May 22, 2014
Addendum 1
RFP #3917DB Certified Behavioral Analyst Services
This addendum is provided to answer the following questionsforRFP #3917DB Certified Behavioral Analyst Services. This addendum is issued as a part of the specifications documents for the above described project. Any changes incorporated in this addendum shall be considered as a part of the documents and shall supersede, amend, add to, clarify, or subtract from those conditions shown in the original Bid.This addendum, as well as any subsequent addenda, may be obtained through . It is the responsibility of the vendor to monitor this web site for addenda.
- I noticed that CPI training is required for all direct care providers. I do not see physical management on the list of services in the contract, but I want to make sure that the contractor is not required to participate in restraint procedures before I put together the bid proposal. Our agency has a hands-off policy. We require BCBAs to be CPI trained, not just in the Verbal De-escalation but the physical restraint also. We do require they
restrain, if necessary.
- Is a provider required to provide services to both EBD and ASD classrooms for this RFP?Yes
- The Proposer is a new company that was formed by BCBAs with individual experience providing services in a variety of settings, including Lake County School district. Not all of these were contract work, some were direct employers. How should this be indicated on Attachment D? If there is not enough space for you to indicate direct employer on the form, attach a sheet with the information making sure all the information required on the form is on your attachment.
- Are letters of recommendation from teachers or administrators in Lake County schools permitted? What about from district level positions?We prefer recommendations from outside of Lake County Schools. Additional letters may be submitted for consideration from LCS personnel.
- Is a vendor required to provide services to all of the autism sites or can a vendor offer services to a specified number of sites/service hours?Vendor will be required to perform all the services requested in this RFP.
- What's the typical caseload for therapists? In the past, approximately five (5) full-time Board Certified Behavior Analaysts (BCBAs) provided adequate coverage of the contract.
- How many schools are typically on a therapist's caseload? Would depend upon schedule; generally, bill between 28-34 hours per week.
- How many working days for therapists each school year? Student calendar of 180 days.
- In regards to billable hours:
1. Are IEP meetings billable? We do not have BCBAs attend IEP meetings unless directed to do so by ESE Administrator. If approved, yes, meetings are billable.
2. Are orientation sessions billable? Yes.
3. How many hours are in a typical school day (i.e. how many hours are therapists allowed to be on-site and billing) 6.5 to 6.75 hours per day. During student class times, from beginning bell to ending bell, bell schedules vary at schools. BCBA services must be provided during school day; not after or before school. Approximately six (6) to six and one-half (6.5) hours daily but starting times are staggered with high school beginning earliest in day and middle and elementary ending latest. See student bell schedules on school websites for specifics. Note: Proposal specifies BCBAs cannot bill for travel time, and are required to take a 30-minute, non-paid lunch.
4. Are we allowed to bill for paperwork, mileage and travel between school sites?No mileage or travel. See proposal for exceptions of paperwork billing on pages 7 and 8, Staffing Training and Supervision. Proposal requests 20 hours per week of crisis support services. Additionally, up to ten (10) hours per week may be requested by ESE Administrators, if needed. Frequent communication required between crisis-hour support BCBA(s) and ESE Administrator(s) to discuss district specific needs, i.e., observation, written recommendations, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), etc. on case by case basis.
- Who are the current providers for Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) services? This information is available on our web page at:
- Please provide the current bill rate by provider. See response to question 10.
- Please provide the # of FTEs (full time equivalents) by provider. Not applicable to this proposal.
- Have your current providers been able to meet all of your current BCBA services need? Not in the 2013-14 school year.
- How many BCBAs does the district have on staff? Two (2) at the center school, Lake Hills, which this contract does not serve.
- How many district BCBAs are retiring this year? Not applicable.
- Does the district currently have any BCBA compensatory time to make-up? No.
- Are resumes required at the time of proposal submission or only upon award?If you currently have BCBAs on staff that will be providing the services, then submit their resumes with your proposal. If you do not have these individual on staff at this time, then submit the resumes requested in 3.4 Response Format, A. with your proposals. Certifications and resumes of BCBAs would them have to be reviewed by LCSB designees before work could begin.
- How many BCBA openings does the district anticipate filling with this RFP? The amount needed to perform all the services specified in the proposal.
- Is the district interested in BCBAs with specialized skill sets?
1.If yes, what specific skill sets? See proposal, Item B, p. 13.
- Is the district interested in bilingual BCBAs?Bilingual BCBAs are not a requirement of this RFP.
- If yes, what languages?
- Who is responsible for purchasing assessment equipment and supplies in order to provide services? The contracted company.
- Is the district open to a blended therapy model? No, the District isn’t open to a blended therapy model.
- Is it the district's intent to award to a single vendor?Our intent is to award to a Primary and an Alternate vendor. The Alternate vendor is only used in the event the Primary cannot fulfill their obligation.
- For the references as detailed in Submittal B: Qualifications of Firm/BCBAs on page 13 of the RFP, are you only interested in references from school districts where we provided BCBA services?We prefer school district references, but you may submit references from other sources.
- Attachment D Reference Data Sheet, DOC version is unable to be edited due to it being "locked for edit". Is there another DOC version that can be edited with our information?An unlocked version has been uploaded to Public Purchase.
CHANGES, DELETIONS AND ADDITIONS (Any changes, deletions or additions shall be annotated in red and with strikethroughs)
- Please DELETE original Attachment A Cost Proposal Form and replace with REVISED Cost Proposal Form.
- Please be advised that pages 9 and 10 has been revised as follows:
Eustis Middle / 18725 E. Bates Ave., Eustis, FL32726 / 1
Mt Dora Middle / 1405 Lincoln Ave., Mt. Dora, FL 32757 / 1
Oak Park Middle / 2101 South St., Leesburg, FL34748 / 1
Umatilla Middle / 305 East Lake St., Umatilla, FL32784 / 1
Windy Hill Middle / 3575 Hancock Rd., Clermont, FL 34711 / 1
Total Middle School / 7
All services shall follow the Board approved student school calendar for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Approximately 3 hours weekly per 9elementary self-contained classrooms for students with emotional behavioral disabilities and 1 to 2 hours monthly per 9(7) middle school self-contained emotionally behaviorally disabled classrooms. Projected school sites for the 2014 - 2015 school year are as follows:
The SCHOOL BOARD will agree to up to10 hours weekly for individual or classroom consultation crisis support which must be assigned and approved by ESE Administrator(s)/designee in writing, to provide the consultation, training or functional behavior assessments and develop and train for the implementation of Behavioral intervention plans, school site, based upon needs. An additional 5 hours per week for EBD crisis support may be requested in writing and also must be approved by the ESE Administrator(s)/designee.
The estimated sites and/or projected hours for Emotionally Behaviorally Disabled Services are subject to change either in increase, decrease, or location based on need. This may require less service hours than projected if student needs are not of an intensive nature.
2. Autism Spectrum Disorders
All services shall follow the Board approved student school calendar for the 2014 – 2015school year. Approximately 3 hours weekly per a projected 19(21)elementary self-contained classrooms for students with autism spectrum disorders and 3 hours weekly per 6 middle school self-contained classes for students with autism spectrum disorders and 3 high school self-contained classes for students on access points. Projected school sites for the 2014 - 2015 school year are as follows:
School / Address / # of UnitsBeverly Shores Elementary / 1108 W. Griffin Road, Leesburg, FL 34748 / 1
Eustis Heights Elementary / 310 W Taylor Ave., Eustis, FL 32776 / 3
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3917db Certified Behavioral Analyst Services
Groveland Elementary / 930 Parkwood St., Groveland, FL 34736 / 1
Lost Lake Elementary / 1901 Johns Lake Rd., Clermont, FL34711 / 2
Minneola Elementary / 300 Pearl St., Minneola, FL 34715 / 2 4
Pine Ridge Elementary / 10245 CR 561, Clermont, FL 34711 / 2
Sawgrass Bay Elem. / 16325 Superior Blvd, Clermont, FL 34711 / 2
Sorrento Elem. / 24605 Wallick Road, Sorrento, FL 32776 / 2
Triangle Elementary / 1707 Eudora Rd., Mt. Dora, FL 32757 / 2
Total Elementary / 19 21
Eustis Middle / 18725 E. Bates Ave., Eustis, FL32726 / 2
Gray Middle / 205 E Magnolia St, Groveland, FL34736 / 1
Oak Park Middle / 2101 South St., Leesburg, FL34748 / 1
Tavares Middle / 13032 Lane Park Cut-off, Tavares, FL 32778 / 1
Windy Hill Middle / 3575 Hancock Rd., Clermont, FL 34711 / 1
Total Middle / 6
Eustis High / 1300 E. Washington Ave., Eustis, FL 32726 / 1
Lake Minneola High / 101 North Hancock Road, Minneola, FL 34715 / 2
Total High Schools / 3
The SCHOOL BOARD will agree toup to10 hours weekly for individual or classroom consultation crisis support which must be assigned and approved by ESE Administrator(s)/designee to provide the consultation, training or functional behavioral assessments and develop and train for the implementation of behavior intervention plans, school sites based upon needs. An additional 5 hours per week for ASD crisis support may be requested in writing and also must be approved by the ESE Administrator(s)/designee.
The estimated sites and/or projected hours for Autism Spectrum Disorders or Access Point High School classes are subject to change either in increase, decrease, or location based on need.This may require less service hours than projected if student needs are not of an intensive nature
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3917db Certified Behavioral Analyst Services
Please note that the opening date has notchanged. All bids are due in the Lake County Schools Procurement Department, 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida 32778, by no later than 2:00 PM, local time, on, Monday, June 2, 2014.
Acknowledgement of Addendum by Vendor:
This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and uploaded with the submittal package. This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become a part of the proposal document. This addendum must be signed and returned in order for your submittal to be considered.
Company Name
Name (Typed or Printed)Title
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