I.CALL TO ORDER: Chairman, Judith Gallicchio, called the regular meeting to order for Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 7:38 p.m. at Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point.

Attendant MembersAbsent Members

Judith Gallicchio, Chairman Joanne Desjardins, Alternate Member

Stuart Hanes, SecretaryRobert McIntyre, Vice Chairman

Robbie Marshall, Regular MemberKathleen Smith, Alternate Member

Frank Vinciguerra, Regular MemberRichard Tietjen, Alternate Member

Attendant Staff

Christina Costa, Assistant Town Planner/Commission Clerk

Christine Nelson, Town Planner



  1. "Evans" Lot Line Change (0.14 acres to be conveyed)

South Side of Drummers Trail, Residence AA-1 District

From #4 & #8 Drummers Trail (M58/Ls27-6&7) to 65 Springbrook Road (M58/K17-3)

Applicant: Maureen SidmanAgent: Michael Bugnachi, P.E., MTS Builders

Town Planner, Christine Nelson informed the Commission that the current owner, Evans would like a lot line change in order to sell the property.

Sheri Suey, Realtor and Fred Williams, the prospective buyer informed that the driveway to the house is not located on the property. Suey explained that when the house was built the survey was incorrect. The driveway was constructed on the neighboring properties due to this error. Williams wants to insure that before he purchases the house that he will have a driveway. The present owners have agreed to purchase the portions of the property where the driveway is located and for this reason needs a lot line change. The neighbors have agreed to sell the 0.3 acres where the present driveway encroaches onto their properties.

The Planning Commission discussed the matter and found no problems as long as the septic system was not effected by the lot line change.

MOTION to approve the "Evans" Lot Line Change (0.14 acres to be conveyed), South Side of Drummers Trail, Residence AA-1 District from #4 & #8 Drummers Trail (M58/Ls27-6&7) to 65 Springbrook Road (M58/K17-3), Applicant: Maureen Sidman, Agent: Michael Bugnachi, P.E., MTS Builders subject to showing that the septic system layout on the plans.

MOVED by Stuart Hanes. SECONDEDby Frank Vinciguerra. APPROVED 3-0-0.

  1. Portions of the 2000 Plan of Conservation & Development

Petitioner: Old Saybrook Planning Commission

  1. "Residential"
  2. "Cultural & Historic Resources"
  3. "Open Space & Conservation"

Town Planner, Christine Nelson read aloud a memorandum regarding potential changes to these sections of the Plan of Development dated September 14, 2001 from Alternate Member, Richard Tietjen who was unable to attend.

Regular Member, Robbie Marshall arrived at 7:55 p.m.

The Commission considered and reviewed Richard Tietjen's proposed amendments and continued to review and correct the three portions of the Plan of Development.

MOTION to accept the portions of the 2000 Plan of Conservation & Development for Residential, Cultural & Historic Resources and Open Space & Conservation as amended. MOVED: by Stuart Hanes. SECONDED: by Frank Vinciguerra. APPROVED: 4-0-0.

  1. Portions of the 2000 Plan of Conservation & Development

Petitioner: Old Saybrook Planning Commission

  1. "Water Resources"
  2. "Public Facilities"

The Planning Commission reviewed, discussed and made amendments to the Water Resources portion of the Plan of Development.

The Town Planner informed that she was trying to locate the 1998 Facilities Committee Report for review by the Commission. The Commission postponed discussion of the Public Facilities portion of the Plan of Development to the next regular meeting.


The Commission reviewed the regular meeting minutes of September 5, 2001 and made the following amendments:

Throughout the document

REMOVE: Robbie Marshal REPLACE WITH: Robbie Marshall

Page 4, Section VI

Paragraph 1


Paragraph 5

REMOVE: April 16, 2001REPLACE WITH: April 16, 2002


MOTIONto approve the Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2001 as amended. MOVED by Stuart Hanes. SECONDED by Frank Vinciguerra. APPROVED 4-0-0


Town Planner, Christine Nelson informed of the following meetings for members to attend.

  1. Quarterly Land Use Meeting
  2. Dock Forum
  3. Economic Development Charette

Chairman Gallicchio informed that Joanne Desjardins would be resigning from the Commission.

The Town Planner updated the Commission on the status of Parkman Place Subdivision and Home Depot.

The Commission discussed the format and tasks necessary to complete the 2000 Plan of Conservation and Development.

Frank Vinciguerra discussed a recent Old Saybrook Historical Society meeting he attended and how the Plan of Conservation and Development reflects the goals of the Historical Society.

The Assistant Town Planner informed the Commission that Town Planner, Christine Nelson will be awarded the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association Planner of the Year award.


Invoice from Nathan L. Jacobson & Associates for engineering services in the amount of $43.57 for general consultation from July 21, 2001 through August 21, 2001.

MOTION to approve payment to Nathan L. Jacobson & Associates invoice #3123 for contract #1-03337-86 in the amount of $43.57. MOVED by Stuart Hanes. SECONDED by Robbie Marshall. APPROVED 4-0-0.


MOTION to adjourn meeting at 10:24 p.m. to the next regular meeting on October 3, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point. MOVED: by Stuart Hanes. SECONDED Frank Vinciguerra. APPROVED 4-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Christina M. Costa

Assistant Town Planner/Commission Clerk

Old Saybrook Planning Commission Minutes

September 19, 2001 1