Board through a period of change and adjustment over the past two years. This was warmly supported by the meeting.
Correspondingly, there were four places open on the Board of Directors. Dr. Joan Moroney, Dr. Mark Delargy Dr. Raeburn Forbes and Dr. John McHugh were all proposed and seconded and were elected to the new Board. The Dean advised that the officer position of vice Dean was open and invited nominations to the position. As there were no nominations from those present it was agreed that the post would be filled when the Board convened in 2016.

  1. Management Report

Miss Fitzpatrick thanked the Board for introducing this new report section in Board meetings and in the Annual General Meeting. This provides an opportunity to explain the organisational capacity for promotion of IICN activities

  • Role is to implement decisions of the IICN Board through planning and management of the activities of the IICN and to ensure that the IICN conforms to statutory requirements.
  • Meetings - Date is fixed for INA meeting for 2016 – May 5th and 6th in Limerick under presidency of Dr. Peter Boers. Dates for the NUM and Registrar’s Prize Meeting will be fixed early in 2016. Also Dublin Neuroscience Conference at Beaumont Hospital and Neurosurgical Meetings
  • Research- Grant funding not secure for 2016 Research Grant.
  • Finance and Sponsorship - Main income source of IICN is from pharmaceutical companies’ sponsorship for exhibition at IICN meetings, particularly the INA and NUM meetings. Other smaller sources of income from Meeting registrations, Member fees and donations .
    If IICN members are approached by pharmaceutical representatives regarding sponsorship or support of neurology and neuroscience, they may be directed to the IICN office.
  • Administration - Conforming with legislative bodies – Revenue, Companies Registration Office, Charities Regulatory Authority. Proposal and drafting of policies
  • Communication – Effective communication is essential for members and proposals and advice from IICN members are most valuable to improve day to day management of the IICN and to provide information and feedback to the Board.
  1. New Member Applications

There were no new membership applications. However a number of applications had been heard by the Board throughout the year and membership was growing.

  1. AOB

The date for the next Board Meeting was agreed as Tuesday 12th January 2016

Signed: ______Date: ______

Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience