Dec.1, 2009 – OLDS -Bell E-learning Center
9:00am – 3:30pm
Meeting Minutes - M. Tillapaugh
CEAA Representatives in attendance:
Pat Adams – InnisfailMiddle School
Matt Tillapaugh – River Glen School, Red Deer
Neil Skaluba – Olds High School
Scott Saunders – Sundre
Rob Scott – Carstairs
Dan Richmond - Cremona
Chinook’s Edge Athletic Association (CEAA):
Mission Statement – The Chinook’s Edge Athletic Association is a body of Athletic Directors comprised of representatives from the Middle/ Junior, and High schools within Chinook’s Edge School Division. The CEAA’s primary mandate is to enhance the quality of divisional extra-curricular athletics, promote inter-divisional athletic competition, and to be an advocate for the membership schools by reviewing all concerns and issues affecting extra-curricular athletics within the division.
- Tour of new Olds High School.
- Review minutes from last meeting.
- Banners and championship games H/S only (ASAA).
- Volleyball Champions: Banners sent to schools.
- 1A Girls – Spruce View
- 1A Boys – Olds Koinonia
- 2A/3A Girls – H.J. Cody
- 2A/3A Boys – No game – No banner awarded
- Decided to go with past precedent that the game must be played in order to earn a banner. Unfortunately, if a team does not play, a banner can not be awarded by forfeiture.
- All games but one played this year, which is an improvement from last year. The goal for next year is 100% participation rate.
- Delburne did not play because of community coach issues. Address matter with athletic director and work for improvement next year.
- Reminder: Basketball championship games: Mar. 3/10 with South teams hosting.
- Combine 2A/3A schools for challenge games. 1A remain the same.
- Challenge games to go forward in new Olds high school venue with a one day event on Mar. 3rd.
- Planning and promotion will be discussed further at next meeting. A reminder will be sent out to all team with details then.
- Bowden and Innisfail play in the South league but are North teams. Who do they represent for the challenge games? Decided that they would represent their league, the South.
- CESD tournaments
-Re-visit budget template for upcoming year. Rob e-mailed new template.
-Ensure Kory gets a copy and each tournament organizer.
-Decided that 1 sub day required for tournaments, not the 2 days provided.
-All tournament organizers are to keep all receipts and submit them to Kory. This will provide an accurate account of the cost to run the various tournaments.
-Goal is to have accurate budget so organizers and use funds at their discretion to fit each individual tournament. Ie. Plaques, hospitality suite, etc…
- Begin to develop CESD/CEAA athletic director’s handbook. Policies and by-laws.
-Next meeting (Jan. 26/10). Break-out groups to begin work on handbook.
-Members to bring resources.
- Update:
-Possible ‘showcase’ venues and ‘one-day’ events will hopefully be a part of future CEAA Championship games to promote extra-curricular activities within the Division. Pending the progress of the new Olds High School.
-Next meeting, work on the details of the challenge game day. Details to go to all potential participating schools.
-CEAA website progress? Athletic directors can then begin posting results, pictures, and events in near future. None at this point.
- Other
-Develop a media package outlining what CEAA is trying to accomplish and the structure of it within CESD. (Matt and Dan) – Next meeting.
-Contact ASAA (John Paton) and update them on what CEAA is doing within CESD and the promotion of the new AIAAA to the member schools. (Dan and Matt) – Next meeting.
-Transportation – Work at streamlining a ‘volunteer driver’ document that can be used by all schools to ensure consistency throughout the division. Get CESD transportation department to validate it.
-Revisited the possibility of joining the North and South regions to form one divisional league.
- Pros - Unite division athletics
- Improve South leagues; more teams, more games, same ASAA classification leagues.
- Cons – Increase travel, teams would have to play challenge games every year to qualify for area and zone competition (CASAA, CWAJHAA), geography.
-Discussion of including Jr. A teams/Gr. 9 teams into challenge games this year for basketball.
- Last years CEAA members decided to focus on high school challenge games only for the 2009/10 school year and re-visit re-introducing the Jr. High/Middle School challenge games in the 2010/11. Reasons stated in previous minutes.
- Discuss the idea of the game for this year at the next meeting.
-Next meeting: Jan. 26, 2010.