Traveling With Your Pet
Traveling with pets can be very stressful for everyone involved, especially if preparations are not made beforehand. Here are a few suggestions for a safe and comfortable journey.
Flying with your pet:
Contact the airline and your veterinary clinic beforehand. There are certain rules and regulations that the airlines have for pets which usually involves having health papers filled out ahead of time. If you’re traveling overseas, contact the clinic at least six months ahead of time to allow processing time for the paperwork.
If you are crossing state lines:
Whether traveling by air or car, you will need a health certificate from the clinic filled out within ten days of your scheduled trip. These certificates are required by law to help stop the spread of rabies and other diseases between states. Some states have different regulations about how often rabies vaccines need to be given. Depending on what state you are traveling to your pet may need a booster before you leave. A copy of your pet’s rabies certificate should be carried with you. If you are stopped by police on your trip, and do not have these papers with you, your animal can be quarantined for 10-14 days, and you can get a fine.
Be sure your pet is wearing a collar with ID tags:
You want to make sure that there is a way to identify your pet in case they get lost on your trip. Having an extra tag with the name and number of a friend or relative is a good idea as well, in case you cannot be reached. Consider having a microchip or tattoo applied for permanent identification.
Always leash your pet when it is not in the car:
Do not let your dog wander off leash at gas stations or rest stops. They can become a hazard to themselves and others. Unless you are at a private residence or property and have permission to let your dog run loose, keep them on a leash at all times.
Take along plastic bags to clean up messes:
Having bags and towels on hand in case your pet has accidents or gets sick inside the car is a good idea. Always remember to clean up after your pet at any rest stops as well. Bring your pet’s bowls and its own supply of regular food and drinking water with on trips. Changing diet suddenly along with stress of traveling can lead to diarrhea. Remember to bring along a few toys as well. If traveling with cats remember to bring plenty of kitty litter along.
A crate is the best investment you can make:
Crates are the easiest and safest way for your pet to travel. Inside a crate they can relax and nap without being a nuisance, and they will be more protected in case of accidents. You can also keep them crated at the hotel you are staying at. Make sure the crate is big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lay stretched out comfortably. Cats need enough room for a litter pan and water bowl, as well as space to lay comfortably. Place a towel, or blanket in the crate so they have something comfortable to lay on.
Your pet will need to get out and stretch their legs occasionally (every three-four hours for dogs, and six to eight hours for cats) Make sure the leash is on before you open the car door!
Never leave your pet unattended:
Do not leave your pet in the vehicle unattended. Heat and cold can kill an animal left alone. Try not to park in direct sunlight. If you are traveling in the summer and your car is not air conditioned, think twice about bringing your pet along. Health problems or fear of strangers and unfamiliar things may also be a reason to leave your pet at home. Pug nosed breeds such as Pekingese, chow chows, Boston terriers and Persian cats are especially prone to heat stroke and suffocation while traveling.
It’s best to feed your pet lightly, or not at all, before traveling:
Feed your pet once you arrive at your destination or stop for the night. It’s better to eat lightly for a day or two than to spend the trip carsick.
Your pet may need vaccines or medications that are not routine for them:
Fleas and heartworm are year round problems in the south, not just in the summer. If you are going to be hiking in the woods with your dog you may need Lyme disease vaccinations. Some pets also require sedatives or anti-nausea medications to travel comfortably. Check with the clinic ahead of time to see if you will need to get other vaccines.
If you have any other questions call us at 701-356-5600.