KEY - Historical Research – French and Indian War

  1. GoogleSlides – Comparing British &. French Colonization –

B. Colonial Times Newsletter: Albany Plan of Union Activity.

  1. Who proposed (suggested) the Albany Plan of Union? Ben Franklin
  1. How was this plan based on the Native American government? Of which tribe?based on the Iroquois; the tribe brought together six separate Native American nations under 1 union
  1. What did the plan call for? A Grand Council uniting colonies with representatives from each colony
  1. Why was this plan defeated? colonies were so independent and didn’t want to give up any individual authority to form a union (note: especially power to tax and to raise militias for defense) ; Parliament also rejected it
  1. Describe how the “Join or Die” cartoon symbolizes the plan’s ideas. Franklin feared that if the colonies did not unite into a single body, they would be easily defeated by the French

C. Report to the King: Advantages of the British and French.

  1. Which Native American tribe(s) supported the British during the war? Iroquois
  1. Which Native American tribe(s) supported the French during the war? Algonquian and Huron
  1. Which side had the benefit of having a more ready supply of natural resources? British
  1. Which side used guerilla warfare (attack from cover and run tactics) as part of their attack plan? French
  1. Which side had a larger network of forts to support their troops? French
  1. Interpretation Question: What role did the fur trade have in eventual war between the British and the French?

The British wanted to colonize the region and increase their fur trade (using this against the French).

The French only wanted to trade fur, not build settlements. They already had a strong presence but felt they were being attacked by the British

D. EdPuzzles – French and Indian War

E. Timelines: French and Indian War.

  1. What did the French do to first upset the colonists and Britain? The French built 3 forts in the Ohio River Valley on land claimed by Virginia.
  1. What event is considered the start of the French and Indian War? Washington led troops into the Ohio River Valley and built Ft. Necessity. French attack the fort and force Washington to surrender.
  1. What is considered the turning point of the French and Indian War? Turning point comes when General Wolfe leads the British troops to Capture Quebec, the capital of New France.
  1. What officially ended the French and Indian War? The Treaty of Paris, 1766

Timeline 2 - Open the GoogleSlides file, “Stations – French and Indian War Activities”

  1. What impact did the war have on the American Colonies? (see timeline)

F. Animated Geography

  1. In what part of North America did the French and Indian War take place? Northeast
  1. Where was the first battle fought? The second battle? Ft. Necessity, Ft. Duqusne
  1. Who was victorious at Montreal, the second most-important city in French Canada? British
  1. Who was victorious at Quebec, the capital of New France? British
  1. What rivers played important roles in the war? St. Lawrence, Hudson, Ohio
  1. Inferencing: What role did the British navy play in winning the war? They moved troops to strategic locations.

G. Graph Reading: Mercantilism.

  1. How much did the national debt of England rise during the French and Indian War? 58,000,000
  1. What is the difference between duties collected per year before the war and after the war 27,500
  1. The British used an old law (the Navigation Acts) to increase these collections. What was the name given to this policy of keeping the wealth in the Empire? (Hint: more money = more power) mercantilism
  1. Looking at the annual tax rate on a citizen graph, what observations can you make? the colonists paid much less tax than British subjects in England before the war, and even after the war the colonial tax rate was lower than the British tax rate
  1. Why do you think the British attempted to gain more from the colonists after the war? because Britain paid the costs of the war and was in debt
  1. Make a prediction: What do you think the colonial response will be? anger and rebellion

H. Proclamation of 1763

Cartoons: Proclamation of 1763.

What is “salutary neglect”? until 1763, Britain paid little attention to the colonies due to the distance between them; in that time, colonists remained loyal but increasingly autonomous (self-governing)

  1. Who were the colonists having problems with along the frontier? Native Americans led by Chief Pontiac
  1. Why did the English issue the Proclamation? to keep the peace along the frontier
  1. What did the Proclamation say? westward expansion on Indian lands was prohibited; colonists could not go west of the Proclamation Line (Appalachian Mountains)
  2. Why do you think the colonists were unhappy with the Proclamation? original charters included land west of that line; Britain also left a standing army in the colonies to enforce it - 10,000 British troops
  1. What do you think the colonists are going to do? cross the line anyway

J. Cause and Effect – The French and Indian War.

Causes of the French and Indian War (Pre-1754) / Effects of the French and Indian War (Post-1763)
French - Roman Catholic, missionaries
British - Protestants,
British law discriminated against Catholics / Religious
No French missionaries
Protestants controlled the region
Iroquois Confederacy gave certain trade rights to Britain in mid-1700's - upset the balance of power between French and British
Albany Plan of Union - Join or Die / Political
Pontiac’s War
British keep 10,000 troops in the colonies - colonists don’t like this
French claim Ohio River Valley, but don’t send families to hold it, just trading posts
French build forts to keep British out
Britain claims Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay area / Territorial
More English settlers moved into Western Pennsylvania valleys, Ohio River Valley
FFrench traded with Native American for fur, married Native Americans
British traded with Native Americans / Economic
Native Americans lost trading partners
British charged higher prices
British tax colonists to pay for war
Proclamation of 1763 closes western settlements to help British control the fur trade.