Associate Degree Applicable Course TOP CODE 2133.00

Non Associate Degree Applicable Course NEW Course

ADDITION of a District Course

Revision/Update Date: 12/22/02

Distributive Learning

Curr. Committee Date:

1. DEPARTMENT: Fire Technology

2. SUBJECT: Fire Technology SUBJECT CODE 435

3. COURSE TITLE: Physiological Preparedness for Emergency Service Personnel COURSE NUMBER/LETTER: 218B

4. HOURS PER WEEK: Lecture .75 hrs. Lab 2.25 hrs. Discussion hrs

Other: (Specify) total hrs/wk 3 UNITS: 1.5


6. PREREQUISITE AND/OR CO-REQUISITE: Student needs to be in generally good physical condition

7. COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: (Please limit to 50 words)

Prepare students physiologically with entry-level qualifications in the emergency response services. Students learn the foundations of health, wellness and safety and effective methods to make and maintain long-term life style changes and set individual guidelines for personal growth. Students will study the foundations of physical conditioning. Topics include: body composition; weight control; nutrition; aerobic; and specificity training principles to develop the strength and stamina to prepare for entrance examinations in the field of emergency response services. This supervised and individualized training course develops the necessary conditioning levels and utilizes actual in the job training manuals, safety equipment, tools and training techniques.


Course Articulation

Classification Requested Aproved/Date/Signature:

Acceptable for Credit, University of California ______
Acceptable for Credit, California State Universities ______
Baccalaureate ______
Occupational ______
Pre-college level, prerequisite and/or Developmental

9. TEXTBOOKS: (List all publications that students are required to use, plus any recommended college level readings) (Also required for courses offered in a Distributive Learning format in order to be transferable.)

Author: John Pearson, John Hayford, Wendi Royer Title: Comprehensive Wellness For Firefighters

Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Edition/Year: 1 st, 1995

Other Readings: Assigned readings from current journals, handouts and Internet information on Physical Fitness

in Public Safety Careers.

10. MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: (List materials and supplies that are REQUIRED for this course. For Distributive Learning courses: Students are required to have a personal E-mail address & Internet access through a private provider.)

COLLEGE PROVIDED: a 1.75 inch dry hose line; a 50 pound hose bundle; a 35 foot aluminum extension ladder

with a halyard; a 24 foot aluminum extension ladder weighting 72 pounds; a 12 foot roof ladder; a 20 pound

simulated chain saw; 6 fire department regulation flashlight; an 8 pound sledge hammer; a 154 lb. Dummy; a

fire department regulation first aid kit; 2 regulation fire department sir tanks with shoulder strap; a set of turn outs, helmet, boots and gloves. Workout equipment, syllabus, handouts, videos and computer access.

STUDENT PROVIDED: Books, and writing supplies. Workout clothes including T-shirts, shorts, sweats,

sneakers/athletics shoes, structure gloves. It is recommended that all students bring a bottle of Water to class. Be

sure to eat properly before class and drink plenty of fluids prior to the lab segment.

Not Applicable


A. ENTRY SKILLS: [Minimum of Five (5)] State performance skills and behaviors in specific and measurable terms. (If there are no pre-requisites or co-requisites, state NONE for entry skills.)


(1) Read assigned material and to understand, analyze and evaluate what has been written.
(2) Answer question in writing clearly and logically.
(3) Write a short paper in an organized, logical fashion, using college level vocabulary.
(4) Participate in class discussion and be able to orally communicate ideas and concepts.
(5) Analyze and synthesize concepts and information from the data given.

B. OBJECTIVES / EXIT SKILLS: [Minimum of five (5)] State performance behaviors and skills in specific and measurable terms. These skills become the entry skills for the next course. As a result of completing this course, students will:


(1) Explain basic terms and concepts of nutrition and describe the dietary guidelines for healthy eating plans in daily life. Develop a written short—term action plan to improve personal nutrition and identify the risks associated with unhealthy eating patterns.
(2) Define body composition and identify healthy and unhealthy levels of body fats. Identify effective and ineffective strategies for weight loss based on current research. Analyze personal eating behaviors and identify areas for self-improvement.
(3). Demonstrate the use of proper techniques in performing various strength- training exercises and develop personal exercise pan.
(4) Identify common causes of minor injuries including back injuries and the basic precautions for avoiding these problems. Demonstrate basic first aid techniques for application use with minor training injuries.
(5) Identify types of stress, signs, and symptoms, and describe three stress management techniques.
(6) Prepare a personal wellness plan taking into account one’s own health needs and goals.

12.  SCANS Competencies (Must be listed with all Vocational Education courses.)

Indicate the SCANS competencies developed in this course:

Resources (Identifies, organizes, and allocates resources.)

Time Money Material and Facilities Human Resources

Information (Acquires and uses information.)

Acquires/Evaluates Organizes/Maintains Interprets/Communicates Uses Computers

Technology (Works with a variety of technologies.)

Selects Applies to tasks Maintains and troubleshoots equipment

Thinking Skills

Creative Thinking Decision Making Problem Solving Symbolic Thinking

Application of learning techniques Reasoning

Interpersonal (Works with others.)

Serves as team member Teaches others Serves clients/customers

Exercises Leadership Negotiates Works with diversity

Systems (Understands complex inter-relationships.)

Understands systems Monitors/corrects systems Improves/designs systems


Reading Writing Mathematics Listening Speaking

Personal Qualities

Responsibility Self-Esteem Sociability . Self- Management Integrity

13. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY: (Recommended types of writing assignments, demonstrated use of symbol systems or ability to apply skills learned in the course) (For Distributed Learning courses: Description of “asynchronous interactivity”, i.e. ability to receive instruction at a different time than class is offered.)


Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Essay(s) Journals

Term Paper(s) Homework

Report(s) E-mail/Bulletin Boards

Summaries & Analyses Internet/Chat Rooms

Other ()


Req. Opt. Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Logic Computation Art Projects

Music Interpretations Drafting/Graphics

Proofs Applications

Other ()


Req. Opt. Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Verbal Analytical Laboratory

Written Physical Computer

Other ()


Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Field Trips Readings

Lectures Research Projects

Meetings Computer Projects

Skill Practice Library Work

Special Films and TV Programs

Other ()


Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Problem Solving Translation

Class Research Syntheses

Analyses Interpretations

Comparing and Contrasting Comprehension of Subject Matter

Evaluating Significance Creating/Formulating Ideas

Setting Up Proofs

Other ()


Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Lecture Term Project

Lecture/Discussion Oral Drills

Lecture/Laboratory Work Experience

Laboratory Computer Interactive Assignments

Demonstration Guided Discussion

Written Assignments Discussion/Seminar

Reading Assignments Independent/Directed Study

Mediated TV One-on-one Conference

TV/Audio Visual Digitized/Modem

Guest Speakers ISDN/CODEC (Videoconference)

Small Group Experience Internet Access

Field Experience E-mail Address

Other ()


Time Allocated / Topic or Activity
10. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Nutrition and its Role in Wellness. Module 1
Discuss the basic concepts of nutrition, and the dietary guidelines for good health. Practical application of the guidelines for practicing good nutrition.
Week 1 Lab. First hour, warm up and exercise
Hour 2 Set up obstacle course in keeping with the Biddle Physical Ability Test. Event 1: Dry Hose Deployment, Event 2: Halyard Raise, Event 3: simulated roof walk, Event 4: Victim Removal. Event 5: Attic Crawl, Event 6: Roof Ventilation, Event 7: Ladder Removal / Carry, Event 8: Stair Climb with Hose Event 9: Stair Climb Event with Equipment / Hose Hoist, and
Event 10: Crawling Search / Stair Descent. Students will work in teams and begin training for these actual jobs related event tests.
11. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Body Composition and Weight Control. Module 2
Define body composition and identify healthy and unhealthy levels of body fat. Discuss general principles of weight gain, loss and maintenance. Establish short-term goals for weight management.
Week 2 Lab. Hour 1, warm up, exercise. Hour 2 Set up obstacle course as outlined above.
Time students on obstacle course and take down obstacle course.
12. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Substance Abuse: Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco. Module 3
Define substance abuse and related terms. Discuss impact of substance abuse on individuals in public safety careers and abuse prevention. Identify sources of information, counseling and treatment.
Week 3 Lab. Hour 1, warm up, exerciseHour 2, Set up obstacle course. Time each student at each event and take down obstacle course.
13. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs
/ Assertiveness Training Module 4
How to have new healthy behaviors become permanent. Habits for a lifetime of increased wellness.
Week 4 Lab. Hour 1, warm up, exercise.
Hour 2 Set up obstacle course, begin to decrease time. Each student has at each event location and take down obstacle course.
14. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Managing Stress. Module 5
Part 1 of stress management. Understanding the nature of stress and the signs and symptoms and consequences of stress.
Week 5 Lab. Hour 1, warm up, exercise.
Hour 2, Set up obstacle course. Continue to decrease time each student is allocated at each event location. Student goal, to complete obstacle course in 10 minutes or less. Take down obstacle course.
15. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Managing Stress, Module 6
Part 2 of stress management. Review signs and symptoms of stress. Discuss sources of stress in public safety careers and how to mange life and work stress. Develop a personal plan for stress management
Week 6 Lab. Hours 1 or 2, same as Week 5.
16. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Achieve and Maintain Wellness Through Lifestyle Management Module 7
Identify major health risks in the United States. Identify major wellness trends in the U. S. Discuss guidelines for making and maintaining personal lifestyle changes.
Week 7 Lab. Hour 1 warm up, work out, set up obstacle course
Hour 2 Set up obstacle course, concentrate on improving speed at each event and take down obstacle course.
17. 1.5 hrs
Lab 4.5 hrs / Wellness Planning. Module 8
Students will prepare a personal wellness plan that takes into account their own health needs and goals.
Week 8 Lab. Same as Week 7 Lab

Note: The Carnegie Rule and Title 5 section 55002 sets forth the minimum standards which require:

1 hour lecture with 2 hours homework = 1 unit Lecture also includes discussion and/or demonstration

2 hours of lab with homework = 1 unit 3 hours of lab without homework = 1 unit.

laboratory includes activity and/or studio hours. State number of hours (108) for activities.


(Multiple measures, which are consistent with the course objectives, content and scope, must be used to determine student’s final grade. Student performance will be evaluated by essay unless problem solving or skill demonstration is more appropriate.)

Req. Opt. Req. Opt.

Quizzes, Unit Tests, Midterms Essays

Final Exam Term Papers, Projects and Reports

Laboratory Reports Homework Assignments

Observation Record of Student Oral Presentations

Performance Questionnaires

Class Participation Standardized Tests

Written Compositions Other: Ability to complete obstacle in allotted time

(For Distributive Learning courses: explain how testing will be accomplished, i.e., through U.S. mail, over E-mail, in on-campus testing center, at the LAC, or in designated classroom. When an in-person testing center or site is used, a picture ID will be required to verify student’s identity during testing or examination.)


Acquisitions Librarian ______Date ______

The above signature does not denote approval or disapproval of this course. Signature is not required for routine course revisions, which do not have substantive changes.


LAN Administrator ______Date ______

Distance Education Coordinator ______Date ______

The above signatures do not denote approval or disapproval of this course. Signatures are not required for routine course revisions that do not have substantive changes.


Prepared by Date Division Chair Date


Curriculum Committee Chair Date V. P. Academic Affairs Date



Name of Course: FT 218B

Using the Official Course Outline, please determine whether or not the above listed credit course meets the following standards and criteria required in Title 5, Part VI of the California Administrative Code, and which has been designated as appropriate to the Associate Degree. Place a mark (X) in the appropriate box. For courses applicable for an Associate Degree all criteria must be met. For courses NOT applicable for an Associate Degree only criteria marked with an (*) must be met.

* 1. Is recommended by the responsible college officials, and the academic senate or other appropriate faculty body as meeting the requirements of this subsection and has been approved by the local district governing board as a course meeting the needs of the students eligible for admission.
* 2. Is taught by a credentialed instructor in the discipline
* 3. Is offered as described in an outline in official college files. That outline shall specify the unit value, scope, objectives, content in terms of a specified body of knowledge, appropriate reading and writing assignments, outside of class assignments, instructional methodology, and methods of evaluation for determining whether the stated objectives have been met by students.
* 4. Is taught in accordance with a set of instructional objectives common to all students.
* 5a. Provides for measurement of student performance in terms of the stated course objectives and culminates in a formal recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with Section 55758 of this part, which is permanently recorded as an evaluation of student performance.
5b. Bases grades on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter determined by multiple measurements for evaluation; and has examinations, including essays and/or, where appropriate, uses appropriate symbol systems and/or skills demonstrations by students.
* 6a. Grants units of credit based upon a specified relationship between the number of units assigned to the course and the number of lecture and/or laboratory hours or performance criteria specified in the course outline.
6b. Requires a minimum of three hours of work per week including class time for each unit of credit and prorated for short term, lab and activity courses.
7. Treats subject matter with the scope and intensity, which requires students to study independently outside of class time.
* 8.Requires, when appropriate, entrance skills and consequent prerequisites for the course before students are enrolled
9. Requires as a pre- or co-requisite to enrollment in other courses throughout the degree and certificate curricula, eligibility for enrollment in associate degree credit courses in English and/or mathematics when language and/or computational skills at the associate degree level are deemed by the college and/or district curriculum committee as necessary for success in such courses.
10. Requires the ability to think critically and to understand and apply concepts in order to participate in the course.
11. Requires learning skills and vocabulary appropriate for a college course.
12. Requires the use of college level educational materials.
* 13. Allows repeated enrollment only as permitted by provisions of Division 2 (commencing with Section 51000). Section 55781-55783 and 58161 of this part.