19th Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society

June 8-13, 2008, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

The University of British Columbia Okanagan

Fee Form for Payments Processed Off-line

Please print and complete the second page of this form and send it via either mail or fax to

Dr. S. R. Esterby

Mathematics, Statistics and Physics

Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences

The University of British Columbia Okanagan

3333 University Way

Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7

Phone: 1.250.807.9536

Fax: 1.250.807.8004


Please read this first:

·  Payment is accepted in Canadian dollars (CAD) only.

·  Registration fees are not refundable after May 5, 2008. Cancellations received up to May 5 will be subject to a 40.00 CAD cancellation fee.

·  Payment sent by mail must be received by May 23, 2008.

·  The registration fee includes admission to all talks, on-site lunches, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, welcome reception on Sunday, June 8 and the conference banquet on Thursday, June 12. The tour on Wednesday, June 11 and the Short Course on Sunday, June 8 are not included in the fee.

·  Ensure, that the payment sent by mail is payable to “University of British Columbia Okanagan", can be cashed through a Canadian financial institution and clearly indicates on its face the name, complete address (must not be a post office box number) and the transit and account numbers of the financial institution in Canada where it may be cashed.

·  Incomplete or improper identification of the participant and financial institution or sending the payment to another address may result in a lost transaction.

19th Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society

June 8-13, 2008, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

The University of British Columbia Okanagan

Fee Form for Payments Processed Off-line

Participant's Name: ......

Participant's Affiliation: ......

Early Registration / Late Registration / Amount
up to April 18, 2008 / after April 18, 2008
Conference Fee
TIES Member / c 350 CAD / c 395 CAD
New TIES Member1
(includes TIES membership to Dec 2009) / c 385 CAD / c 430 CAD
Non-TIES Member / c 420 CAD / c 465 CAD
Full-time Student2 / c 250 CAD / c 282 CAD
Social Program
Winery Tour3 or / Number: / 45 CAD each
Hiking Tour3 / Number: / 30 CAD each
Additional Banquet Ticket / Number: / 60 CAD each
Shortcourse on Extremes
TIES Member or conference partici-pant paying New TIES Member rate / c 135 CAD / c 152 CAD
Non-TIES Member / c 160 CAD / c 180 CAD
Full-time Student / c 60 CAD / c 68 CAD

I confirm, that I will pay the total amount of ...... CAD by one of the following forms of payment

c Cheque drawn on Canadian bank sent by mail together with this form.

c International bank draft sent by mail together with this form.

c Money order sent by mail together with this form.

Date ...... Signature ......

1For 2008 rate for regular membership see the registration form of the International Environmetrics Society at www.environmetrics.org.

2All students become TIES members automatically. The International Environmetrics Society offers students membership free of charge.

3Please choose one of the tours. Minimum number of participants is required.