Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church

September 10, 2017

Bulletin Deadline: Thursday- 12:00 pm

Pastor: Pastor Frank deBoer

Interim Pastor: Pastor Albert De Vries

Home: 738-4931

Administrator: Randy Slomp

Church Phone/Fax: 738-4433



Our Vision Statement

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a caring, Christ centered community of believers, nurturing spiritual growth and sharing God’s love at home, work and abroad.

Welcome to our worship service at Iron Springs CRC this morning. Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall for coffee and juice after the service.

Order of Worship

Opening of Worship


Call to Worship: (Micah 7:9)

Silent Prayer

* God’s Greeting

*Songs: "What Can I Do"

"I Lift Your Name"

Time of Confession

Confession and Assurance: (Romans 3:9-31)

Offering: Immanuel Christian Schools

Offertory Prayer

Commissioning for leaders

Song of Response: "Shout to the North"

Children Grade 1 and under come forward for children's message

Children's Song: "Cry of My Heart"

Children’s Prayer: (congregation says together in unison)

“Lord, as we go to worship you, may your Spirit go with us too. Help us listen, pray, and sing that praise to your great Name we bring, for Jesus’ sake, Amen.

(Children Grade 2 and under leave for Sunday School)

Listening to the Word

* Song of Preparation: "May the Words of My Mouth" (Psalm 19)

Scripture: Micah 6:1-8

Pastor: "The Word of the Lord"

People: "Thanks be to God!"

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day #2

Message: “Misery And Love”

Applicatory Prayer

*Song of Response: "I Love to Tell the Story" Grey #530

Announcements/Congregational Prayer

Departing in Gratitude

*Closing Song: "We are Called" Red #296

* God’s Blessing

*Parting Song: "Salvation Belongs to Our God"

*please stand if you are able

Birthdays This Week: Monday: Kim B Tuesday: Vanessa B Wednesday: John D Thursday: Austin V Friday: Gerty H Saturday: Gerald S

Church Calendar:

Today: Sunday School for Grade’s 2 and under during the AM service

Sunday School for Grade's 3-6 meet after the AM service

Monday: Consistory meeting at 7:30 PM

Bulletin Board

September 10 / September 17 / September 24
Serving Elder / Brendan S / Rodney N / Glorianna S
Ushers / Heidi S
Hieke V / Brendan S
Brent V / Tanya R
Alina S
Greeters / Bonnie S / Hank & Agnes P / Senior High Youth
Coffee / Everett & Anne T / Bill & Alina S / Henry&Willemien S
Nursery / Elinor, Shaun B,
Larissa, Kyle / Alisa, Ian,
Zachary, Levi / Sarah, Jayden,
Kaden, Denver
Sunday School
(Ages 3&4) / Marie, Hannah / Marie, Larissa / Ashley, Logan
Sunday School
& Grade 1) / Nancie, Lauryn / Nancie, Jamie / Tanya, Taya
Library / Chris / Karen / Nancy
ARSCH / Bill & Alina S
Tony & Karen K
Piyami Lodge / Everett & Anne T Timmermans

Church Family: With our Christian Journey may we be, "Like water, be gentle and strong. Gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world." (Quote from Author Brenda Peterson). As we reflect as Christians, may we be part of this world but through our Christian beliefs stand out as Christ’s example. Let us remember everyone who is dealing with extreme weather via flooding, fire or drought. We also want to pray for world peace as all government leaders deal with North Korea and their nuclear plans.

We continue to pray for Bertha T, George V, Brad V, Marinus E and so many other who are dealing with disabilities or illness. We rejoice with Jordon V and family with the successful first surgery and pray for continued healing.

From the Deacons- Offerings for September:

·  September 10- Immanuel Christian Schools: As an Alternative Program in District 51, Immanuel Christian Schools; elementary, middle and high school, offer families a choice of enrolling in a program that provides an emphasis on a religious perspective embedded in the delivery of the education program.The Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta remains an integral partner in the education of students at Immanuel Christian School, guiding the Mission and Statement of Faith, and Educational Philosophy. Infused into curriculum delivery and program development at the school, they guide staff, students, and parents. The Society maintains ownership of the facilities and operation of the transportation system.

·  September 17--Kings University: Established in 1979, Kings University strives to provide university education that inspires and equips learners to bring renewal reconciliation to every walk of life as followers of Jesus Christ. Your support will ensure that students receive above average secondary education.

·  September 24--Safe Church Ministry: Safe Church ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. They help build communities where the value of each person is honoured where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse. When abuse occurs, the response is compassion and justice that fosters healing.

Total collections received from August 13-September 3

Budget / $11 959.00
Mission Support / $1077.00
Pastor Church Relations / $476.00
Faith Formation Ministries / $818.00

The Sunday School Raised $487 for the North County FoodBank

We currently have a deficit of $26,713.05

Iron Springs Announcements:

·  Reflection: Our new church year has once again started with all of its programs. We are thankful for all who are participating in helping to take a role in the leadership of these programs. For some of you this is a new experience. Perhaps you are worried and anxious about how it will work out for you. It might help to know that the Bible contains the words, “Fear not,” 365 times. That is once for every day of the year! And for every one of us, in whatever way we participate in the work of this congregation, we are working for the Lord. There might not be any monetary payment, but the pension is fantastic! May we all have a blessed year. Gerdie H

·  SUPRISE: We are looking forward to having former Pastor Ralph and Anne Koops with us next Sunday, September 17. They are happy and excited to be coming back here for a short visit. It will be a blessing to share together God's faithfulness, and get reacquainted with them again. Pastor Ralph will be leading the service. (Many of you may still remember that it was 50 years ago this month, that Pastor Ralph was installed into the ministry, became our pastor, and together with Anne served the Iron Springs CRC congregation from 1967 - 1971.) He cannot believe how old everyone is in Iron Springs!!!

·  There has been a small improvement in my left leg. Even with that it will take a long time for noticeable improvement. I ask for prayers for patience and an increase in movement, however small. Thank you for the many visits, cards, flowers and the assurance of the prayers of so many people. Thank you, I repeat-as I said before. What a wonderful community to be a part of. That is such a blessing. I covet your continued prayers. Thank you, Bertha T.

·  Stewardship Committee: It is that time of year again for planning the budget. If any group or committee would like a change in their budget please contact Peter V..

·  Randy has decided that he would like to retire from his position as Church Administrator. We would like to thank Randy for the commitment and all the work he has done over the years! With Randy retiring, we will need a new Church Administrator as soon as possible. If you are interested in the position, or would like more details please contact Landen as soon as possible (#403-308-8504). Church Administrator Qualifications: The desired candidate should be a good communicator, able to work well with people, have strong organizational abilities, and be a self starter with the ability to problem solve, delegate appropriately and work independently. Professional conduct and confidentiality are crucial and are expected for this position. Computer skills, including efficient use of Microsoft Office are required for this position. Previous experience in an administrative setting would be an asset.

·  Senior High Youth: Inviting all those youth who are in grades 9-12. A new season of Young People's will be starting on September 24 at Dave and Julia K's. You can drop your son or daughter off at 7:00pm and pick them up at 9:00pm. Young People's is a youth program that is geared for Senior High youth with an emphasis on creating fellowship and encouraging our youth to grow in their relationship with their Saviour. We are looking forward to a great year! Please contact Henric & Heidi S, Dave & Julia K if you would like more information.

·  Junior High Youth: Youth & their friends in grades 7 & 8 (born 2004-2005) are invited to join ISCRC junior high youth group. Our group will meet once per month, schedule for the 2017/18 year is available from mail box # 51 at the back of church. Please take one! Activities will also be in the bulletin. Meet & greet potluck & information sessionfor families with youth in grades 7 & 8 will be on September 17th at the church from 12:30-2:30. Please see potluck sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen. William & Tanya S are your group leaders. Contact 403-331-8107 for more info. Our Facebook group & Remind 101 are our main source of communication. If you haven't been added, please letWilliam or Tanya know.

·  Sunday School Start-Up – September 10th : We are excited to begin another year of Sunday school, our start date is today. Children ages 3 to entering grade 2 will be taking part in Sunday School during the service (back in their individual classes) while kids entering grades 3-6 will be participating in our after church Sunday School Program. We are happy to have many of our previous leaders step up to teach again. We are still searching for 2 more people willing to teach in our after church Sunday School program and one more person during the service. Please talk to Nancie (403-892-3074) if this is something that might interest you.

·  Catechism: We are still looking for a couple of teachers to teach catechism this year. You should only have to teach 2/3 months out of the year. We have a great group of kids who are eager to learn more about God and His word!!!! Catechism classes will start on September 17. Talk to Tanya R if you are interested.

·  Coffee Break Bible Study: Come and join us for Coffee Break Bible Study starting on September 20th 2017. We meet at the Cornerstone E Free Church in Picture Butte from 9:45 - 11 AM. Study Books are provided. Thankful to the Lord we are pleased that Paulette D and Karen K will be our new leaders. They can be contacted at 403 732 4604 for Paulette and Karen at 403 732 4292.

·  Local Announcements

·  You’re Invited: Immanuel Christian Schools 38th Annual Turkey Supper: Turkey with all the trimmings and dessert! Saturday September 23, 5:30-7pm. Fort Macleod Community Hall, 302 25st Street. Cost is by donation, income tax receipts available upon request. Everyone Welcome!

·  The Lethbridge Christian Women's Choir will begin their fall semester on Monday, September 11 at 7:30 pm. Practices are held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church basement, located at 1818-5th Avenue South. This is open to all interested women. No auditions required. For further information please contact Lee Van Andel at 403-317-1392.

·  The Lethbridge Christian Men's Choir will begin a new season on Thursday September 14 @ 7:30PM at Trinity Reformed Church, 100 - 40th Avenue North. If you enjoy singing please join us so that together we may make music to glorify our God.

·  The Ladies Auxiliary of Immanuel Christian Schools will be meeting for the first time this year on Monday, September 11 at 7:30 at Immanuel Elementary School. If you are member, interested or new, please join us. For information please call Jackie at 403-824-3421 or Hilda @ 403-915-2327.

·  Mission Thrift Store Lethbridge is seeking a part time manager who understands and supports the vision and purpose of BFM Foundation Canada.

The successful applicant will receive 15 hours a week in which they will be responsible for day to day operations including opening and closing the store, merchandising, receiving and pricing goods as well as customer care.

Resumes should be addressed to Marlene Braak and can be dropped off at Mission Thrift Store Lethbridge or email .

Job posting will close September 25, 2017.

Prayers Requested for Florida and Caribbean as Irma Approaches

Dear churches, This weekend, as we prepare our hearts and minds for worship, let us also remember those who are preparing for Hurricane Irma and its aftermath. In Psalm 46, we are reminded that though the earth’s waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging, still God will be our ever-present help in trouble. Hurricane Irma has developed into one of the strongest storms ever recorded over the Atlantic Ocean. Making landfall in the Caribbean on Wed., Sept. 6, it has already destroyed buildings, taken lives, and forced hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate their homes. As the storm continues its progress, we follow the psalmist’s leading and place our trust in God even as our hearts and hands reach out to those affected by this storm. The Christian Reformed denomination has many churches and ministries in the path of the hurricane. In Puerto Rico and Cuba, the CRCNA has partner churches and volunteers who assist with Back to God Ministries International (BTGMI) programs. In the Dominican Republic, Resonate Global Mission has two missionary families — Stephan and Sandra Brauning, and Mario and Yolanda Matos. They also work with staff and partners at the Center for Transforming Mission. And in Haiti, BTGMI, Resonate Global Mission, and World Renew work together under the auspices of Sous Espwa. Their staff include Troy Sanon (World Renew), Jacky Chery (BTGMI), and Cody and Jessica Zuiderveen (Resonate). Each of these staff members works with a variety of local churches, partners, staff, and volunteers.