Dec.1, 2009 – OLDS -Bell E-learning Center

9:00am – 3:30pm

Meeting Minutes - M. Tillapaugh

CEAA Representatives in attendance:

Pat Adams – InnisfailMiddle School

Matt Tillapaugh – River Glen School, Red Deer

Neil Skaluba – Olds High School

Scott Saunders – Sundre

Rob Scott – Carstairs

Dan Richmond - Cremona

Chinook’s Edge Athletic Association (CEAA):

Mission Statement – The Chinook’s Edge Athletic Association is a body of Athletic Directors comprised of representatives from the Middle/ Junior, and High schools within Chinook’s Edge School Division. The CEAA’s primary mandate is to enhance the quality of divisional extra-curricular athletics, promote inter-divisional athletic competition, and to be an advocate for the membership schools by reviewing all concerns and issues affecting extra-curricular athletics within the division.

  1. Tour of new Olds High School.
  2. Review minutes from last meeting.
  1. Banners and championship games H/S only (ASAA).
  2. Volleyball Champions: Banners sent to schools.
  3. 1A Girls – Spruce View
  4. 1A Boys – Olds Koinonia
  5. 2A/3A Girls – H.J. Cody
  6. 2A/3A Boys – No game – No banner awarded
  7. Decided to go with past precedent that the game must be played in order to earn a banner. Unfortunately, if a team does not play, a banner can not be awarded by forfeiture.
  8. All games but one played this year, which is an improvement from last year. The goal for next year is 100% participation rate.
  9. Delburne did not play because of community coach issues. Address matter with athletic director and work for improvement next year.
  • Reminder: Basketball championship games: Mar. 3/10 with South teams hosting.
  • Combine 2A/3A schools for challenge games. 1A remain the same.
  • Challenge games to go forward in new Olds high school venue with a one day event on Mar. 3rd.
  • Planning and promotion will be discussed further at next meeting. A reminder will be sent out to all team with details then.
  • Bowden and Innisfail play in the South league but are North teams. Who do they represent for the challenge games? Decided that they would represent their league, the South.
  1. CESD tournaments

-Re-visit budget template for upcoming year. Rob e-mailed new template.

-Ensure Kory gets a copy and each tournament organizer.

-Decided that 1 sub day required for tournaments, not the 2 days provided.

-All tournament organizers are to keep all receipts and submit them to Kory. This will provide an accurate account of the cost to run the various tournaments.

-Goal is to have accurate budget so organizers and use funds at their discretion to fit each individual tournament. Ie. Plaques, hospitality suite, etc…

  1. Begin to develop CESD/CEAA athletic director’s handbook. Policies and by-laws.

-Next meeting (Jan. 26/10). Break-out groups to begin work on handbook.

-Members to bring resources.

  1. Update:

-Possible ‘showcase’ venues and ‘one-day’ events will hopefully be a part of future CEAA Championship games to promote extra-curricular activities within the Division. Pending the progress of the new Olds High School.

-Next meeting, work on the details of the challenge game day. Details to go to all potential participating schools.

-CEAA website progress? Athletic directors can then begin posting results, pictures, and events in near future. None at this point.

  1. Other

-Develop a media package outlining what CEAA is trying to accomplish and the structure of it within CESD. (Matt and Dan) – Next meeting.

-Contact ASAA (John Paton) and update them on what CEAA is doing within CESD and the promotion of the new AIAAA to the member schools. (Dan and Matt) – Next meeting.

-Transportation – Work at streamlining a ‘volunteer driver’ document that can be used by all schools to ensure consistency throughout the division. Get CESD transportation department to validate it.

-Revisited the possibility of joining the North and South regions to form one divisional league.

  • Pros - Unite division athletics
  • Improve South leagues; more teams, more games, same ASAA classification leagues.
  • Cons – Increase travel, teams would have to play challenge games every year to qualify for area and zone competition (CASAA, CWAJHAA), geography.

-Discussion of including Jr. A teams/Gr. 9 teams into challenge games this year for basketball.

  • Last years CEAA members decided to focus on high school challenge games only for the 2009/10 school year and re-visit re-introducing the Jr. High/Middle School challenge games in the 2010/11. Reasons stated in previous minutes.
  • Discuss the idea of the game for this year at the next meeting.

-Next meeting: Jan. 26, 2010.