Confidential until approved

Radford Semele Church of England (VC) Primary School


Meeting of the Environment Sub-committee of the Governing Body

Tuesday20th October 2015. 7.30pm at School.

Those present: Cara Jenkins (Chair), Paul Wyllie (Head), Katherine Pickford, Nadia Savage

Item / Details
18 / Apologies and Welcome
Apologies were received from Pauline Morrell.
19 / Minutes of the last meeting –16th June 2015
The minutes were accepted as correct.
20 / Achievement
There was no specific item for discussion.
21 / Quality of Teaching
There was no specific item for discussion.
22 / Leadership and Management
22a) / Equality monitoring (MA 2014 23a)
The amendments required to ensure consistency between the policy and the statement are being made by Cara.
22b) / Website (MA 2014 26)
Cara confirmed the list has been sent to Manisha as required and this action has been completed.
22c) / Policies updates:
i) Data Protection
Cara and Paul have been developing the policy and Paul will send the draft to Cara for review before being distributed to the committee.
Action: Paul to send Data Protection policy to Cara for review, then for distribution to Environment sub-committee.
ii) Freedom of Information (MA 5d)
The required document, entitled ‘Model Publication Policy’ has been identified and is being updated.
Action: Cara will review the required updates to the Model Publication policy
iii)Social Media Policy (MA 6aii)
This policy has been circulated. The policy was accepted subject to one minor amendment.
Action: Cara to make amendment to Social Media Policy
iv) Absence Policy
This has been circulated for consideration and was adopted.
Cara has reviewed the policies which are the responsibility of the Environment Sub-committee and reported that they are all within their review dates. She requested that the clerk check that all policies required for inclusion on the school website have been provided to Manisha.
Action: Helen to check that Manisha has access to all policies which are required for inclusion on the school website.
22d) / Flexi-School Policy
In response to a recent complaint, it has been identified that a statement clarifying the school’s position on flexi-school arrangements is required. The governors agreed that a statement should be included on the website that stipulate that the school does not offer a flexi-school arrangement for children of compulsory school age.
Action: Paul to add a statement to the website clarifying the school’s position that a flexi-school arrangement is not offered at Radford Semele for children of compulsory school age.
23 / Behaviour and Safety
23a) / Safeguarding (SI)
i)Access to School (MA14a)
Paul is sending a note to each group who use the School out of hours clarifying that they should close the door when all their members have arrived and that they take responsibility for this security measure.
A governor asked if the new door installed at reception was offering an improvement in safety and restricted access to school, and Paul confirmed that it has.
ii)Safeguarding Policy
This has been distributed. Some typographic errors were noted and Cara and Paul will correct these and re-distribute for final adoption. The overall content was accepted.
Paul informed the governors that he has updated the Safeguarding files and has adopted a system of green forms that will flag any concern about a child. Paul has an overview sheet with dates for each item of action and can therefore track concerns. Paul also has a file for parents’ concerns. Paul also keeps copies of details for children who have now left. Paul and Katherine will agree a date to review at the Single Central Record. Paul explained there are now two Safeguarding leads – Jayne White and Yvette Lyttle.
23b) / Health Safety and Premises Check
Cara has agreed the 4th December for the termly check.
23c) / Accessibility Plan (FGB MA 15.12c)
This has been reviewed and finalised. Examples of how it is employed at school were discussed.
Action: Helen to check whether all the Governors Terms of Reference contain ‘having regard to matters related to access’ according to point 8.
Action: Accessibility to be a Standing Item for Environment sub-committee.
23d) / Fire Risk Assessment (MA 2014 6b)
The action required is ongoing.
Action: For review at next meeting.
24 / Spiritual , Moral, Social and Cultural Development
24a) / Moving Forward as a Church School
Notes have been circulated from Pauline and were noted.
i)PREVENT training (MA 7ai)
These values have been discussed within assembly and Paul is collating the children’s responses and this will be published in the website.
Action: Helen to send previously agreed wording to Paul for inclusion.
ii)SIAMS review
An inspection from the Diocesan Board is expected imminently.
25 / Any Other Business
(if agreed with Clerk or Chair 24 hours prior to meeting)
Cara checked whether parents will be asked for the £10 donation to the School Fund and Paul will do this.
26 / Date of Next Meeting – proposed 9th February 2016