Christian Ministry and Theology

Please ensure all sections are filled out for Government reporting


Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other:

Gender: Male Female

First Name: Middle Name:

Surname: PreferredName:

Date of Birth: Country of Birth:

Mobile Number: Home Number:

Work Number: Email Address:

Unique Student Identifier(USI):

From 1 January 2015, all students studying in the Australian VET sector must provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) at application. If you have not yet obtained a USI you can apply for it directly at computer or mobile device.

Permanent ResidentialAddress

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:



PostalAddress same as residential

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:




For your application to be valid, you must submit a certified copy of your identification. First, make a photocopy of your identification (Drivers License, Passport, Birth Certificate).
Take both the original document and photocopy of the original to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, Police Officer, Notary Public, Lawyer, Accountant, Bank Manager, Minister of Religion or Pharmacist.
The original document must be sighted by the person authorised to certify documents.The authorised person will then sign and certify the photocopy of the ID which will contain wording to the effect: ‘I have sighted the original and certify this is a true and correct copy’ and include their signature and date signed.
I have ATTACHED a Certified Copy of ID that confirms my legal name and date of birth: / No / Yes
Type of document:


Emergency contact 1 (in Australia)

Relationship: Spouse Parent/Guardian Other (Please specify)

Surname:Given Name:

Best contact number:Other phone numbers:

Email address:

Emergency contact 2(closest relative if possible and not listed in contact 1)

Relationship: Spouse Parent/Guardian Other (Please specify)

Surname:Given Name:

Best contact number:Other phone numbers:

Email address:


Course(s) applying for:

10433NAT Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology

10434NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

10435NATAdvanced Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

10436NAT Graduate Certificate of Christian Ministry and Theology

At which Training Centre do you wish to study?

Do you wish to study full-time or part-time:Part-TimeFull-Time

Do you wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning: YesNo

Whendo you hope to begin your studies?

Are you currently, or have you ever been enrolled with Kingsley College? Yes No

HowdidyoufindoutaboutKingsley College?


Whatisyour residencystatus?

Australian Citizen PermanentResident

Permanent HumanitarianVisa

Other (please specify)


Kingsley College, under the auspices of UnityCollegeAustralia (RTO 6330),canofferspecialassistance/considerationforstudentswithspecialneedsorwhoexperiencebarriers to education(seeinformation forStudents with Special NeedsinthecollegeHandbook). Information provided may also assist Kingsley College in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Doyouconsiderthatyouhaveanytypeofdisability, impairmentorlongtermmedicalconditionthatmayaffectyour abilitytoundertaketraining?

Yes No

If yes,wouldyou like to receive advice onsupportservices, equipmentand facilitieswhichmay assistyou?

Yes No


Hearing/Deaf Physical - non-mobility Physical – mobility

Intellectual Mental Illness Learning

Acquired Brain Impairment Vision Medical Condition

Other (please specify)


Do you consider yourself to be?

AboriginalTorresStrait Islander

Aboriginal andTorresStraitIslanderNeither

Language spoken athome: EnglishonlyOther (Please specify)

If other, how welldoyou speakEnglish?




1.Whatwas your highestcompleted levelat school?

Year12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent

Year 10 or equivalent Year 9or equivalent

Year 8or equivalent Did not go to school


2.In whatyear didyou complete that schoollevel?


1. Have you undertaken any post-secondaryqualificationsfromanyaccredited/recognisedEducationalInstitutions (this includes beginning a course but not finishing the qualification)?
Yes No prior educational attainment

If‘yes’pleasecheck all appropriate boxes.

Complete VET award course (please indicate level below)

Certificate Iyear completed:

Certificate IIyear completed:

CertificateIII or Trade Certificateyear completed:

Certificate IV or Advanced Certificate/Technicianyear completed:

Diploma or Associate Diplomayear completed:

Advanced Diploma or Associate Degreeyear completed:

Complete Higher Education Sub-degree course (non VET) (please indicate level below)

Certificate Iyear completed:

Certificate IIyear completed:

CertificateIII or Trade Certificateyear completed:

Certificate IV or Advanced Certificate/Technicianyear completed:

Diploma or Associate Diplomayear completed:

Advanced Diploma or Associate Degreeyear completed:

Post Graduate degree year completed:

Bachelor degreeyear completed:

An incomplete VET Award Courselast year of study:

An incomplete Higher Education Courselast year of study:

Year 12 or equivalentlast year of study:

Other complete or incomplete qualificationlast year of study:

Non Australian course (does not include Bachelor or above)last year of study:


1. Whichofthe followingbest describesyour currentemployment status?

Unemployed -Seekingfull-time work Part-timeEmployed

Not Employed- notseekingemployment Employer

Self-employed- notemploying others Full-time Employed

Unemployed-seekingpart-time work

Employed-unpaid worker in the family business


1. Will you be applying for Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy or any other Government benefits which are dependent on you being enrolled in Kingsley College?

Yes No


1. Which of these best describes your reason for studying?

To get a job

To develop my existing business

To start my own business

To try for a different career

To get a better job or promotion

It was a requirement for my job

I wanted extra skills for my job

To get into another course of study

For personal interest or self-development

Other (please provide details)


I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct. I am aware of the consequences that may arise from providing false, misleading or incomplete information, including the cancellation of my enrolment or the withdrawal of any offer made by Kingsley College, training under the auspices of Unity College Australia (RTO 6330).

I understand that my RTO (Registered Training Organisation), Unity College Australia, is required to submit data sourced from this enrolment form to the national VET administrative collection as a regulatory reporting requirement. All information is held in accordance with National Privacy Principles and legislation associated with Australian Registered Training Organisations. The information contained on my enrolment form may be used by my RTO or the following third parties for administrative, regulatory and/or research purposes:

  • School – if I am a school based apprentice or trainee or VET in Schools student.
  • Employer – If I am enrolled in training paid by my employer.
  • Government departments and agencies and authorized VET related bodies.
  • VET regulators.

I understand that I may receive a National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) student survey.

I have read and understood the relevant course outline(s) and the General Conditions of Enrolment set out below in this application form. By signing this application form, I agree to all the General Conditions of Enrolment. I also agree to all the conditions written in the Kingsley Australia Handbook (available on the Kingsley Australia website).

If accepted as a student of Kingsley College, I am prepared to undertake the full discipline of the course. I will at all times endeavour to uphold the integrity of Kingsley College.


Dated: / /


  1. Enrolment and course fees
  2. Fees must be paid in Australian dollars directly to Kingsley College either by credit card, bank cheque or bank transfer.
  3. Kingsley College reserves the right to vary fees at the beginning of each calendar year.
  4. Additional costs of textbooks are detailed in the Subject Information.
  5. Course duration, deferral and additional fees
  6. A course commences on the first day of ‘Orientation’.
  7. If a student defers their course after payment of tuition, when looking at the refund policy, the course commencement date is the first day of orientation of the course in which the student had originally enrolled.
  8. Students will be advised of the course duration prior to enrolment. Students requiring extra time to complete their course will be required to pay additional tuition fees.
  9. Attendance
  10. All students must attend at least 80% of classes (or the face-to-face component) in each subject / course that requires in class attendance/participation/assessment.
  11. Termination
  12. Kingsley College has the right to expel a student for serious breach of discipline. Fees will not be refunded.
  13. Dispute Resolution
  14. The Kingsley College dispute resolution process affirms student’s rights to pursue other legal remedies.
  15. Cancellation and refund
  16. If the course is either cancelled, or not fully completed, the student is entitled to receive a full refund of course money paid. This is to be done within 10 working days after the provider default date.
  17. All applicants are required to read the Refunds Policy & Procedure published at before signing the ‘Declaration’.
  18. This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the applicant/student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.


Unity College Australia collects personal information from students for the purposes of processing applications and providing services to students. This information will be disclosed to relevant Kingsley College and Unity College Australia staff only on a need to know basis and the student's agent where applicable and in accordance with Australian Law

  • Unity College Australia has an obligation under Commonwealth and State legislation to provide information to government departments.
  • Information collected on this form may be collated for course analysis and statistics related to training reports and/or submitted to Australian Government Departments on a legislated need to know basis.
  • Information collected is strictly confidential. All information is held in accordance with National Privacy Principles and legislation associated with Australian Registered Training Organisations.
  • Students have a right to access and alter their personal information.
  • Kingsley College and Unity College Australia have the right to media images taken during the student’s study at the college. This includes photographs, video and DVD images.
  • More information can be found in section 10 of the College Handbook.

Kingsley Community Application Form 2017Version 1.02 (1st February 2017)

Kingsley College training under the auspicesof © Unity College Australia | RTO 6330 | CRICOS 02160A | VFH 73721/6