The Friday Everything Changed Questions


  1. Why are the boys so upset at the idea of the girls carrying the water bucket?

The boys were upset at the idea of girls carrying the water bucket because since the bucket represents strength and power. The boys knew that carrying the bucket would show that they are strong, but if the girls carry it, it shows they are weaker than them. The boys felt like they were being threatened and they tried everything to stop them from carrying it. The boys could leave school half an hour early and they could do something “real”.

  1. What strategies do the boys use to pressure the girls to give in? How do the girls react?

The boys bullied Alma and the girls to prevent them from carrying the water bucket but the girls managed to only get a few bruises and ripped stockings. Another strategy was the boys didn’t let the girls play softball the next day to show that they are not part of the school “routine” anymore. The girls defended themselves by being as a group and they were patient when they didn’t get to play softball. Arnold, Alma’s cousin said that she couldn’t carry the water bucket but she reacted by saying that someone needs to carry the water bucket.

Elements of Fiction:

3. Who is telling the story? What does she think of Ms.Ralston and the conflict over the water? From what point of view is the story told?

One of the girls from Alma’s group is telling the story which is from the Limited Omniscient point of view. The girl is Alma’s seat-mate. She rather supports and stands up for Alma who started this water bucket conflict. All the girls form a group and some days they are excited about the idea of carrying the water bucket. Mrs. Ralston looked like she didn’t care but inside, she was mad.

4. What is the setting(provide evidence). How does the setting intensify the conflict? What kind of conflict is it? (person vs. person- person v. self- person vs. society) Provide evidence for each conflict.

The setting is a rural place in Ontario in a single roomed schoolhouse, post World War II. The schoolhouse is near the railway because in the story, it talks about where the boys get the water from. I know that it is placed in Ontario because it talks about the Toronto Maple Leafs inside the story. It is during the World War times because it talked about the Germans. The conflict is person vs. person and person vs. society. For person vs. person, Alma faces the boys for who gets to carry the water bucket. Alma and her girls get bullied. For person vs. society, it also includes the boys and the setting/time the story was taken place that affects the conflict. Since it is a rural place and there is no running water, that created the whole conflict.

5. Who is the protagonist? How do you know?

Alma is the protagonist because she is the one who experiences conflict which is who gets to carry the water bucket and getting distracted by the boys.

6. In what way has everything changed on that Friday? What is the significance of Ms. Ralston’s action in the last paragraph? What is the message(theme) the author is exploring?

On Friday, Mrs. Ralston suddenly went out to the field where the boys were playing softball and started to play with them. She hit a home run over the ox pasture and after they went back to the classroom, the teacher announced that the girls can carry the water bucket next week. It gave the girls more equality and they found more strength in themselves. When Ms. Ralston hit a home run, it shows that there isn’t a specific gender or type of person assigned to something and that everybody can do it. When Ms. Ralston swept the dust off her desk, she is saying that everything is done and the girls have more equality.The main message/ theme is gender equality and that girls can do what boy can do; nothing is impossible.