Alexander Zelikovsky


Department of Computer Science

Georgia State University

Office: 1443, Peachtree Str. 34

Phone: (404) 413 5730

Fax: (815) 642-0052


Web page:

Personal Data

Date of Birth: 03/25/1960

Sex: Male

Citizenship: U. S. A.


03/89 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics, Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus

09/82 M. S. in Computer Science and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moldova State University, Kishinev, Moldova

09/80 B. S. in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moldova State University, Kishinev, Moldova

Professional Experience

08/09– Professor, Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

08/04-07/09 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

01/99-07/04 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

09/97-01/99 Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

11/95-09/97 Research Scientist, Computer Science Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

09/95-11/95 Visitor, Intl Computer Science Institute, University of California at Berkeley, California

01/89-09/95 Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moldova State University, Kishinev, Moldova

04/90-09/95 Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Mathematics, Moldova Academy of Sciences, Kishinev, Moldova

12/88-03/90 Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Mathematics, Moldova Academy of Sciences, Kishinev, Moldova

09/82-11/85 Software Engineer, Institute of Mathematics, Moldova Academy of Sciences, Kishinev, Moldova

Research Interests

Discrete Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization; Bioinformatics, Computer-Aided Design for Very Large System Integration: Physical Design & Design for Manufacturing; Computational Biology; Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks; Graph Theory; Computational Geometry.


Internal Grants

1.  GSU Research Initiation Grant “New Approaches in Optimizing Layout Manufacturability”, $5,000, 1999-2000, PI

2.  GSU Research Initiation Grant “Computational Methods for Genetic Association Search and Susceptibility Prediction for Common Diseases”, $10,000, 2007-2008, PI

3.  GSU Team Grant $15,000, 2009-2010, co-PI

External Grants

1.  NSF Grant IIS-0916401 “III: Small: Collaborative Research: Reconstruction of Haplotype Spectra from High-Throughput Sequencing Data”, $224,000, 9/01/2009-8/01/2012, PI

2.  U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation Award #MOM2-3049-CS-03 ``Algorithms for Solving Optimization problems on Networks’’ $5,500, 07/01/2005-06/30/2007, PI

3.  NSF Grant CCF-0429735 ``Collaborative Research: New Directions for Advanced VLSI Manufacturability'', $93,000, 8/15/2004-7/31/2007, PI

4.  Subcontract of NIH Award 1 P20 GM065762-01A1, $36,000, 9/01/2003-8/31/2006, PI

5.  U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation Award #MM2-3018 ``Algorithms for Solving Optimization problems on Networks’’ $40,000, 09/01/2001-05/31/2003, PI

6.  Subcontract of NSF Grant CCR-9988331``Research in Layout Optimization for Advanced Manufacturability Considerations'', $127,093, 8/15/2000-7/31/2004, PI

7.  Yamacraw, State of Georgia Grant "A Middleware for Collaborative Applications and Handheld Devices", $318,000, 07/01/2002 – 2004, co-PI.


1.  Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Outstanding Paper Prize, 2007.

2.  Best Poster Award, Fifth Georgia Tech Intl Conf on Bioinformatics, November 2005.

3.  Best Poster Award, 25th BACUS Symp on Photomask Technology and Management, 2005.

4.  Best Paper Award, Joint Intl VLSI Design / Asia & South Pacific Design Autom Conf, 2002.

5.  Humboldt Scholarship, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1995

6.  Moldova Academy of Sciences Young Investigator Award, Kishinev, Moldova, 1993

Professional Service

Conference Chair

1.  (Workshop) IEEE Intl Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2009)

2.  Workshop on Computational Issues in Genetic Epidemiology (CIGE 2008)

3.  Intl Symposium/Workshop on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA’05-09)

4.  (Publication) IEEE Intl Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE’07)

5.  ACIS Intl Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks (SAWN’05, ’06, ’07)

6.  Intl Workshop on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IWBRA’05, ’06)

7.  (Poster) SECABC Workshop on Biocomputing 2005

8.  (Session) Intl Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2000)

Program Committee Member

1.  Intl Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB 2009-2010)

2.  IEEE Intl Workshop on Wireless Network Algorithm and Theory (joined with MASS)

3.  ACM Intl Workshop on Foundations of Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking and Computing (FOWANC 2009)

4.  Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB 2009)

5.  17th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology / 8th European Symposium on Computational Biology, Population Genomics Track (ISMB/ECCB 2009)

6.  The 6th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2009)

7.  Intl Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2008)

8.  Intl Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA'08)

9.  IEEE Intl Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2007-2009)

10.  Intl Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2007)

11.  ACM Intl Workshop On System-Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP’02, ’07, ’08)

12.  Annual Intl Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON’07)

13.  Intl Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (MASN’05)

14.  Intl Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Comb. Optimization Problems (APPROX’02)


1.  NSF: 04/08, 01/07, 10/05, 03/05, 02/05

2.  NIH: 09/06

Editorial Activity

Editorial Board Member

1.  Intl Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Inderscience Publishers, 2006-

2.  Advances in Bioinformatics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008 –

3.  Advanced Studies in Biology, Hikari Ltd, 2009-

4.  Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, World Scientific, 2009 –

5.  Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008 –

Special Issue/Section Guest Editor

1.  IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 6(2) (2009), 5(3) (2008), 4(4) (2007)

2.  International Journal on Sensor Networks, 6(1) (2009)

3.  Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(1) (2007)

4.  IEEE Trans. on Nanobioscience, 6(1) (2007)


[P1]  C. Albrecht, A. B. Kahng, I. Mandoiu and A. Zelikovsky, "Floorplan Evaluation with Timing-Driven Global Wireplanning, Pin Assignment and Buffer/Wire Sizing," United States Patent #7,062,743, June 2006.


(Inverse chronological order, the authors are in the alphabet order except for papers in bioinformatics)

Edited Books & Proceedings

[B1]  I.I. Mandoiu and A.Z. Zelikovsky (Eds.), Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

[B2]  I.I. Mandoiu, R. Sunderraman and A.Z. Zelikovsky (Eds.), Proceedings of 4rd International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 4983, 2008.

[B3]  I.I. Mandoiu and A.Z. Zelikovsky (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 4463, 2007.

[B4]  A.Z. Zelikovsky (Ed.), LNCS Transactions on Computational Systems Biology, Volume II, Springer, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 3680, 2005.

Editorials in Journals

[E1]  Yingshu Li, I.I. Mandoiu and A. Zelikovsky, “Editorial,” International Journal on Sensor Networks, 6(1) (2009), pp. 1-2.

[E2]  I.I. Mandoiu, Yi Pan, R. Sunderraman and A. Zelikovsky, “Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Bioinformatics Research and Applications,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), 6(2) (2009), pp. 178-179.

[E3]  I.I. Mandoiu, Yi Pan and A. Zelikovsky, “Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Bioinformatics Research and Applications,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), 5(3) (2008), pp. 321-322.

[E4]  I.I. Mandoiu, Yi Pan and A. Zelikovsky, “Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Bioinformatics Research and Applications,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), 4(4) (2007), pp. 513-514.

[E5]  I.I. Mandoiu, Yi Pan and A. Zelikovsky, “Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Nanobioscience,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 6(1) (2007), pp.1-3.

[E6]  G. Călinescu, I.I. Măndoiu, A. Zelikovsky and M. Zimand, “Selected Papers from the 1st ACIS International Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks,” Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(1) (2007), pp. 1-3.

Book Chapters

[C1]  G. Robins and A.Z. Zelikovsky, “Minimum Steiner Tree Construction,” in C. J. Alpert, D. P. Mehta, and S. S. Sapatnekar, editors, The Handbook of Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, CRC Press, 2009, 487-508.

[C2]  Q. Cheng and A. Zelikovsky, “Network Mapping of Metabolic Pathways,” in M. Dehmer and F. Emmert-Streibto (eds.), Analysis of Complex Networks: From Biology to Linguistics, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2009, 271-293.

[C3]  D. Brinza, J. He, and A. Zelikovsky, “Optimization Methods for Genotype Data Analysis in Epidemiological Studies,” In I.I. Mandoiu and A.Z. Zelikovsky, editors, Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications, Wiley, 2008, pp. 395- 415.

[C4]  A.B. Kahng, I.I. Mandoiu, and A.Z. Zelikovsky, “Practical approximations of Steiner trees in uniform orientation metrics,” In T.E. Gonzalez, editor, Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. CRC Press, 2007, pp. 43-1 – 43-13.

[C5]  I.I. Mandoiu, A. Olshevsky, and A.Z. Zelikovsky, “QoS multimedia multicast routing,” In T.E. Gonzalez, editor, Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. CRC Press, 2007, pp. 71-1 – 71-16.

[C6]  C. Albrecht, A.B. Kahng, I.I. Mandoiu, and A.Z. Zelikovsky, “Multicommodity flow algorithms for buffered global routing,” In T.E. Gonzalez, editor, Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. CRC Press, 2007, pp. 80-1 – 80-18.

[C7]  A.B. Kahng, I.I. Mandoiu, S. Reda, X. Xu, and A.Z. Zelikovsky, “Computer-aided optimization of dna array design and manufacturing,” In K. Chakrabarty and J. Zeng, editors, Design Automation Methods and Tools for Microfluidics-Based Biochips. Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 235-269.

[C8]  P. Berman, G. Calinescu, C. Shah and A. Zelikovsky, "Efficient Energy Management in Sensor Networks," In Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless networks and Mobile Computing Vol. 2, Y. Xiao and Y. Pan (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, 2006, pp. 71-90.

[C9]  A. Zelikovsky, “Bottleneck Steiner Tree Problems,” In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos eds., June 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

[C10]  P. Berman and A. Zelikovsky, “On the Approximation of Power-p and Bottleneck Steiner Trees,” In: Advances in Steiner Trees, D-Z. Du, J.H. Rubinstein and J.M. Smith eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 117-135.

[C11]  M. Karpinski and A. Zelikovsky, “Approximating Dense Cases of Covering Problems,” In DIMACS Workshop on Network Design: Connectivity and Facilities Location, Princeton University, DIMACS series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 40, 1998, pp. 169-178.

Journal Articles

[J1]  Q. Cheng, R. Harrison and A. Zelikovsky, “MetNetAligner: a web service tool for metabolic network alignments,” Bioinformatics, (2009), to appear.

[J2]  D. Brinza and A. Zelikovsky, “2SNP: Scalable Phasing Method for Trios and Unrelated Individuals,” Journal of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), 6(1) (2008), pp. 313-318.

[J3]  D. Brinza and A. Zelikovsky, “Design and Validation of Methods Searching for Risk Factors in Genotype Case-Control Studies,” Journal of Computational Biology, 15(1) (2008), 81-90.

[J4]  I.M. Nolte, A.R. de Vries, G.T. Spijker, R.C. Jansen, D. Brinza, A. Zelikovsky, and G.J. te Meerman, “Association testing by haplotype-sharing methods applicable to whole-genome analysis,” BMC Proceedings 1(Suppl 1) (2007), S129.

[J5]  R. Albert, B. DasGupta, R. Dondi, E. Sontag, A. Zelikovsky, K. Westbrooks, "A Novel Method for Signal Transduction Network Inference from Indirect Experimental Evidence", Journal of Computational Biology, 14(7) (2007), pp. 927-949.

[J6]  N. Hundewale, S. Jung and A. Zelikovsky, “Energy Efficiency of Load Balancing in MANET Routing Protocols,” Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(1) (2007), pp. 110-132.

[J7]  J. He and A. Zelikovsky, "Informative SNP Selection Based on SNP Prediction", IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 6(1) (2007), pp. 60-67.

[J8]  A. B. Kahng, I. I. Mandoiu, X. Xu and A. Zelikovsky, "Enhanced Design Flow and Optimizations for Multi-Project Wafers", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 26(2) (2007), pp. 301-311.

[J9]  C. Chiang, A. B. Kahng, S. Sinha, X. Xu, and A. Zelikovsky, "Fast and Efficient Bright-Field AAPSM Conflict Detection and Correction," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 26(1) (2007), pp.115-126..

[J10]  J. He and A. Zelikovsky, “MLR-Tagging: Informative SNP Selection for Unphased Genotypes Based on Multiple Linear Regression,” Bioinformatics, 22(20) (2006), 2558–61.

[J11]  E. Althaus, G. Calinescu, I. Mandoiu, S. Prasad, N. Tchervenski and A. Zelikovsky, "Power Efficient Range Assignment for Symmetric Connectivity in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks," Wireless Networks, 12(3) (2006), pp. 287-299.

[J12]  A. B. Kahng, I. I. Mandoiu, S. Reda, X. Xu and A. Zelikovsky, "Computer-Aided Optimization of DNA Array Design and Manufacturing," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 25(2) (2006), pp.305-320.

[J13]  D. Brinza and A. Zelikovsky, "2SNP: Scalable Phasing Based on 2-SNP Haplotypes," Bioinformatics, 22(3) (2006), pp. 371-373.

[J14]  D. Lozovanu, D. Solomon, and A. Zelikovsky, "Multiobjective games and determining Pareto-Nash equilibria,” Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova, Math, 3(49) (2005), pp. 115- 122.

[J15]  J. He, K. Westbrooks and A. Zelikovsky, "Linear Reduction Methods for Tag SNP Selection,” Intl Journal on Bioinformatics Research & Applications, 1(3) (2005), pp. 249-260.

[J16]  D. Brinza, J. He, W. Mao and A. Zelikovsky, "Phasing and Missing data recovery in Family Trios,” Intl Journal on Bioinformatics Research & Applications, 1(2) (2005), pp. 221-229.

[J17]  Y. Chen, A. B. Kahng, G. Robins, A. Zelikovsky and Y. Zheng, “Compressible Area Fill Synthesis of Area Fill Layout Information,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(8) (2005), 1169-1187.

[J18]  Robins, G. and A. Zelikovsky, “Improved Steiner Tree Approximation in Graphs,” SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 19(1) (2005), pp.122-134. SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize Awarded in 2007.

[J19]  G. Calinescu and A. Zelikovsky, "The Polymatroid Steiner Problems," Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 9(3) (2005), pp. 281-294.

[J20]  M. Karpinski, I. Mandoiu, A. Olshevsky and A. Zelikovsky, “Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Quality of Service Steiner Tree Problem,” Algorithmica 42(2) (2005), pp. 109-120.

[J21]  A. B. Kahng, I. Mandoiu, P. Pevzner, S. Reda and A. Zelikovsky, "Scalable Heuristics for Design of DNA Probe Arrays," Journal of Computational Biology 11(2) (2004), pp. 429-448.

[J22]  G. Calinescu, I. Mandoiu, P.-J. Wan and A. Zelikovsky, “Selecting Forwarding neighbors in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” ACM Mobile Networks&Applications 9(2) (2004), pp. 101-111.

[J23]  C. H. Helvig, G. Robins and A. Zelikovsky, “Moving-Target TSP and Related Problems,” Journal of Algorithms 49 (2003), pp. 153-174.

[J24]  C. Albrecht, A. B. Kahng, B. Liu, I. Mandoiu and A. Zelikovsky, “On the Skew Bounded Minimum-Buffer Routing Tree Problem,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 22(7) (2003), pp. 937-944.

[J25]  G. Calinescu, C. G. Fernandes, H. Karloff and A. Zelikovsky, “A new approximation algorithm for finding heavy planar subgraphs,” Algorithmica 36 (2003) pp. 179-205.