iPad Basics

MMSD Professional Development

Summer, 2013, Doyle 110A

8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Instructor(s): Joleen R. Welborn

Titles: Technology Specialist, Professional Development


Phone: (608)228-9415

Relevant experience/credentials:

·  Experience in technology training at MMSD and MATC

·  Former teacher of Math, Science and Technology (secondary, grades 6-8, 6 years)

·  Programming courses at MATC

Registration Link: mmsd.org/pdcatalog

You must register/enroll in the PD Catalog to receive credit.

·  Be respectful to your instructor and colleagues by enrolling or withdrawing at least 1 week prior to the course start date. The Course Start Date is the last day to enroll, withdraw, or change credit choice. (unless indicated as earlier). After this day, you cannot enroll, withdraw, or change credit choice.

·  Be considerate of classes that fill up quickly or may have a waiting list. Immediately notify the instructor if you cannot make this session due to possible waiting lists.


Any teacher at MMSD who will be using an iPad for instruction of students can enroll. This course is also open to IRTs, Principals and Doyle Staff.

Course Description

Participants gain experience with the iPad for teaching and learning – and as tools for daily school operations and management. Participants will learn basic navigation; will explore key accessibility features and apps; and will learn to manage workflow.

Course Materials

·  Activated iPad with most current version of iOS installed (provided)

·  If you plan to bring your own iPad, notify Joleen to get a list of apps that you will need.

Participant Outcomes

Participants will:

·  Explore basic navigation, native applications, and accessibility features of iPad

·  Learn how iPads can be used as personal tools for teaching, learning and leadership

·  Discover how to personalize learning with iPads and apps

·  Learn to manage mobile learning workflow and environments

Creating Coherence: Alignment to District Priorities

·  Technology integration is a district priority for all initiatives.

·  Examples of Culturally Relevant Practices will be provided and class will be encouraged to share practices they’ve used in their work.

Delivery Method

Face to Face

Online, asynchronous reflection

Course Website:

Websites we will use:

·  MMSD Instructional Technology Resources: http://goo.gl/K2Fjh

·  NING for asynchronous, online collaboration: http://goo.gl/uNn7z

Credit Information1

·  Participants must complete the course to receive full credit.

·  There are no partial credit options.

·  Credit options cannot be changed after the course begins.

·  Teachers will receive 0.6 PAC. (6 hours at 0.1 PAC per hour)

·  Principals and non-instructional staff will receive 6 PD hours

·  No extended employment or university credit is offered for this course.

Full Inclusion

Please communicate any special accommodations to course instructors as soon as possible. This information will remain confidential with course instructors.

Collaboration and Reflection

iPad users will be given time in the course to collaborate and share their ideas on using the iPads over the next year. Classroom management will be discussed as will additional resources on teaching and learning with the iPad.

ASSIGNMENT: Participants will respond to discussion prompted in the MMSD NING as evidence of reflection.

Assessment of Learning and Feedback

Please complete the electronic survey that will be sent through the PD System after the course closes.

The following two rubrics will be used to assess course completion.

A.  Participation and Attendance Rubric

NOTE: No fractional PACs will be awarded for reduced time attended.

Unsatisfactory: Will not receive credit / Satisfactory / Excellent
Punctuality / Participant is more than 1 hour late or leaves 1 hour early without appropriate excuse. / If participant has to arrive late or early, arrangements are made with the instructor(s) for an alternative agreement on course completion / Participant is on time and stays the entire time.
Participation / Participant does not engage in discussions, does not collaborate with others or does not respond to discussion prompt online. / Participant participates in discussion, collaborates with other participants, and responds to discussion prompt in the NING. / Participant provides meaningful discussion responses, collaborates well with other participants, and responds to discussion prompt in the NING.

B.  Assignment Rubric (This rubric will be used all reflective assignments)

Unsatisfactory: Will not receive credit / Satisfactory / Excellent
Punctuality / Participant does not produce assignment deliverables at all, or deliverable is late past the 2 day grace period. / Participant turns in deliverables on time or slightly late (2 days grace period) with excuse. / Participant turns in deliverables on time.
Quality of Assignment Deliverables / Deliverables are absent, incomplete, or not well-thought out. / Deliverables are complete and ideas are clear. / Participant’s work is neat, well-thought out, and clear. Participant clearly grasps the concept of professional growth.

Course Activities Calendar


1 / June 20th , 2013 / 8:00a to 3:00p / Doyle 100A
2 / June 25th , 2013 / 8:00a to 3:00p / Doyle 100A
3 / July 1st , 2013 / 8:00a to 3:00p / Doyle 100A
4 / July 29th, 2013 / 8:00a to 3:00p / Doyle 100A
All Sections / END OF COURSE (check for email for link) / COMPLETE INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION FORM

1 Credit Guidelines for MMSD Courses

·  Professional Advancement Credits (PACs) are only for employees in the Teaching (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Unit. One course PAC equals 10 hours. The total hours may include face-to- face, online instruction, and extended assignments. Participation must occur during non-contract time, participants may not receive extended employment payment (also only available to the Teaching Unit), and participants may not have hotel, travel, or registration fees paid by the District. District policy is that PACs are truncated, not rounded up to the tenth. For example, .25 PACs would be recorded as .2 PACs. Participants must complete the course to receive credit; there are not partial credit options. PACs will automatically be transferred to HR when participants complete a course in the PD Catalog.


·  Professional Development Hours are for administrators, SEAs, EAs, clerical, substitute teachers, and other Units who do not receive PACs. PD Hours are also for teachers during contract time PD. Although PD Hours are not relevant to salary schedule advancements nor do they count as Academic Credits for licensure, some individuals want them for their records. https://staffdevweb.madison.k12.wi.us/pacinfo.htm

·  Academic Credit. If participants choose academic credit (College or University Credit), they cannot choose PACs. Participants must turn in Academic Credit transcripts to HR for salary schedule advancements.

·  Extended Employment is occasionally an option available in the PD Catalog, paid by the sponsoring Department/School. If this option is selected, PACs are not an option.

·  Teacher Salary Advancement information is managed by Human Resources: https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/node/376 (608)663-1864

·  Find your credit record by logging into the GUI400 Icon in your Novell Applications Folder