


World Religion

Worksheet # _____

Understanding Hinduism

1.  The Hindu thread ceremony is similar to the Christian Confirmation or the Bar Mitzvah

For ______boys.

2.  The Thread worn around his body is ______.

3.  Hanuman is the God of ______& ______

4.  ______are sacred in India, they are a ______symbol.

5.  Shiva is one of the three ______of the Hindu trinity.

6.  A cow is a symbolic reminder that God is like a: ______

7.  This is similar to the Christian symbol of Jesus being a ______to his followers, the sheep.

8.  Hindus have thousands of ______& ______

9.  Brahman is the Hindus one God the ______divine spirit.

10.  Idols are used to represent their ______.

11.  Ganesha is the ______God.

12.  Many of the Hindu religious Festival come at the same time of the year as Festivals of the ______& ______.

13.  The Festival of Diwali is know as the ______of ______

14.  Diwali takes place at the end ______(month)

15.  During the year women and girls make hundreds of ______& ______for the Festival Diwali.

16.  In Hinduism there is no such things as congregational ______

Individual worship at whatever time and season is appropriate to you.

17. The purpose of Life is to search for ______& ______

with God whom they call Brahman.

18.  Hindus use a Rosary, string of ______beads or beans.

19. Hindus do not believe in ______because Brahman is expressed

some part of himself in every living thing.

20.  Hindu Scripture is a collection of religious poetry which contains thousands

Of Psalms and ______.

21.  Sanskrit is the original ______.

22.  Another form of Hindu scripture called Upanishads is dialogues and answers of questions

of philosophy such as “______” what is the meaning of life.

23.  The Mahabharata and Ramayana are great religious epics or ______stories.

24.  In a section of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita the most important of all the Hindu


25.  In a traditional Hindu wedding the ceremony contains certain foods which are prepared.

These foods are: ______,______,______

26.  paste of ______is made to put on the forehead of the ______

& ______.

27.  At the Wedding the groom puts a necklace of ______around the neck

Of the bride.

28.  Hindu marriages are usually ______.

29.  A boy and girl do not meet until their ______.

30.  At death Hindus ______their dead.

31.  At the time of cremation family and friends join in ______

& ______Prayers.

32.  Hindus believe that each person’s spirit is ______again and again

Because one lifetime is too short to attain perfect union with God.

33.  The Hindu religion is their ______.

34. There is a God for ______.

35.  The Trinity is: Brahma ______

Vishna the Preserver

Shiva the ______

36.  Hindus teach there are three paths to find his way to Brahman:

a. Spiritual ______

b. Path of Works

c. Path of loving devotion to ______.


Understanding Hinduism